Tales From The Frontlines...



  • DiablusDiablus Join Date: 2003-03-31 Member: 15080Members
    one time on ns_lost we were getting pummeled (like marines always do on that map) Khaim our comm was getting aggrivated becuase no matter how hard we tried we failed, the teamwork was great we took one hive, lost it he dropepd shotguns for every1, we took out 1 hive put a phase up then moved on the the other one taking that down, after taking that down we put a phase in there only to find we lost the other phase gate, so we then tried to siege thier last hive, didnt work due to onos and gore spamming H spray, we lost everything, tried to do as last stand, we lasted another 2-3 minutes in spawn with 3 onos, the best part of that game was when the onos kept goring us i said: "Well at least thier not eating us", right after i said that someone got devoured, the marines had a quick laugh and so did i, wouldve been funnier if it was me who got eaten but w/e all in good fun <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MartMart Origin of SUYF Join Date: 2002-02-26 Member: 248Members
    This is a testement to what games of NS should be like, no lame rushing, no herding or turret farming. Just the two sides struggling for supremacy and duelling level-headed the whole time.

    This occured on Nano-Redux and those who played with me can confirm the amazingness of this round.

    NS_Origin (Small Game Marine Win. One of the few I've seen.)

    The game started, 2 vs 2 I was certain me and my lone soldier were doomed. Deciding to try and syrvuve against the alien horde for as long as possible I hopped into the command chair, dropped an IP, Armoury and Arms Lab and sent Angelus (My Lone Soldier.) East to cap a node and to head to Furnace Hive. On arrival he found a member of the Kharaa in it's gestation state. I layed down an Observatory in main base, along with a phase gate and another in furnace Furnace.

    Feeling confident with our progress we were sent 2 reinforcments who assissted in putting turrets up in Furnace. However due to the difficulty in building in Furnace, lots of Resources were wasted on Turrets that sank through the floor.

    My 3 troops returned to base and headed west towards Bio-Dome. Capping a res node on the way they were blocked by OCs leading to the double node. They bravely ran past and after providing them with emergency med packs there were within seigeing range of Bio-Dome. I dropped a phase and a TF and anxiously awaited the res for turrets while my marines were being pelted with spores, spikes and gorge spit.
    Duel sieges managed to go up and the hive was hit with multiple blasts but refused to go down.

    This is when things started to take a turn for the worse. A lone fade managed to take down all the defenses in Furnace and the phase at Bio-Dome was quickly destroyed by Gorge Bile. Things looked bleak despite the extra marine sent to help us.

    We attempted to take back Furnace, another TF, another Phase and a stack of turrets. We managed to hold out as a hive was built infront of my forces eyes as they were struck down by Fades and Lerks. We'd lost Furnace and didn't stand a chance of getting it back.

    I dropped 4 HAs, 4 Welders, 3 HMGs and a Shotgun. My marines headed west to Bio-Dome, eliminated a wall of alien defenses and it's Gorge and moved up to the hive. Just outside the hive my marines became divided, 2 of them were intent on removing more of the alien infestation when the other 2 wanted to proceed to the hive.

    An Onos came rampaging through the corridor behind 2 of my marines, accompanied by a pair of skulks. The skulks quickly fell to the HMG fire and I grimaced as the Onos devoured one of my soldiers. The remaining three all concentrated their fire on the beast, and with assisstance from Ammo and Health drops managed to free their companion. Battered and Beaten they welded one another and charged on to the hive.

    Once at the hive they were greeted by skulks, Offense Chambers and Gorges. They fearlessly charged in and focused all their fire on the hive. It went down but not before another Onos showed up. It devoured one marine and gorged another to death, the devoured marine was once again freed but with only 3 HA and dwindling resources it didn't look too great.

    Upon respawning the fallen soldier was given another HA and the same armaments as before and guarded the base against multiple fade and Oni attacks. He was killed once but quickly returned to the battle, retrieved his weapons and halted the onslaught.

