Just Beat Ninja Gaiden
Worst. Critic. Ever. Join Date: 2002-04-17 Member: 462Members, NS1 Playtester

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<div class="IPBDescription">pwns pwns pwns</div>Man this game pwns...
Anybody else beat it? If so, see below (Spoilers if you haven't beaten it) cause there are a couple things I'm just not understanding...
Did Ryu really die at the end of Stage 2? He looked pretty dead in the cutscene. And then there was that deal w/ the owl spirit coming down and such, and at the end of the ending cinematic Ryu jumps off a ledge and the owl flies back up to the moon...
When the heck does this game take place anyway, in regards to the original series timeline? Methinks its either a prequel. Ryu mentions his father being not dead, which means either Ninja Gaiden 1 hasn't happened yet, OR this Ryu is actually the classic Ninja Gaiden Ryu's son. I think prequel is a bit more likely, but that's just me.
Who was the chick who died w/ the glowing jewel in her hands? Did she have a name and serve any purpose other than dying w/ the jewel in her hands?
The other chick, who threw you the notes attached to a knife. Was she aware of the.. errm... trechary (without saying it too directly for those that are reading this and shouldn't be)? She had a guilty look about her in the ending cutscene...
This game had some great homages to the classic series. For example, one of the throws you get is straight from the classic Arcade version of Ninja Gaiden which I bet none of you ever played. It pretty much sucked except for the throw. :P
Also they had the fire wheel spell, but what I really liked was that the final key to the boss realm was the The Dark Statue of the Demon from Ninja Gaiden 1, in 3D and all prettied up.
<img src='http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/gallery/darkstat.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Anybody else beat it? If so, see below (Spoilers if you haven't beaten it) cause there are a couple things I'm just not understanding...
Did Ryu really die at the end of Stage 2? He looked pretty dead in the cutscene. And then there was that deal w/ the owl spirit coming down and such, and at the end of the ending cinematic Ryu jumps off a ledge and the owl flies back up to the moon...
When the heck does this game take place anyway, in regards to the original series timeline? Methinks its either a prequel. Ryu mentions his father being not dead, which means either Ninja Gaiden 1 hasn't happened yet, OR this Ryu is actually the classic Ninja Gaiden Ryu's son. I think prequel is a bit more likely, but that's just me.
Who was the chick who died w/ the glowing jewel in her hands? Did she have a name and serve any purpose other than dying w/ the jewel in her hands?
The other chick, who threw you the notes attached to a knife. Was she aware of the.. errm... trechary (without saying it too directly for those that are reading this and shouldn't be)? She had a guilty look about her in the ending cutscene...
This game had some great homages to the classic series. For example, one of the throws you get is straight from the classic Arcade version of Ninja Gaiden which I bet none of you ever played. It pretty much sucked except for the throw. :P
Also they had the fire wheel spell, but what I really liked was that the final key to the boss realm was the The Dark Statue of the Demon from Ninja Gaiden 1, in 3D and all prettied up.
<img src='http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/gallery/darkstat.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
"Devs: I want this game to <b>literally</b> take l33t ninja skillz to beat! Bring in the playtesters!
Playtesters: HWAAAA!! *Beats game in five seconds* Too easy, young grasshopper!"
60 hit combos are commonplace - even on simple little enemies. Vagoorian (think that's it) Flails = wootage. Had to take it back though, I think I was getting close to the end...I remember getting the thing that lets you breathe under water indfiniately, but I think I was further than that.
Lava Dragon and the one boss in the sewer/aqueduct place are the coolest bosses...They're awesome and they look cool. They're also not overly hard like most of the others...
Especially the one in the church...blech, she's so cheap with her flying around and throwing stuff, picking you up and then beam cannon-ing you. I think I'll buy it, once I've got a couple of other games out of the way first. It's fun, but I don't think it has the greatest replay value (although I hear one of the end unlockable things is cool.
Those ninjas that throw exploding shurikens were really, really annoying for a long time: then you learn to wall jump; Y button in mid-air, leap back to wall before getting hit; repeat <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> .
On another note: the first boss is kindof hard because you're still getting used to the game, and it's easy once you figure out that you can just bound off the wall and come down on him repeatedly. Lava dragon is still my favorite - maybe because it was one of the few obvious 'hey, your map has a giant cavern on it: boss fight ahead' moments. Some of them just sneak up on you <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> .
Shurikens are awesome. So very awesome.
We're not sure if Ryu really died after getting countered by Doku. However, the common idea is that the raven (not owl, also it's a raven because of his name, Hayabusa, means Raven) "resurrected" him. Another idea is that Murai healed Ryu or resurrected him using demon magic or something. The raven reappears because that is his clan guardian spirit thingy.
