Stracraft 2
<div class="IPBDescription">is there any info on this?</div> like will it even be released?! i heard some rumours in my room and i just wanted to clarify/deny... so i figured this would be a good place to ask <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
anyone got anythin?
anyone got anythin?
And Team Fortress 2 : BrotherHood Of Arms.
And Team Fortress 2 : BrotherHood Of Arms. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Weren't you on vacation?
This sounds actually halfway plausible:<ul><li>WoW is one hell of a project, but will also afford Blizzard substantional and long-lasting funding once released. It's thus unlikely that they'll be able to go deeply into a new project until this one is out of the way.</li><li>SC:G revisits the Star Craft universe. We do not know much about the plot yet, but it'd only be logical to use this game to kick-start SC2s storyline.</li><li>Blizzards three big franchises are WC, Diablo, and SC. Seeing that the former two recieved by far more attention throughout the last years, it'd be logical to get back to the space opera.</li></ul>All I have to say about the issue is that I would buy SC2 if it consisted of an empty jewel case with snazzy box art.
This sounds actually halfway plausible:<ul><li>WoW is one hell of a project, but will also afford Blizzard substantional and long-lasting funding once released. It's thus unlikely that they'll be able to go deeply into a new project until this one is out of the way.</li><li>SC:G revisits the Star Craft universe. We do not know much about the plot yet, but it'd only be logical to use this game to kick-start SC2s storyline.</li><li>Blizzards three big franchises are WC, Diablo, and SC. Seeing that the former two recieved by far more attention throughout the last years, it'd be logical to get back to the space opera.</li></ul>All I have to say about the issue is that I would buy SC2 if it consisted of an empty jewel case with snazzy box art. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ooh, look at Mr. Moneypance, who would only buy Starcraft 2 if it had a fancy jewelcase. Some people are so stingy. I myself would slaughter for one of the 1's or 0's that make up its code.
Give me half an hour with Photoshop then meet me on ebay! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The Diablo boxart wasn't anything special. And even Starcraft was kinda... meh. They seem to have a thing with floating heads draped in shadows there at the Blizzard box art dept.
Now go kill someone!
Night Elf box > all.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Ah, I would pay for rumours of hints of rumours of information about SC2.
This sounds actually halfway plausible:<ul><li>WoW is one hell of a project, but will also afford Blizzard substantional and long-lasting funding once released. It's thus unlikely that they'll be able to go deeply into a new project until this one is out of the way.</li><li>SC:G revisits the Star Craft universe. We do not know much about the plot yet, but it'd only be logical to use this game to kick-start SC2s storyline.</li><li>Blizzards three big franchises are WC, Diablo, and SC. Seeing that the former two recieved by far more attention throughout the last years, it'd be logical to get back to the space opera.</li></ul>All I have to say about the issue is that I would buy SC2 if it consisted of an empty jewel case with snazzy box art. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Whatever day SC2 is released South Korea will make it a national holiday <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Ah, I would pay for rumours of hints of rumours of information about SC2. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
its gonna be in the future.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Whatever day SC2 is released South Korea will make it a national holiday <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
doesnt korea have people that get payed to play incredibly awesome starcraft? i think i saw that. some guys play, and what they are doing plays over a bunch of tvs, and the crowd watchs. as i recall, they get payed buttloads.
Not necessarily.
TBH- I don't think Blizzard could pull off a sequel. Warcraft 3 was fun, but after a while lost its fun. Starcraft: Ghost, after seeing gameplay videos, looks like a really crappy future-based MGS3(and I emphasize the crappy). World of Warcraft isn't anything special, basically Everquest in the Warcraft world, except its even harder to sell your crafted items now(and the graphics aren't even that great- FFXI has better, and its already out, AND for the PS2!!!). And Diablo 2 wasn't exactly as "Oh, my, God." as its predecessor was.
