Nstxt - A Natural Selection Text Adventure / Rpg
Rock Bottom Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15175Members, Constellation

Well, as some of you know, i've been working on a little project known as NStxt. As the title of this thread suggests, it's a Natural Selection text adventure. Originally it started up as a way for me to get into learning C++, but now it's evolved into a constant learning process, and while it's given me it's fair share of headaches, it's still fun.
Some of you may remember from a thread a long time back that i was starting this, and after 3 unsucessful and badly programmed builds, i'm on my 4th rewrite, and i can pretty much comfortably say, for now, that this is the "one", if you see what i mean.
So i figure that it's about time to release some info as to how it's standing and where it's going in the future.
When it's (Finally.) released, it will be Windows only, but i'll either release the source code so ports can be done, or hand out the source code for anyone who requests it. The WIP source won't be released. This may sound like a bad idea, but i'm trying to learn, and i learn better when i make my own mistakes and resolve my own issues.
Anyway, here's what it will feature when it's finally done, italic features means they're not yet coded / written:<ul><li> Original science fiction story, set in the NS universe.</li><li> Stat based combat system.</li><li> Upgrades, including <i>motion tracking</i>, weapons and armour upgrades.</li><li> Enough content to last more than 5 minutes.</li><li> Number of well-known Natural Selection weapons.</li><li> Vast map to explore, with help from the NS Fanfic Forum for fleshing out.</li><li> <i>A number of puzzles to solve.</i></li><li> Armoury humping.</li><li> <i>The ability to collect the powerup and win the game.</i></li><li> Free, tiny download. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--></li></ul>Well, that's all i can remember off the top of my head anyway. Now some of you may be wondering as to why i'm posting about something so, well, insignificant and unfinished at this time.... well... I just want to, ok. What's the point of doing this if nobody will play it. Oh, that's right, to learn programming..... er.... shut up.
Well, as one of you may be wondering (Gotta aim high.), the main "engine", as it were, is nearing completion, and is completely free from errors. If you want to take a look at how it will play in the future, take a look at this <a href='http://esuna.thezazi.net/nstxt/builds/nstxt0212-setup.exe' target='_blank'>extremely early alpha build</a> and have a little look around, although i warn you, there's little there. And for anyone who can't be bothered to download that, heres an exciting screenshot.
<img src='http://esuna.thezazi.net/nstxt/excitingscreenshot2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Aside from doing most of this myself, i have a thread <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=67661' target='_blank'>here in the fanfic forum</a> requesting help with some additional writing. Any assistance would be great, and you too can get involved in the hottest Natural Selection based text adventure. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Anyway, i'm going to stop rambling without a point now. My pimping is done.
Here's a few commands currently in the alpha build:
stat**** - EDIT: er, the asterisked part is another word for a "woman of ill repute"
go <direction>
exit \ quit
Some of you may remember from a thread a long time back that i was starting this, and after 3 unsucessful and badly programmed builds, i'm on my 4th rewrite, and i can pretty much comfortably say, for now, that this is the "one", if you see what i mean.
So i figure that it's about time to release some info as to how it's standing and where it's going in the future.
When it's (Finally.) released, it will be Windows only, but i'll either release the source code so ports can be done, or hand out the source code for anyone who requests it. The WIP source won't be released. This may sound like a bad idea, but i'm trying to learn, and i learn better when i make my own mistakes and resolve my own issues.
Anyway, here's what it will feature when it's finally done, italic features means they're not yet coded / written:<ul><li> Original science fiction story, set in the NS universe.</li><li> Stat based combat system.</li><li> Upgrades, including <i>motion tracking</i>, weapons and armour upgrades.</li><li> Enough content to last more than 5 minutes.</li><li> Number of well-known Natural Selection weapons.</li><li> Vast map to explore, with help from the NS Fanfic Forum for fleshing out.</li><li> <i>A number of puzzles to solve.</i></li><li> Armoury humping.</li><li> <i>The ability to collect the powerup and win the game.</i></li><li> Free, tiny download. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--></li></ul>Well, that's all i can remember off the top of my head anyway. Now some of you may be wondering as to why i'm posting about something so, well, insignificant and unfinished at this time.... well... I just want to, ok. What's the point of doing this if nobody will play it. Oh, that's right, to learn programming..... er.... shut up.
Well, as one of you may be wondering (Gotta aim high.), the main "engine", as it were, is nearing completion, and is completely free from errors. If you want to take a look at how it will play in the future, take a look at this <a href='http://esuna.thezazi.net/nstxt/builds/nstxt0212-setup.exe' target='_blank'>extremely early alpha build</a> and have a little look around, although i warn you, there's little there. And for anyone who can't be bothered to download that, heres an exciting screenshot.
<img src='http://esuna.thezazi.net/nstxt/excitingscreenshot2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Aside from doing most of this myself, i have a thread <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=67661' target='_blank'>here in the fanfic forum</a> requesting help with some additional writing. Any assistance would be great, and you too can get involved in the hottest Natural Selection based text adventure. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Anyway, i'm going to stop rambling without a point now. My pimping is done.
