


  • es_quatroes_quatro Join Date: 2003-06-18 Member: 17468Members
    I've told people time and time again.

    Posting "I need X amount of $A stat" is stupid.

    What people need is first of all
    <u>Why you need it</u> - incoming fleet - need it to get artifact before update
    <u>If its a fleet</u> you need to say what odds you are up against. How much you will need.
    <b>NOT</b> just "I am under attack - send me Astros"
    Ultimately though, if you are alone and <b>NOT</b> near TSA alliance members you need to make friends and work in co-operation with them.
    I would only ever send money to an alliance member to upgrade a starbase at spend all points planets. Other than that I would try to help them out with my fleet. Sending money for a fleet is a <u>WASTE</u> because you lose 25% of the PP when you do. Give alot information if people can't derive a lot from themselves, saying which planets they are attacking, layout of the system.
    If you have failed to make enough of the right friends nearby do not expect the TSA to fully support you (by just sending you Astros) when you are under an attack by an alliance.
    If you fail to give information about the sort of help you need and give updates, then expect people to say **** off and stop begging.

    To all alliance members - the BEST way to help out an alliance member is to send fleet and fight with him. <u>UNLESS</u> his 'spend all points' planet is under attack and you can just massively upgrade the starbase.

    As for inviting any more alliance members in. I would recommend against it as the official AW alliances is only for scoring and has not a lot of ingame potential.

    Now if you keep getting attacked and asking for money you are either:
    A) REALLY S***
    B) Just plain ol' unlucky

    You should figure out what you could improve on and retry with a restart.

    Es Quatro
  • TransmissionTransmission Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14456Members
  • UnderDOGUnderDOG Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15221Members
    I just saved up 10k astros, so anyone wanna make a TA?
  • StakhanovStakhanov Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14448Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--UnderDOG+Jan 21 2004, 11:13 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (UnderDOG @ Jan 21 2004, 11:13 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I just saved up 10k astros, so anyone wanna make a TA? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Certainly. I'm only level 7 atm , but eating a starbase 15 should fix this.
  • GreyPawsGreyPaws Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8659Members
    hey WTH I just got my social science to 19 and my planet hit 17 population about 20 minutes later and is +0 does social have to be at 20 to gain 17+?
  • CplDavisCplDavis I hunt the arctic Snonos Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12097Members
    I posted this in the TSA forums as well but Ill put it here to incase anyone else is near an SA member

    I thought TGD had an NAP with SA but well whatever not anymore.

    OK Here is the quick lowdown. The crap just hit the fan.

    TGD members

    TGD NAP allies

    And myself currently occupy 6 Systems.


    SA alliance members

    SA NAP Members

    [F] alliance Members

    [F] NAP Members

    That equals out to be 7 of us vs 13 of them. We won 5 1/2 systems they own 6 1/2

    All of us have known this moment was comming but we didnt expect it to be so soon. There has been a HUGE arms race over the past weeks. The TGD systems that Im in are surrounded on 3 sides by the enemy.

    The TGD members each have several large fleets ready to go. I only have 3 planets so I have meh, errm 6 Crusiers and 480 Destroyers

    SA members and [F] NAPS have just started the initial invasion starting with me. Il be able to fend off the first fleet but all over we are getting incomming. The planet next to me owned by QBall is getting hit with 2 fleets of
    16 Transports
    103 Destroyer
    5 Cruiser
    44 Battleship

    Everyone is mobilizing their fleets, and diplomatic communications between the 2 seem to have ceased.

    The war has just begun.

    I dont expect to last long so Im hesitant to ask for any Money from anyone considering I only have 3 planets. SA members already took out my other ones.

    So Im just gonna fight to the death.

    Ill keep everyone posted on my final moments
  • UnderDOGUnderDOG Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15221Members
    Does anyone know what the second colum in the overall ranking page is?
    Ive been moving up quick (#442) and got +13 points, but i also have +81 in the unnammed colum, anyone know what it is?
    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    <!--QuoteBegin--UnderDOG+Jan 22 2004, 08:18 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (UnderDOG @ Jan 22 2004, 08:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Does anyone know what the second colum in the overall ranking page is?
    Ive been moving up quick (#442) and got +13 points, but i also have +81 in the unnammed colum, anyone know what it is?
    <a href='' target='_blank'></a> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    That's your increase in rank, i.e. you've moved up 81 to #442 from your ranking of #523 the previous day.
  • UnderDOGUnderDOG Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15221Members
    edited January 2004
    o wow, thats quite a jump.

    edit: stats just updated, and i jumped another 89 places today, wow. And i just conqured another planet, so it should keep going up
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation
    starting in about 5 days i will keep 10000 astro wars in reserve for others emergencies and my own, and possibly a trade agreement, just thought everyone should know because too many times have i spent my money when someone else needed it worse than me. (my area is pretty fight free, my system is my own completely now, cept for my 4 free planets around here)
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    In 2 days my new account will have a PL of 1 or more. I am attacking a AFK right now but its going to take a long time to get there.