    The 3 HA at Bio-Dome stuck up a phase, an RT and began marching to Ventilation hive. With no defense and an alien force that was occupied with the lone marine at base they took it out quickly and set out for Furnace. Furnace also fell quickly but with Bio-Dome once again in the hands of the Kharaa it meant a lot of backtracking to get there. Once at furnace they stuck up yet another phase, RT and TF and minor defenses. After building what little there was to build one of my HA left and we faced an end-game 4 vs 3.

    The soldier in base lost his patience and decided to take out the final hive on his own. Theorising that as they'd only jsut rebuilt they couldn't have that much there. He was wrong and was quickly taken out by the OCs and resident skulks. Upon respawning he found marine spawn under seige by a line of OCs and a fade. I recalled the two HA at Furnace but it was too late, and so as an act of desperation a CC and IP were dropped at Furnace.

    I evacuated my command chair and made a brave race for Furnace, upon arrivign I hoped back in the chair and provided support for my HA and the lone LA who were heading back to Bio. (Ok, so I actually died and respawned, but that would ruin the story.) Knowing that this was it and that we were doomed the 3 soldiers ran into Bio guns ablazing.

    Reports were flooding in across the command chair that our base was under attack once again, but if we could only reach that hive...

    The hive went down and the ping of death sounded. 2 of the 3 aliens died, but the last was sheltered by a wall of DCs and OCs situated a few feet away from the command console. We had no IP and the 2 remaining marines at Bio were struggling to survive, welding each other as they were pelted by numerous OCs, hoping that the ping of death would kill that final Kharaa and they'd be rescued.

    I jumped out the command chair, ran past the OCs and attempted to build an IP in a safe place. My companion distracted the OCs as I ran around the back to find the Gorge pelting me with Spit. I unloaded my LMG into him but the ehaling power of the DCs kept him alive. As he was fleeing I pulled out my pistol and fired vaugely in its direction. The gorge fell to a lucky bullet and I realised that we'd won.

    Good. Game. Very. Good. Game.

    I know i'll be playing at Redux more often.
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    edited September 2003
    Team joined: Kharaa
    Map: ns_nothing
    Server: The Linuxmonster
    Team size: 9 v 9

    I went Skulk and headed to Great Via from our hive (Cargo), I teamed up with another skulk who just so happened to by my good mate #Ha.Ze-. We decided to head to Marine base and teach them who was boss. On the way 3 other skulks joined us and when we reached the MS we were all ready. We ran in and the hell ensued! 5 marines were ready and waiting and the LMGs were smoking hot, *ahhhhhh* 1 marines went down, then another and another, we had lost 2 as well. Boom! Haze was killed and a second later Boom so was I, the other one dies shortly after. The marines won that fight but we managed to kill all but 1 of the base rines and damaged most of their things.

    *Respawn* No one had gone gorge yet besides 1 guy who had managed to get to Great viaduct and we needed some D chambers, so I went fatty and Haze joined me. We quickly placed 3 DCs and 3 MC (thanks to the newly formed hive). Now the upgades were in place it was time to get some mad OC protection up. We placed OCs in generator and capped the res, then the lower Res were the broken power cable is (where the vent to cargo use to be) which was covered by a marine RT at the time. We moved into viaduct and set up some more OCs before we decided to go Lerk together.

    We lerked around the map fighting off the marines who chalanged us at every turn. they had taken generator again and we forced them out again with some good team work. Now the battles for viaduct started. marines took out the nozzle by the broken power cable again and re capped, we destroyed and replaced. Haze and I were casuing alot of hell as lerks, but that ended quickly as a couple of SGers smoked us.

    Viaduct fell to the humans might and they proceeded to move towards power silo, where we had made a new hive. The marines had killed almost all of our Res income so Haze and I went gorge again to try to save us. the tables had turned again and now we had the majority of RTs. The battle for the Res raged on and both sides took and gave.

    Finally backed into a corner in there base by fades, Skulks and Oni, the marines made 1 mistake, they didnt rebuild their IPs which had been destroyed after out last major attack (which was defeated by amazing team work by the rines). The last guy was found and killed, winning us the game.

    An amazing and fun battle where both sides were doing great.
    Not 2.01 but just as balanced!

