Ns For Hl2



  • Shadow_ReaverShadow_Reaver Join Date: 2003-10-01 Member: 21371Members
    This is my 1st time posting but man do I love some of the ideas you guys have. I'm not a comp wiz but I get waht some of you guys are taling about. Vehicles would be really cool, and maps on a BF1942 scale would be awsome too. Definatly more weapons and forms of evolution for the Kharra. The AI idea would be really cool as well, instad of having to wait 5 minutes for your n00bish marines to stop humping the armory or having to regroup cuz some moron ran off rambo style, you could always have say 1-2 bots following a squad leader. And the Helmet cam thing, that could be really freakin' cool. But that might be pretty hard for a comm. to handle all this on his own. Say how like now the Kharra have 3 hives, well maybe 3 comm. consoles but only one is the "Master comm." Or general, something like that, the other to comm. consoles have only have so much they can do. But that coudl lead to The Colonels er lower comms waisting Res. Well to fix that they would have to ask the main comm. b4 they could put down a certain high costing building. I mean like not ask and the comm. says no and he stll puts it down, I mean like a pop-up ad, an annoying little dialog box that you answer the "Colonel's" request. Something along that line. I really don't know much abot NS mappind more of the techincally stuff, but I get that Flarya is the boss. Well, from what I hear you guys want to keep this a "kiddie" game gore to a lower standard not like say Silent Hill? Well, I'm 13 I don't know anyone younger than me that ever plays Comp. games, You could consider me a "Kid" if yo uwant but get this, I'm guessin' most of you are er, well i don't know probally from like 15-20?-30? I have no clue, but "kids" these days know every swear in the book. They'll cuss, they'll whine they'll fight. So don't worry about us. We CAN handle whatever you can dish out, and we will love it! Now that I'm done my "kiddie" speach I have a ton of ideas for NS2. But my hands are starting to cram up so I'll post again later. See ya' on the front line <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/marine.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • BeastBeast Armonkyi Join Date: 2003-04-21 Member: 15731Members, Constellation
    edited October 2003
    Paragraphs are your friend <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->

    I personally, if ns was released in HL2, would look forwards to actually killing marines properly as a skulk, with realtime physics for leaping and stuff.

    Leaping into a marine = send them flying, or, if near a wall, get stabbed by skulkspikes in a painful way.

    Also, why should marines get the flamethrower? ^^

    <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>*above content may have been said before by someone else, but poster is tired and just wanted to put some input here so there*</span>
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