    I am about to lose all but my first planet.
    I didn't want to do this but I spent 3000 Astros out of my 20k to up my 1st planet's SB to level 16. This will keep me safe for at least two days so I can trasfer the rest of my Astros to my new account and have a BIG advantage.

    "This <i>system</i> is DEAD! The wormhole experiments are over!"

    I wish you all luck in your futures! My system will fall in a matter of days, there is nothing left I can do, My god have mercy on our souls!.... <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    My new name and system:

    of Beta Marchab
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation
    yay 8.5 planets!!!!
  • MulletMullet Join Date: 2003-04-28 Member: 15910Members, Constellation
    yay 4 planets....... <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • eedioteediot Join Date: 2003-02-24 Member: 13903Members
    majin what system coords
  • BurncycleBurncycle Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9759Members, NS1 Playtester
    Alright guys, we've got a NAP with APG and TAA. They've already agreed not to attack TSA members. If they do, lemme know.
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation
    edited January 2004
    <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->

    10:30:15 - Jan 25 Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
    90 Destroyer
    5 Cruiser
    22 Battleship
    going to attack Alpha Marsic 1!
    We suppose its the Fleet of wdt2000.

    hmmmm leveled my starbase up to level 16 from 10, sent my fleet of
    46 cruisers, 8 battle ships and 100 destroyers from next planet to reinforce

    I win!!!
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation
    edited January 2004
    2 more have joined the fight against me, i guess i will not be getting that charcoal diamond level 2 now, im at war, but im not afraid, for me and my ally are the most powerful in this system!!!! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    us ..................................................them
    <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->.........................................<!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
    <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> ....................................... <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->

    oh yah and a tip to everyone else out there, when attacking going for the strongest planet first is not always a good idea, i was just able to filter all of my money to my big planet and upgrade it quick than build 40 crusiers to boot
  • LoDwkeefLoDwkeef Join Date: 2003-10-08 Member: 21512Members
    YES!!! Forums are back up! now i can see who is near me, i know one player is near me, but he is not listed here.
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation
  • LoDwkeefLoDwkeef Join Date: 2003-10-08 Member: 21512Members
    OMG!!! Rich you big ********************************** get on AIM!!! ah!!!! send me my money!!!1!!!1! ieeee!!!!!!!!!
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation
    hobbits suck, im gonna kick the next one i see
  • MulletMullet Join Date: 2003-04-28 Member: 15910Members, Constellation
  • Paranoia2MBParanoia2MB Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7832Members
    Finally got taken out haha. Never pplayed though..i destroyed 95% hahaha..almost..oh bored of it
  • Har_Har_the_PirateHar_Har_the_Pirate Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19388Members, Constellation

    i have 1337 destroyers exactly... a sign from the heavens? ([explitive deleted] im in space, and [explitive deleted], i did that on purpose)

    me and my ally just ruined some guys day... he lost 6 (soon to be) planets in less than 12 hours, man i would be ****
  • TransmissionTransmission Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14456Members
    I'm sitting pretty in my quadrant, with enough ally's that I don't need to focus on military nearly at all. I only have 50 BS, and no starbase, but my planets are decked out. I have a few other allies that'll always protect me (I hope). So far I'm doing better than people who started 8 days before me. I wish I was in the centre. <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • BanjiBanji Join Date: 2003-06-17 Member: 17427Members
    Don't you die on me thread! So what do you think about this <a href='' target='_blank'></a> ?
  • Marine0IMarine0I Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8639Members, Constellation
    edited February 2004
    Dont worry lad - this thread wont die.....

    I hope....
  • EpidemicEpidemic Dark Force Gorge Join Date: 2003-06-29 Member: 17781Members
    edited February 2004
    /Exercising mouth-to-mouth method

    We're getting a sign here..
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    Bah...just discovered the "Easy Way To Send PP To Your Main Planet When Building A Fleet" - god, I'm so stupid <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    50B/85C now, not so bad.
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