    [edit] typo [/edit]
  • WitherWither A Bugged Life Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11513Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation
    Server: Nano-Evolution NS v2.01d
    Map : ns_eclipse
    Users : 2 vs 2
    Team : Marine

    I hopped into the chair expecting another slow game where the aliens had dominating res flow, I threw down an ip, armory and a tf inbetween them, electrified the tf so that they couldn't touch my base, one skulk rushed twice but was neatly picked off, after that I ordered my lone and faithful marine (alius <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->) to station access alpha, threw down the node, electrified it and ordered him to sub junction 3, a kharaa was already attacking my alpha node and I was worried, but the minute it's health turned to yellow, the node electrified and the skulk was quickly burned to a crisp.
    After a quick run around, station alpha and sub junction 3 were electrified, alius then tried capping computer core but it wasn't as vacant as we expected, he picked off the gorge but the skulk got my trusty steed..I mean..marine. When alius respawned, he ran to triad, capped it, then sneaked into their starting hive, Eclipse. He quickly built a tf there and while it was upgrading I got out of the chair to build the arms lab and observatory. The gorge was now in sub junction 3 and had built some chambers to attack my node, thus I recycled it, when the tf finally upgraded, I dropped 3 sieges and some turrets, he built the sieges to the last bar, then finished them all at once, at this point he got the turrets up and by the time the skulk ran in, the hive was gone and he got hit as the sieges turned on the resource tower. Eclipse rt capped, but no ping of doom.
    I ordered my marine to the corridor next to computer core to build a tf, he got it up suprisingly fast and soon 3 sieges, 4 turrets, an electrified tf and an observatory were stationed next to computer core. Computer core went down just as swiftly as Eclipse, and by now we had full upgrades, along with the armory upgrading and motion as well.
    Apparently the gorge had sneaked to maintenance as we sieged computer core, cause alas, still, no sound of doom. At this point extra forces were sent to both mine and the opposing team, and while jetpacks were upgrading to rush Maintenance, I ordered my now two(!) marines to the keyhole, to siege Maintenance and end this game of tag.
    Armed with shotguns, off they went. They had to ran past multiple chambers at horseshoe, but some medpacks were quickly helping their loss of health, and as the tf was dropped and in the process of building, a silenced skulk took down my new marine, and alius killed him in a single shot. Then an onos came running, but after 4 shots by alius and 50 medpacks, the onos redeemed back to maintenance. Another skulk, again with the onos, came running, and this time alius was not so lucky.
    By this time jetpacks were done and I handed them out, so that they could rush Maintenance. Alas, the onos had turned onto my computer core base and it was lost once again.
    While my marines were running to computer core, I noticed two blue dots moving towards our main base, and I quickly threw down 5 packs of mines and hid them on the entrances to our base, all cluttered together. And not more than 20 seconds later, 2 onos came running. And they blew up just as swiftly.
    Once again the marines fell to a fade and 5 chambers as they arrived in maintenance, but after the third attempt, armed with a grenade launcher, the hive went down, and with it the skulk and gorge in maintenance, but apparently computer core was building, so while my marines charged into computer core with guns blazing, nobody was spawning, and only one kharaa was left. But it quickly turned out that the remaining alien was a disgruntled onos that was guarding his building hive, so while trying to kill the hive, my marines got eaten and gored, and at the second Computer core attempt, alius sat on the hive and the onos could do nothing but watch him stick it to the hive.
    Sadly, halfway through killing the hive, it went up prematurely and the kharaa raged out once again. But...alius put his last 2 rounds in the hive and surely it fell. Skulks, gorges and onos all died. Game over.
  • mrfranswamrfranswa Join Date: 2003-08-06 Member: 19091Members
    Map: NS_Bast

    Race: Aliens

    Prefered Race: <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tiny.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Favorite Meal: <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/marine.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Game Size: 8vs8

