Chronicles Of Riddick
Basher of Muttons Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 103Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor

in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">Another game thread!</div> So originally I had planned to wait a while on this one, but after seeing nothing but rave reviews of it today, I decided to go ahead and snag it after work. Played through the first few levels, and hot damn is this one a beaut. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Graphics are top-notch for the Xbox... we're talking Doom3/Halo 2 SP quality here. I've heard comments that it actually looks better than Doom3 Xbox, but that really doesn't matter to me since I know the PC version will blow that away... but I digress. The engine runs very smoothly, and while there's a bit in the way of jagged edges, you really can't expect FSAA on a console, let alone on this tech. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The atmosphere is gritty and dark... just the levels I've played so far all are very claustrophobic, but they fit the setting perfectly. The art style is great, and the voice acting and characters add a lot to the scene.
Controls are great. Those of you who don't like FPS controls on consoles won't like it of course, but you've got your standard left control stick for movement and the right for looking around. A jumps, Y switches active weapons (in the early areas, make sure you stay away from guards with anything but your fists), B brings up active health dialogs and X serves as the action key. Clicking the left stick will put you in stealth mode, which has you crouch and sneak about silently. If you are in the dark (i.e. invisible) while this is active, your screen also gains a blue hue. When in this mode, you can use the d-pad to peek around corners. Left trigger serves as a blocking stance and the right trigger fires or swings a punch/stabs/whatever. Melee combat actually works fairly well, for being an FPS.
Gameplay is pretty straightforward, but has some cool components. Melee is pretty good, as I just mentioned. There's fun options to grab someone and break their neck, but if you don't act quickly enough they'll run off and then try to kill you (makes sense, really). You can't pick up weapons off dead guards, as they are DNA-encoded to that guard and will shock you if you try to pick them up. This forces you to be a bit more resourceful than usual. A number of third person movement options are available from climbing on objects to climbing across pipes and hanging on ledges. My personal favorite mechanic is the ability to grab an enemy's gun during combat as they try to swing it at you - if you time it right, you grab onto the gun, then aim it up at their head and fire. It's pretty impressive.
Definitely an M game - strongest language I've heard in a game to date and plenty bloody and violent, but definitely worth a look. Seems like a game that will rank high on the Xbox must-buy lists. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Graphics are top-notch for the Xbox... we're talking Doom3/Halo 2 SP quality here. I've heard comments that it actually looks better than Doom3 Xbox, but that really doesn't matter to me since I know the PC version will blow that away... but I digress. The engine runs very smoothly, and while there's a bit in the way of jagged edges, you really can't expect FSAA on a console, let alone on this tech. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The atmosphere is gritty and dark... just the levels I've played so far all are very claustrophobic, but they fit the setting perfectly. The art style is great, and the voice acting and characters add a lot to the scene.
Controls are great. Those of you who don't like FPS controls on consoles won't like it of course, but you've got your standard left control stick for movement and the right for looking around. A jumps, Y switches active weapons (in the early areas, make sure you stay away from guards with anything but your fists), B brings up active health dialogs and X serves as the action key. Clicking the left stick will put you in stealth mode, which has you crouch and sneak about silently. If you are in the dark (i.e. invisible) while this is active, your screen also gains a blue hue. When in this mode, you can use the d-pad to peek around corners. Left trigger serves as a blocking stance and the right trigger fires or swings a punch/stabs/whatever. Melee combat actually works fairly well, for being an FPS.
Gameplay is pretty straightforward, but has some cool components. Melee is pretty good, as I just mentioned. There's fun options to grab someone and break their neck, but if you don't act quickly enough they'll run off and then try to kill you (makes sense, really). You can't pick up weapons off dead guards, as they are DNA-encoded to that guard and will shock you if you try to pick them up. This forces you to be a bit more resourceful than usual. A number of third person movement options are available from climbing on objects to climbing across pipes and hanging on ledges. My personal favorite mechanic is the ability to grab an enemy's gun during combat as they try to swing it at you - if you time it right, you grab onto the gun, then aim it up at their head and fire. It's pretty impressive.
Definitely an M game - strongest language I've heard in a game to date and plenty bloody and violent, but definitely worth a look. Seems like a game that will rank high on the Xbox must-buy lists. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<a href='' target='_blank'>I'm so confused.</a>
Is it better in the real game? Whats the story? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
[edit] Sure, capping a guard with his own gun is fun, but sneaking up behind him for a stealth kill with a screwdriver is far more rewarding. [/edit]
1) It looks *gorgeous*. This has more kinds of graphical mappings than I can invent names for. The models are using the Unreal 3 approach - 10-15k poly models, with skins/bump mapping created from models with polys in the <i>millions</i>. The result: extremely realistic detail, muscle definition, shading, and more. The shadows are DOOM3-like in that they're fairly dark-or-not, but it's an understandable limitation.