I'm not sure when the game takes place in regards to the other Gaidens, but it's before the whole DOA tournaments.
The chick who died, or Kureha, was Ryu's childhood friend and fellow guardian of the Dragon Sword Crystal and Dark Dragon Sword. The "glowy thing" was the crystal which she was trying to give to Ryu so he could get the True Dragon Sword right there, but Ryu was dumb and just put it on her grave instead.
Ayane, who threw the orchid (I think its orchid) kunai to guide you probably had no idea that she was working for a demon as well as the Dark Disciple (emporer dude). She was just being raised by him as a ninja since her clan wanted her to be raised in secret, so they sent her to him. She goes on to be a character in the DOA series. My idea is that she was guilty at the end when she realised the truth.
<img src='http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/gallery/darkstat.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's too bad all these r337 sequels are made for consoles...
<img src='http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/gallery/darkstat.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's too bad all these r337 sequels are made for consoles... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah.. just like the originals.. i mean what the hell when the original 3 are on console why not make the other for pc, right? :P
Oh and Transmission, WTH does ninja gaiden have to do with Dead Or Alive? O.o I mean you don't go adding stuff to the Zelda timeline cause Link was in Soul Calibur do ya? :P
Soul Calibur II, he was the GameCube exclusive character.
I'm not sure when the game takes place in regards to the other Gaidens, but it's before the whole DOA tournaments.
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Wait...the main character in Ninja Gaiden is one of the chars in Dead or Alive? If so, they should have left him in 1337n1nj4 mode.
I havn't played it yet because I seen screenshots of it and..well, it looks like the kind of games I hate mose. Is it 1 on 1's? Like Tekken and such? Cause those are just horrible games..
I havn't played it yet because I seen screenshots of it and..well, it looks like the kind of games I hate mose. Is it 1 on 1's? Like Tekken and such? Cause those are just horrible games.. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
It is not a figthing game in that sense. It is more or less a platform game.
I havn't played it yet because I seen screenshots of it and..well, it looks like the kind of games I hate mose. Is it 1 on 1's? Like Tekken and such? Cause those are just horrible games.. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
The most you'll ever probably face is 8 v 1, but it ranges for everything in between. More often than not though, it's 3 or 4 vs you.
And Doom, at least this version of Ninja Gaiden is in the same "world" so to speak as DOA, as the characters are supposed to go on to there. So says my friend with DOA, so I might be horribly wrong.
I had just put the 4 keys in place in that demon infested place, under the castle.
I hate those ghost fish...they're so annoying - take off so much health, and the only defense is fireshield magic or swinging your flails like a madman and hoping they don't get in during any of the open spots.
I wanna lay some smack down on those damned fish, send them back to demon-land where they belong. First time I saw them, I thought they were a deterrent and not an enemy because I couldn't think of a way to get passed them...
That ended in my looking around the Labyrinth entrance for a good 10 minutes before just running in there and dieing 2 or 3 times before casting electric ninpo and owning everything (level 3 electic > you <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo--> - despite fire shield being more effective against the ghost fishies).
I should re-rent it for the extras I've heard about before [spoilers] which include NG 1 and 2 and something really cool no one wants to talk about because it's an alternate costume or something - and I don't want to know until I beat it.
Oh and Ninja Gaiden 3 is also in the game. I'm playing through a second time and there's still 4 scarabs I gotta find :X :X :X
And yes, the fish suck. A lot. Man they suck.
Once they're released, sure.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Oh and Ninja Gaiden 3 is also in the game. I'm playing through a second time and there's still 4 scarabs I gotta find :X :X :X
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Wasn't 2 more Streets of Rage, and 3 had Aliens?
I know where they are. If you're getting to the point where you feel the need to reach out and stab someone in frustration, I <i>could</i> tell you where they all are.
*** SPOILER ***
<span style='color:black'>If you find all the Scrabs in <i>Ninja Gaiden</i> you get NG3.</span>
And I won't bother w/ puttnig it in spoiler tags cause its not a spoiler...
All 50 scarabs unlocked the original NES Ninja Gaiden.
After you get NG1, you shoot the clock tower w/ a bow to get NG2 (or something like that)
For NG3, which you get either after NG1, or after NG2, or at anytime at all (FAQs conflict on this) its in some passageway.
I am on the stage WITH the Clocktower, the Vigoor Capital. And I'll say this- the game BEFORE beating horsey guy was good, but now its just pwn. I lub it. Yay for A->Yatenemy.
Wow. I'm wrong. I guess there <i>is</i> a first time for everything.