    Ah, a glorious day. Finally, I was able to test my new hunting skills which I newly aquired. As a Sulk, we usually haven't had much to do. The old crew were long dead, and their remains were digested many times over. Now, the hunt began again. Immediately, me and my brethorin were on the hunt. We stormed down the halls and through passageways. Like any alpha Sulk, I leaded the pack. The first fool who became a quick meal was a poor fellow named, "NSPlayer". Apparently, he thought it best to wander on his own down the corradors. He was quickly wrong. Immediately I leaped for his face, and struck a bite. His LMG blaze'd with fury, and I aquired a little damage. However, his aim was very poor, and he fell after a second quick bite. His carcas laid on the floor, completely disemboweled. We can't waste our time on a meal, we must exterminate the intruters. Finally, we arrived at the spawn. The rest were setting up weird devices which made sounds and beeps. Like an Unrational fool, I lead the pack inside. I was able to eat another two marines before falling to machine gun fire. My brethorin wern't as lucky.
    Again, my concious was birthed into another sulk body. At this time, I had reached my 100 resorce allotment, and was able to birth into my primary body. After much time, I became an Onos; the eater of man. Foolishly, my fellow brethorin Gorges built a MC and a SC instead of a defense chamber. I was helpless. I didn't posess redeem. Even though I was angry, I instead evolved celerity and cloaking. I was now a predator.
    While I was sulking in the shadows around my Furnace hive, I heard an odd sound. As if gas was escaping or burning. What flashed by was one of those, "Frontiersmen", however he was flying as if he was a Lerk. He apparently was building some giant cannon behind my hive. I've seen these things in action. They are Siege Cannons. They are very dangerous, and annoying. Another marine was helping him build it. I knew I needed to act quickly. I crept around the corner, (in 2.01 you can walk while cloaked), and waited for the jetpacker to make his move. He let out a burst of flame, and started flying towards me. Like a super ninja Onos, I leaped into the air, and he flew DIRECTLY INTO MY MOUTH! I landed, and was now discovered.

    "ONOS!", the marine cried. However, his fate was soon crushed with a stomp, and two swift slams of my tusk. I quickly destroyed the turret factory, and finished cleaning the room. That Jetpacker was a strange meal. The entire time I digested him, he kept stating how much of a, "loser hacker", I was. After a few moments, his body instantly dissapeared, (reconnected). I wonder what happened to him.....

    Later that day, we had all upgrades, however the marines were hiding in our Furncace hive. The cowards! They attempted one last push with three mechanical beastly marines, (heavy armor's), however they wern't a match for my stealth. I still haven't died, and my resorces were at 100 for a very long time. Being quiet, I watched three victims walk by me. The two in the front carried Heavy Machine Guns, while the last carried a shotgun. Time for a quick meal I though. When all three walked by, I quickly ran up, and ate the rear man. Luckally for me, his brethorin walked around the corner and didn't even notice! While walking, I followed them a large distance behind. They were heading to a resorce node. I sat and watched for a moment. When they walked up, instead of knifing the resorce collector my teammate had made, they instead waited. Instantly, a weird circle appeared. Apparently this, "phase portal", was ment for them to escape from the Furnace hive, (we surrounded them). I knew I couldn't let this happen, so I made my move. While they had their backs to me, I stomped. MMMmmmmm, I've been having lots of tasty meals today <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    "ONOS!!!! ONOS!!!", they cried, however my paralyzing stomp was overpowering. Like a chocolate candy wrapped in a crunchy shell, I devourered one. "Kill him! Don't let him escape", he cried in my stomach, however it was too late. Quicly, he was reduced to a brown ooze leaking from my anus. His friend became a bloodied ordament on my horn. His massive armor couldn't protect him forever. I was wounded heavally in the fight, however I managed to survive. I destroyed the device, and our team quickly overran them. The last site many marines saw were five Onii creating quick meals of them while they came out of the phase portals.

    In that game, I was labled a cheater 2x. I had devoured 8 normal marines, 6 heavies, and 1 jetpacker..... no joke <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->. I LOVE DEVOUR! GET IN MI'H BELLAH! I'M GONNA TURN YOU INTO POO!

    <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tiny.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> =0wn J00!
  • BerettaBeretta Join Date: 2003-08-16 Member: 19794Members
    We started the game, got rushed by a full team of skulks. the end. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> luv it
  • Mr_OptionMr_Option Join Date: 2003-08-01 Member: 18681Members, Constellation
    edited September 2003
    Ah yes, it was ns_veil, on a 22 person server I've been liking for the last 2 weeks - Bean-Net.