2) The voice acting is top-notch. I really haven't found a weak link yet; lots of character in everyone I've talked to, and a few big names. Vin Diesel, of course, does Riddick's voice. The guy who played Johns in <i>Pitch Black</i> is back, and there are a few other notables as well. Ron Perlman (<i>Hellboy</i>) voices a big shot named Jagger Valance who I've yet to meet - I'm currently looking for him, and am quite interested to see how he did.
3) The script is not great, but above average certainly. The story, while simple, has a fair bit of complexity it and stays interesting. Yes, you're trying to escape from Butcher Bay, but that's only the bigger picture. You start in the regular "Max" facility, where you start a riot and get thrown into The Pit. When you make it out of *that* and have a run through the guards' quarters, they throw you into the Double-Max mines below the surface. There's an automated sentry turret mounted to the wall every 10 feet, and so much as swinging a fist in view of one of them prompts a warning and then gunfire. Now I'm in the mines, dodging guards and looking for Jagger Valance - who will hopefully show me a way out. I have a feeling I'll end up in the "Triple-Max" tower, however, in which one last arc will unfold.
4) The gameplay is complex but accessible and definitely varied. Different segments focus on different elements, and while they don't hold you to a specific style of play (stealth vs. guns-blazing, etc), there is generally a better solution for a given scenario. Faced with a riot-control guard in full exoskeletal armor, you're not going to try and take him with your club. Just stick to the shadows.
So far I have encountered:
-a- mini-missions for people in the prison - kill so-and-so, get such-and-such, find out what happened to that guy, etc. These advance the plot and also can unlock extras such as concept art, movie stills, trailers, and more. The beginning of the first and second arc has you unarmed and on non-hostile terms with the guards (stay away from them, they don't beat you with the butts of their rifles). Take someone out in a dark corner, challenge someone to a fight in the rec area, etc.
-b- standard shoot-em-up. You gain access to some weapons in the first arc (hard, because they're DNA encoded to authorized personnel only) and go on a rampage through the guards' quarters, searching for an access to the Spaceport.
-c- stealthy bits. You and your fists, maybe a shiv (knife, screwdriver, scalpel, etc), and the dark. Sneak up behind people and grab 'em for a slow, quiet neck break. If you don't have time, you can do the quick and dirty (and loud), and if you've got a shiv you can get a pretty nasty result. Against an armed guard, you can even grab his weapon and turn it up under his own chin... grisly, but definitely effective. But through it all you NEED the element of surprise. Get the drop on someone (literally!), strike from the darkness, and whatever you do hide the evidence. Crawl through vents to get around guards (or just behind them (; ), shut out the lights to give you and your shined eyes the advantage. Just watch out for their flashlights; they'll blind you if they shine right at you.
-d- time-sensitive. I only found one of these so far, but it was a definite change from the preceding segment. Before you get your eyes shined, you find yourself in a dark place with a busted flashlight that has 6 minutes of battery power left. It's you, a shotgun, and a large number of quickly disposed though thoroughly creepy enemies, and you've got 6 minutes to find your way through the dark and get out. Great atmosphere.
The whole thing is just excellently put together and executed. Shortly after you get into the Infirmiry you start meeting guards who know you're not supposed to be there. The first 6 or 7 before I got a gun were only 6 or 7, but they were great kills. Neck breaks from behind, one I got the drop on hanging from the ceiling, and just going toe-to-toe in the pretty well-done melee combat system.
One last note: like Thief 3, this game features full-body awareness. If you crouch and look at the ground, your knee will block the side of your view. If you look over to the side at your shadow, you'll see yourself in profile, looking over your own shoulder - turn a little further, and you'll turn your whole body to face the wall. If someone hits you with a club, your whole perspective will reel as you react to the blow, and it'll take an instant to collect yourself and re-face your opponent. It takes a little getting used to, but it's a very cool change from the floating camera in HL, Quake, and Unreal.
It may be a short game (I've gotten two very fulfilling days out of it so far), but even so it's at least worth a rental. I know I missed some cigs (The Pit) and some of the missions in the mines courtyards, so there'd be replay in it for me. But quit reading my opinion and go get it.
Like he and I said, great game, but incredibly short for your money. Make it a rental.
Others though use the environment very well, though I still think it could have been done better- MUCH better.
All said and done, I'd give it a 85%
Probably had a bunch extra. I know we usually give out promo items randomly after the game comes out, since there's no more need for pre-release stuff <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Oh, KFS.... you haven't played Kingpin, have you? <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> Or Deathrow?
Stealth kills are fun, too:
1) with fists, you can either do a slow, quiet neck break or a loud one after which you push him disdainfully to the ground.
2) with a screwdriver, scalpel, or other shiv, a quick stab in the throat gets things over with in a hurry.
3) with a club, you bash the backs of his knees and he falls to the ground, putting his head at perfect level for your return swing. Discreet? No. Satisfying? Yep.
4) If you ever find yourself dangling from a rafter far over a guard's head, drop on him. He'll break your fall... among other things. ^^