Here's a few commands currently in the alpha build:
stat**** - EDIT: er, the asterisked part is another word for a "woman of ill repute"
go <direction>
exit \ quit
I remember the first "alpha" that consisted of one room.
It differs. If there's more than one exit it's "Exits are:", but if it's just one exit, it's "Exit is:".
2 thoughts though:
1) needs ingame "help" command. :)
2) why the installer? Its just one exe...
Obvious Exits are: NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS.
You can't get ye LMG.
And BTW, I expect it to say "You are teh awesome! You r found the ultimate secretxor!!!!" whenever one types in my name.
On a side note, I think it's pretty fun <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Um i got to a part where it dosn't do anything....no matter what way I try to go it leads nowhere......i got kinda **** lol
Oh, and it has an ingame help command, i've just not put in the text for it yet, heh. Considering i wrote the thing, and i'm the tester, i don't need it much. But it will be there.
I can imagine it now...
"Knife Onos
You Pwned the Onos!"
> kinfe onos
The Onos feels your first strike and bites your head off.
BTW Esuna, I'd love to do writing for you on this. I know exactly how to write the stuff(I wrote for a MUD once. Don't know which, guy just asked me to write about a area with Orcs. Whoop dee doo). If I could be included on this, I think it'd be pretty cool.
A command that'll never see daylight.
A command that'll never see daylight. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
A command that was in every previous alpha, and due people whining at me, will probably be in this one too. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
omg mantrid is winnar
"You see a HMG on the floor"
"Do you wish to drop your current weapon and get the HMG?"
"Cannot get HMG"
"You see a HMG on the floor"
"Do you wish to drop your current weapon and get the HMG?"
"Cannot get HMG"
WHY THE HELL CANT I PICK IT UP!?! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Because you have no HANDS!
As far as the next build goes, it's hinging on me spending a hell of a lot of time. The next build will be a "proper" demo. I'm not aiming for it to be too long (the demo, that is), but long enough to give you a taste of the full thing, and also a lot longer than the 4 cell test area i've used in each build up until now. Also, i'm still trying to think up a real name for the project. As you probably have guessed, the working title is NStxt, but i'm looking for a better name for the actual product.
So yeah, i've got a lot of work on my hands right now, and i'm currently trying to finalise the saving / loading. Right now the only bugs are the menu system when selecting "load". Rather than giving you a choice of slot to load (1-5), it takes you back to it's parent menu, which is getting on my nerves a bit. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Ontop of that bug, there's the small problem with saving monster data. What is currently implemented is that an encounter can be either random or pre-defined. When random, it doesn't matter that you've had the fight, it's more for breaking up the story and putting a bit of extra res in the pool. But when it's a pre-defined encounter (IE you will always encounter a specified enemy in a specified cell) it saves the status of the monster (Alive or dead) in a variable, this variable, however, is defined on the fly, and generally won't be the same. What i'm <i>trying</i> to do is save out this variable into a seperate file, as with all other statistics and such, which i can do perfectly fine. The problem is loading it back up. It loads the data into the array in the wrong order meaning you've defeated enemies where there isn't one, and you will encounter an enemy that you've already fought before. When it comes to Skulks and such, this isn't a problem since combat is pretty one-sided (In the marine's favour), but when it comes to the likes of a Fade or an Onos, you're gonna be pretty annoyed having to fight one of those again.
Other features i can add as and when i like, and will probably not be adding until after the demo release, will be:
:: the ability to request orders (A simple hint system, just gives you a nudge in the right direction if needed)
:: taunting (Will be the same ingame taunts, no real reason to this)
:: requesting weapons and weapons upgrades so you don't have to reach an armoury / arms lab / prototype lab / whatever to purchase new weapons. This is only an idea, it fits with NS more, but i don't like the ability to get your weapons and upgrades handed to you on a plate)
Motion Tracking will be available in the demo. I've not yet coded it, but the code's simple and i quite like it's ability. Basically, MT will allow you to see if you have enemies or such in nearby cells, meaning that if there is, you can find an alternate route if you wish to avoid combat. Simple, yet effective.
But anyway, i've rambled on too long over subjects i've probably already covered in this thread. So yeah, new build will be coming soon, just not that soon. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Natural Selection: Code CPP
*edit* And a reason for taunting: Gives a 50/50 roll to enemy to do critical damage, or just miss.
I can feel the Infocom-parsing suffering already.
Which chair do you mean? The comm chair or the comfy leather recliner?
What do you want to use the comm chair on?
> ME
The comm chair has no effect on you.
It is dark, you are likely to be eaten by a skulk.
You can't do that to the comm chair. Try typing HELP if this is your first time playing.
The comm chair is currently closed.
A disembodied voice says "OMG NOOB, BUILD AN IP!!!11!!"
You open the comm chair.
You have been eaten by a skulk. Your score was 0 out of a possible 100.
Edit: But not by me.
anyways, might as well ask. updates?
I'm not at a place to say, but lets just say its moving along, if rather slowly.
But rest assured, final product will be fun!