    It was late on a weeknight. This is the kind of game I like - even the west-coast kids have gone to bed, and the hardcore players mingle with the insomniacs, everyone pretending they'll feel fine in the morning. The teams started out fully loaded, and I randomed to aliens.

    We started in sub-sector, opening well, with quite a few players participating in the gorge-cap-then-skulk routine, covering what seemed like at least 5 res nodes from both ends of the map almost immediately. The combat was light at the outset, but it was clearly a spirited and skillfull marine team. I teamed with two other gorges to secure the double-node at Nanogrid, and we stacked it uneventfully - for reasons I was soon to learn. The teams gave and took a node or two each, and then the marines made their first decisive move, the conservative gambit of snatching Pipeline, safely opposite our hive. The aliens failed to rally, and gave it up.

    The fight, after all, was for the res. Gorges fell back solidified in Cargo, and what followed was an excellent resource game. We volleyed resource nodes with outstanding alacrity, losing and regaining (almost every loose node on the map got popped in just the first few minutes), but played to an initial resource advantage. Fades appeared, a second hive was extraordinarily rapid, and it was around the time an onos began to make its first teasing introductions to Pipeline's defenses that the sieges started. The double-node at Nanogrid, we discovered, could be sieged from the marine base. I was thunderstruck. What a surprising feature for a map to have.

    When the simultaneous heavy rush crushed skylight and could be heard pounding on overlook from inside our main hive, I suddenly understood that this was a commander of unusual class. For a perilous moment, it was all momentum. Thank goodness we had some.

    The alien team wanted to respond in two different ways. One correctly anticipated the inevitable sub-sector feint was on the way to claim the double-node, and rushed to the now-empty Nanogrid to keep the marines out of it. "Better empty than turret farmed." The others also correctly understood that now was probably an excellent moment for a marine base rush.

    Now none of my collegial admiration for the marines should detract from the entirely fearsome stature of my alien colleagues. This was the team that had been raping the marines in base rushes for the two previous rounds. We had a whole cadre of craftsmen-like gorges. We had skulk **** extraordinare. We had several of those really evil ****ing lerks - you know, the kind who always make marines quit in the first 4 minutes with spores alone. And our onos game. I mean, picture a bunch of starving sumo wrestlers looting an alien McDonalds.

    But trying to do two things at once, we rapidly got ourselves into trouble. The marine base was surprisingly hardened, and our adversaries forces were especially well balanced between objectives. Of course, the commander had teched to level 3 by this point, the vents were welded, and those long hallways to either side were absolute murder. And there's that damn upper railing - just made for a marine gren spammer. Meanwhile, Nanogrid's defenders had trouble keeping the attention of the team, especially as the Heavies got menacingly close to sub-sector, occasionally testing its inner defenses. An onos went down. Then we lost a pair of fades and their lerk. It was getting ugly.

    It was right around then that I cleared 100 and onosed - part of a surprisingly robust stalemate kicking into gear. I scavenged first, helping the team pick up the loose res nodes as the volley continued, but was killed quickly when the heavies found me. The HA players, especially a couple of visiting T&A's, were frightening, playing positionally, using objects and gaining height to avoid stomps, dancing me and constantly getting me hung up on the scenery. I lasted just long enough for the next onos or two to straggle into the fray. And so it went, chipping futilely at Nanogrid, Pipeline, and Marine start, but generally keeping the rest for ourselves. It seemed like a slow loss, and we heard our first few "game over" predictions.

    At last, the commander made his move - phasing an 8-strong heavy team into the vicinity of Cargo. But finally faced with the end, the team was galvanized. Hollering and screaming (probably waking up about 10 households across the east coast), all of us, including 3 big pigs, stormed them. At this point, our onos game finally came together. Umbra'd, stomping like crazy, devouring, jousting, and falling back, we treadmilled their assault. With a couple heavies still digesting, we raced back and began pounding on Nanogrid, which - that damn commander - was already getting ready for us. But it didn't matter. We were a team that suddenly realized it could win.

