Different Types Of Marines.



  • LastLast Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21463Members
  • TeoHTeoH Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11640Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--BigBull+Dec 2 2003, 04:57 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (BigBull @ Dec 2 2003, 04:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> we have alot of girls that play there lmao.

    Like 7 or 8 regs of gilrs. WTH? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
  • HuntyHunty Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19244Members
    This thread has nothing to do with making a link between online and offline personality......

    And are you talking about the veterans program or just VETs in general?

    And yes....singaporeans have a damn un-usual gaming culture.Honestly,ive played on australian and singaporean servers,and looking back,i cant understand how i managed to survive playing on singaporean servers.You have no idea how many of the regulars enjoy changing nicks(Sometimes even wonids),and then annoying the hell out of the server with questions like "how to play?" "what is rt?" how do i buy guns?",then before they quit the server,they change back to their original nicks and go "LOLX I FOOLED YOU ALL WAHAHAHHAHA".

    And for some reason,the admins tolerate it -.-.And a lot of other lame stuff.

    A lot of behaviour prevalent on singapore servers would get their **** seriously banned in the majority of the servers out there....i know FA admins who would ban these kind of people on sight,instead of ignoring it like the singapore admins....
  • youresquadfiveyouresquadfive Join Date: 2003-12-02 Member: 23855Members
    I never play on the Singnet or HarmonicFactor servers in Singapore... no offense to the clan members, but usually they train on their own seperate time, and when they play pub games they just wanna screw around, at the expense of everyone else.

    There is a lot of Clan stacking, and when the clan members COM they usually do it to try out some wierd relocate or new tehniques.. which many times don't work when you've got a bunch of plubbers playin.

    This is generalizing, but nobody follows waypoints, everyone wants to be the rambo... everyone has their own seperate plan for winning the game, and it happens ALL THE TIME on singapore servers... Like yesterday some idiot COM got in the chair and told us to run around the map killing for res (without building nodes), so we could SHOTTIE RUSH....in the end, we got 30 res total, cos the fool had spent time upgrading weapons, but they already had FADES....

    I've played on Australian, NZ, American, European servers and the attitude is so different. Even noobs with a mic ask "what do you want me to do com?"... over here you're lucky if the guy types more than "LOLLOLOL" or "omghax! omghax!"... it's a sad state of affairs...there is no cooperation... most players would get banned on servers like Vogruu for not following orders.

    Talk about a WASTE of a 30 ping....I'd rather play at 270 with ppl who actually have teamwork.

    And YES there are some very good NS players from Singapore...and the clans are strong... but it's a shame that pub games SUCK.

    I'm just trying to point out that Hunty wasn't stereotyping anything... he said Singaporeans being dumb acting like they're Koreans who don't speak english...NOT Koreans are dumb..

    There is a strong Korean/Japanese/Taiwanese/HongKong influence in Singapore, music, pop stars, TV shows, food... many singaporeans have an appreciation for our Asian counterparts.

    Imagine a white guy trying to talk black...and acting like a **** in the process....it ain't funny, and nobody can understand you. Now put that same guy in NS...and it's pandemonium...

    OH and I got a couple more:

    The Ready-Room Boy Scout -
    Spends hours leaning on the Marines' Door.. tells others to "Go Alien"

    Me-Myself-and-Irene -
    COM: go double res...proceed to waypoint!, NO WAIT... go furnace....move to your waypoint solder!, no wait...go ventilation.... proceed to waypoint!
    ........OMG OMG OMG BASE!!! BASE!!! BASE!!!!

    The ONE-IP-FOR-12-MARINES COM... don't you hate those? And then they whine cos you can't make it to WP.

    The Claustrophobe Marine - Must use the vent to go anywhere...this can be good or bad.

    The-Lerk-Who-Could - Lerk who thinks he can gas HAs...and KEEPS TRYING.
  • youresquadfiveyouresquadfive Join Date: 2003-12-02 Member: 23855Members
  • HuntyHunty Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19244Members
    Actually claustrophobia means you cant tolerate closed spaces.But i forgot the name for the afraid of open spaces one.

    Ive been telling the ns community in singapore that they need to change,but they dont listen(goes WAY back to 1.03/4 where some of the clanners played NS to sabotage games...basically their behaviour at that time was extremely bad.Rambo-oed,scream and shouted for guns,banded together and went round in the servers abusing any comm that didnt give them what they wanted....so i shouted back.They didnt like it.)

    That tatic you described was fundamnetally flawed.Firstly,the main point of the shotgun rush is for a surprise attack,with overwhelming firepower,and while the skulks are at the marine start,their hive is being blasted by 7-8 marines with shottys.If he actually spent time getting up to weapons 3,with NO rts,we are looking at aliens having at least 7 rts,choke points farmed up,several fades,lerks and skulks with nearly enough res to onos.You can shotgun rush a few minutes later,but its way harder by that time,as the skulks wont be at your base,they will be all over the map and rushing back...so you need to shoot the hive,shoot the respawning skulks and shoot the skulks coming from behind.Basically,you get caught into a pincer.
  • MaestroChurreroMaestroChurrero Join Date: 2003-11-12 Member: 22657Members
    The name for beeing afraid of open spaces is "agoraphobia"
  • youresquadfiveyouresquadfive Join Date: 2003-12-02 Member: 23855Members
    YES!... the agoraphobic marine... or WORSE... the Agoraphopic COM..... all the marines just get gassed to death in a tiny little vent.

    yea... it was kinda lame to have us running around without building any res... and I didn't understant why (like you said) we didn't jus shottie rush at the beginning... oh well....
  • StarludeStarlude Join Date: 2003-09-05 Member: 20576Members
    attempting to get somewhere back on topic, let's talk about some POSITIVE people, shall we? =p

    Groupers - Marines with below average - good skill, but like to stick in groups. Why? becuase they don't like to die. Works pretty well, cause they can actually go where they go, although not necessarily to a wp. Can be annoying if a comm is trying to split marines into 2 distinct groups, becuase these people will just follow others, rather than going to their assigned wps. If the last of a group that was killed, will usually try to escape from the danger zone.

    Sarg./subcommander - Although rare, and sometimes conflicting, if you have someone who's a regular, and knows the comm fairly well, he can help organize, direct, and help the comm make important decisions. Gives very good feedback information to the commander, and to the field soldier. Often helps deal with field problems, ie asking marines to build, informing the comm of something he may have missed. Basically leads the group from a different perspective. Often is dynamic, and if working TOGETHER with the comm (vs. fighting him) can have some excellent results.

    Sometimes this guy can be "conflicting" with the comm, in which case it turns into one of the other aformentioned categories...
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