I think Blizzard lost their flare when so many people left. I hope they'd have the skill to pull off SC2, but I don't think they do anymore.
A: Although we have not made any announcements and do not have a development or release timeline, we do fully intend to revisit the world of StarCraft on PC at some point in the future.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I think Ghost looks great, personally.
And World of Warcraft takes a great stance on art content. The graphics aren't the best, but they fit together to form what actually becomes a gorgeous work of art. I've been really impressed with everything I've seen there. The art <i>style</i> is what defines it, not the technology. That's the way it should be.
Not necessarily.
TBH- I don't think Blizzard could pull off a sequel. Warcraft 3 was fun, but after a while lost its fun. Starcraft: Ghost, after seeing gameplay videos, looks like a really crappy future-based MGS3(and I emphasize the crappy). World of Warcraft isn't anything special, basically Everquest in the Warcraft world, except its even harder to sell your crafted items now(and the graphics aren't even that great- FFXI has better, and its already out, AND for the PS2!!!). And Diablo 2 wasn't exactly as "Oh, my, God." as its predecessor was.
I think Blizzard lost their flare when so many people left. I hope they'd have the skill to pull off SC2, but I don't think they do anymore. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
and i disagree, i havent played diablo 2, or diablo 1 even, but i have played all the warcrafts, and warcraft 3 has by far the best story. it has great gameplay also. i dont play it much because the community is more worried about making new original long maps, than fun maps. starcraft had some amazing custom maps, and i still like to play them sometimes.
also i think ghost looks, great. it will be entirely different experience in the starcraft universe, and i cant wait.
WOW i duno, it looks really cool, but i never got into the MMORPGs because i think once i buy i game, i would like to be able to own that game and play it without having to pump out more cash
The Warcraft 3 Box Art was handpainted by some kind of a God.
I think Ghost looks great, personally.
And World of Warcraft takes a great stance on art content. The graphics aren't the best, but they fit together to form what actually becomes a gorgeous work of art. I've been really impressed with everything I've seen there. The art <i>style</i> is what defines it, not the technology. That's the way it should be. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
While I agree, how bad they did with the engine is unforgiveable. Just look at FFXI- it has a heavy, HEAVY anime influence, and just by looking around, you feel like your playing Final Fantasy. And the graphics STILL rock.
WoW though, has blocky character models(I hope thats made better before release- for God's sake, the NS character models are less blocky than that), the textures are insanely low resolution, and spell effects are absolute trash. I'm a big fan of art style, but you DO have to keep up with the times ya know.
And my biggest beef with SC:G is that it looks like a pure action game, with stealth bits. Thing is, Ghosts were NEVER about action- they were always stealth, PURE stealth. I could understand a few action sequences, but from what I saw, all it is, is a action game with tons of puzzles. Just check out the E3 video for proof- in that time frame, I saw 0 stealthyness AT ALL, a little bit of action, and about 10x the amount of exploring and puzzles. Now, I like exploring, but puzzles in a action/stealth game have NEVER been a good thing, and the ones they shown didn't look particularly fun, either.
And yeah, Warcraft III had a great story. But gameplay? No, I'm sorry. It just didn't "feel" right. See, I played Starcraft for a loooong time. Loved it. Same with Warcraft II. So I wasn't a stranger to the period or anything. Its just that it didn't feel like a Real Time Strategy game. It felt like it was a half-assed RPG with a half-assed RTS. Fun for a few hours(long enough to complete the story), but otherwise, I hated it. Got bored too soon.
He can still go kill someone.
And was that box art really hand-painted? Oh...Gee...Em!
A: Although we have not made any announcements and do not have a development or release timeline, we do fully intend to revisit the world of StarCraft on PC at some point in the future.
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The next visit to the Starcraft world on PC is just SC:G, yes? So this doesn't mean they're gonna do another RTS? Why do all these game developers have to talk in doublespeak when they're already behind schedule <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif' /><!--endemo-->