    What followed was a tight strategic game, where both sides focused fluidly on one enemy objective and then the next, while still balancing that strikingly brisk resource volley. I swear, I must have put west skylight back up 5 times by this point.

    We eventually cleared out nanogrid. Bit by bit, we wore down Pipeline, and finaly took it. But within minutes, streams of heavies were flowing in from C-12. They plowed through us, momentarily retaking their position. We regrouped, and took it back, narrowly defeating another see-saw counterattack. Finally, just barely, we held it, and our 3rd hive was up. Webs were hastily sprayed. A sensory concealed our possession of double-node - but for naught. Within the minute, it was stormed, and with sieges plastering our chambers all over the walls, retaken.

    We began to press our advantage, finally reaching some consensus that controlling Marine start was our only hope of controlling double-node. Onoses grouped up in the wings on both sides. Our attack began to pick up speed - surprisingly well, I thought, until, during a quick stop back in sub-sector for some healing, I heard that awful sparking sound, followed by that gorgeous new phase sound effect. And it was very loud.

    I was screaming into the mic, begging the team to race back, but they were hesitant to respond. Several were busy volleying back resource caps, and many of the rest were "making great progress" on the marine base. Desperately, I rushed the group myself - 7 heavies - and got myself de-onosified. Xenociding was useless against them - too many good shots, most HA/HMG, and sterling turret deployment. Within 60 seconds, the sieges were pounding our hive, and then my worst fears were realized - the game was not about to end after all.

    It took a little while to get it over the jumble of voices, but I discovered our team had made a carefully calculated trade. We had reclaimed Nanogrid again - their commander had given it up, in exchange for sub-sector. I could feel him thinking - advantage. He would siege us again momentarily. But I understood the gamble. He would certainly siege us out again. But in the meantime, he was down to 2-3 res nodes, very well contained, and fighting a triple-structured alien horde with 2 onoses, going on three. Our best hope was to try to game him one last time, to hope he would overcommit to either his new hive or his base, and then take whatever he gave.

    With double-node res flowing again, finally, the aliens smelled fear. We crushed their attempts to spread out, maintained our first uncontested control over most of the free nodes, and started putting the big hurt on marine start. Meanwhile, defending a tough position on the east side of sub-sector, his heavies were starting to go down in number. But perhaps his recent bout with webs and xenocide made him feel just threatened enough to keep the hive packed, and in the end, turret by turret, his beautiful structure finally began to tip over.

    Marine start began to crumble. He hastily relocated to Nanogrid, but in the confusion his force began to collapse. Routed in Overlook, Sub-sector began to fall. Cleaning up at marine start, I had the pleasure of devouring the commander myself after we sucessfully "voted to eject him."

    It had been over 90 minutes.

    To name any names would be unfair - every single player on both teams did serious work. You guys all put shame in the mouths of anyone who says you don't get tight, deep, strategic games on pub servers. One of the better, if not one of the best, games I've played in 2.0. Hats off.
  • TeflonTeflon Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20289Members
    On ns_nothing we had relocated to Power Silo, following the loss of our spawn. Well two onos came to end our lives.

    We're all shooting and shooting, and they wipe out everything but two IPs. I jump OVER the railing, over the pit of acid at the bottom and onto the ledge and begin taunting the onos and taking potshots with my pistol. Well the onos gets **** and jumps over the rail... and falls right in the acid. The second one makes it onto my ledge, but I'm smaller then him so I climbed around the ledge and ended back down by the IP. The onos chased me for about 2 minutes while the other one was at the bottom dying <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    Ooh. There was one where the commander turret farmed every single inch of the map, and then all the resource towers, and hives, teched up, dropped 50000 Shotguns, HMGs, and Jetpacks in the Marine Start and left.

    Pretty funny. We spent the next few minutes just killing the Aliens, when I jetpacked into the top of Powersilo and then HMGd the hive. The aliens, apparently, still had some fight in them and tried to chomp away, but you know--the wonders of Jetpack.

    I gunned down the hive, stood far back, and waited for them all to die.

    Something was wrong--there was no pinging.

