The Eternity Code



  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    edited March 2004
    Cheers Dee. Time to die...

    <span style='color:pink'>[There is no answer on the comms channel. You head back running down the long corridors.]</span>

    <u><b>The SpaceStation</b></u>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Here we are guys."</span>

    <i>The purple line ends and a big set of double doors. They hiss open. The hydrolyics are old and worn. Heading through the doors is a map. It it labeled in russian.
    Epoch studies it for a moment and to get his bearings.</i>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Down this lift is the main computer core, where we got our data from. And in here is the command interface room. The Command Chair is in there."</span>

    <i>Epoch heads for the lift and hits the call button. The doors open and he does a quick sweep with his gun before stepping in.</i>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    give me some credit, epoch. i have a whole bag of tricks....

    <span style='color:pink'>*slows down and cheaks the comms again. when no one answers i draw my pistols, double cheak everything on my advanced helmet before going on.*</span>
  • Bill_DoorBill_Door Join Date: 2003-01-04 Member: 11792Members
    <span style='color:green'>*Follows Epoch into the lift*
    "Sure is quiet in here..."</span>

    <b>I'll be AFK for 4 days starting tomorrow.
    The plan is to just follow Epoch</b>
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    <span style='color:orange'>*steps on to the lift as well, waiting for it to move*
    “Yeah, it is...I hope to keep it that way.”</span>

    <b>See you in four days then, Bill <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--></b>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The SpaceStation</b></u>

    <i>Epoch hits the lift button and it starts to move down.
    As the lift starts to desends you hear a godaweful chuckle. It sounds like it came from above.</i>

    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[You get to the docking tube. At the other end the ship sits in waiting. The door is wide open and the landing ramp down. There are no signs on thermal vision.]</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"the doors open but nobody's home. this is wrong...."
    *i approach, staying undercover as much as possible. i cheack my six as i duck behind an empty crate, then slide along the wall to stand out of sight next to the ships door. then i [listen]*</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[There is no sound from inside.]</span>

    <b><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>If you've read my story please post what you though of it.</span></b>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>*i turn the corner, guns at the ready.*</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[Inside the ship is empty. Vital functions are still running]</span>

    <u><b>The Space Station</b></u>

    <i>The lift slowly desends then comes to a stop.</i>

    <span style='color:blue'>"This is it, in here should be the CC."</span>

    <i>The lift doors open, beyond them is a large room. It has a database of computers along the sides and at the far end on a plinth is a CC.</i>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>*cheaks over the ship, looking for anything unusual*
    "hey, sarge, i'm back at the dropship. what do you need on this end? a PG?"</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[There are several bullet holes in the walls and a couple of smashed screens. It is clear there has ben a firefight inside the ship.]</span>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Affirmative, I need a PG. Just let me log on."</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"ok, sarge. i think you should know, theres been a firefight here. i'm alone. doesnt look like theres much damage to the ship. i'ld apreaciate any mechanical advantage you can drop here, in case whoever was here comes back."</span>
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    <span style='color:orange'>"Right, Sarge, I'm going to do some overwatch, just sneaking around to make sure the area is secure. Bill, sorry mate, but you'll have to get the stuff built."
    *proceeds to walk off silently, quartering the area around the command chair*
    "By the way, Dea...are the pilots missing as well? You take care of yourself back there..."</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"dont worry, i will. I have a whole bag of tricks, courtisy of fingers. i havent seen the pilots yet but they could be hiding in the cockpit."
    *cheaks the armory first, pistols at the ready*</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[The armoury is empty. And it looks like it has been raided, all of the weapons have been taken, including the HMG.]</span>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Dee, search the ship and tell me when your ready to recive this PG."</span>

    <u><b>The Space Station</b></u>

    <i>Epoch walks to the command chair and logs in. He drops a phase gate which Bill starts to build.</i>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>*clears the bridge and the briefing room. when all is clear:*
    "ok, sarge, drop the gate. be advised, they got everything in the armory, including the HMG."</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Dropping the gate now."</span>

    <span style='color:pink'>[You hear a phase gate being dropped.]</span>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Noted, keep and eye out while you build."</span>

    <i>A phase gate is dropped outside the ship in the docking tube, just outside the ramp.</i>

    <u><b>The Space Station</b></u>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Wraith get that up then we can start getting the hard drives of these machines into the ship."</span>

    <i>A phase gate is dropped in the middle of the room.</i>

    <span style='color:blue'>"When that is done we're gonna have to go on a search mission for our pilots."</span>
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    <span style='color:orange'>"Roger that...I guess scouting around will have to wait for the moment."
    *returns to the phase gate, and proceeds to construct it*
    "Where the hell could those pilots have gone to?"</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"dunno, but it doesnt look like they went quietly. we are definately not alone on this mission."
    *builds the pg, one eye on the approach*</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[You check over the phase gate for any damage or irregularities and activate the construction nanos. As you are doing so you hear footsteps at the other end of the docking tunnel.]</span>

    <u><b>The Space Station</b></u>

    <span style='color:orange'>[You check over the phase gate for any damage or irregularities and activate the construction nanos.]</span>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Wraith when that’s build search the station for the pilots. I will start removing the data form the room and load the ship with Dee."</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"we got incoming"
    *ducks behind a crate, draws my pistols, and trys to sight whoever is coming*</span>
  • Bill_DoorBill_Door Join Date: 2003-01-04 Member: 11792Members
    <span style='color:green'>"What about me sarge?"</span>
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    <span style='color:orange'>*continues overseeing the construction of the phase gate. One hand reaches down to his radio, and taps the transmit key twice, sending a soft “click, click” over the comms link. When the phase is done, he moves out silently, LMG sweeping his field of vision.*</span>

    <b>I’m going to be using stealth all the I need to keep using {sneak} or can it just be assumed as such?</b>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    I'll assume your in 'stealth mode'.

    <u><b>The Space Station</b></u>

    <span style='color:blue'>"Bill phase through to the ship, Dee thinks she has hostiles."
    *Drops and ammo pack for everyone.*</span>

    <u><b>The Impervious</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[A figure appears at the end of the docking bay.]</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"i cant make it out, but somethings there"
    *i switch to vision modes, and get a cat-pack ready*</span>
  • Cleric_EpochCleric_Epoch Join Date: 2003-06-26 Member: 17714Members, Constellation
    <u><b>The Space Station</b></u>

    <span style='color:pink'>[Night vision is blocked by the smoke but thermal makes out a human shape. It appears to be walking blindly through the smoke towards you.]</span>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"dunno who we got here, but its human. hold on."
    *i use my sight advantage to set up an ambush. once the fuigure walks by i [grab it and put a pistol to its neck]*
    "dont resit. who are you?"</span>
  • P-KhanP-Khan Join Date: 2003-05-27 Member: 16776Members
    edited April 2004
    <span style='color:red'>*I hold my hand up*
    "Wait! Don't shoot. I saw something moving and I was checking it out. It's Khan"</span>

    <b>Returned guys! Had some internet problems, but now it's OK</b>
  • deaincaelodeaincaelo Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20739Members
    <span style='color:pink'>"sorry, mate. what happened? looks like the dropship got mugged."
    *covers in case anything else shows up*
    "finish that phasegate for me, will you?"</span>
  • ParhelionParhelion Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16821Members, NS1 Playtester
    <span style='color:orange'>*continues to scout around, checking warily behind him and stopping periodically to listen for any incoming threats*</span>
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