    It turns out that they had snuck up the other hive (Viaduct) somehow, and with that, BileBombed Cargo. We were so disorganized and had no commander, so none of us knew. We all just Jetpacked around Powersilo, grenading it (aliens OCd it up. When they finished, I hopped in and destroyed it). Kind of odd, actually, to be walking, and then hear a faint screech. Listen closer, and then you hear 'tick-tick-tick-tick' and a louder yell. In a frantic, you hop around, and BOOM. Xenocidinated (they took back the hive).
  • Rush_Of_PeonsRush_Of_Peons Join Date: 2003-02-19 Member: 13728Members
    On 1.04 ns_caged, we got boxed in, the built into the vent at spawn and all of them went gorge and rushed us! It was crazy! 10 gorges rushed us and beat the **** outta us <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    Map was ns_nothing
    We were in Cargo for once.
    The marines decided to make it a short game and all were given SGs. I had just turned Gorge about to cap my first node, when I here the voice of a marine shouting "Xeanoform Spotted!" I looked around the corner and 8 Marines stormed down the all towards "room with things". I yelled that they were comming and quickly placed a OC in hopes it would distract them long enough.

    The SGs started to lay blows into the OC and it was gone in seconds. They walked towards out hive and the SG rush had come to grips. Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom the hive was in such danger, what the hell could I do from the vent hidng place? All of a sudden a stream of Skulks rushed into the hive room. 4 marines died before they knew what had happened.
    I took the op to snipe a marine who was knifing the hive with spit, he took notice and pulled his pistol, he got in 3 shots and I was almost dead just as a skulk rushed and killed him.

    The marine were all dead but 2 who had run away, The hive was so close to death, I hopped out and Heal Sprayed it with every last drop I had. We had survived the near death of the hive and it look like the marine were badly hurt due to RES loss. I started to save for a DC to take over the job. The Hive was clear so all had left to the marine base. Its quite, nothing is happening, I am healing away and almost have 10 res. One of the aliens yells out over the comm "The base is empty, they're not at MS!!!"

    My blood went cold cause I knew where they were going. "HURRY BACK TO THE HIVE!" I yelled and I dropped my DC, I started to build it as fast as I could when I hear gun fire, they were comming again. It didn't matter they didn't have SGs this time, they still had a commander in the chair and he would be enough to keep them alive. The hive was still very low on life and it wouldn't take much to kill. BANG, BANG, BANG. They walk into the hive room and unload on the hive, like robots, no one moving, only firing, only focusing on the hive. I ran out spitting and heal spraying, hopeing to distract them till help arived.

    PING, PING, PING The hive went down and now I was the new target! They killed me in seconds and turned to kill anyone who had ran back to save the hive. The game was over because they wouldn't give up. They just kept going in 2 8 person rushes that ended us before we could start. GG
  • gamesguygamesguy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18974Members
    The map was origin, and I was on the marines. 7v7

    so the comm decides we should do a Shottie rush for fun. he dropped 6 shotties and off we go. We first vent to furnace, nothing there, we then went to vent, and whlaa thats their hive.

    the hive vent down in about 15 seconds, there was no one guarding it. pretty soon the beeping starts and there are only 2 ppl on the alien team left. so we spread out and try to find them. well, we found them alright, 5 ocs and 6 dcs in double res (cargo?) at this point we are still low on res and couldnt siege.

    so we started building some rts, we got around 5 up, at this point I noticed that its not beeping anymore. I went WTH? i told my teammates this and we rechecked the hives. I went to furnace and found it, it was at 5k hp. I killed off the gorge that built it. then the rest of my teammates showed up and we blasted it to around 1k HP, then all the sudden 2 of us died to skulks, we went WTH? and the comm screamed "hive is up!" . we all died in short order, I made a last stand with my original shottie. I killed quite a few of them before I died.

    we all took a deep breath, went, ok we have 5 res nodes, we should still be fine. but alas, that is not so. i went to biodome to build up the hive there and all the sudden i noticed that we have 4 guys dead. apparently 3 onos suddenly appeared when i was going to biodome and killed off our base. and i guess the comm logged out or something cause he didnt drop a cc anywhere. at that point, the 2 remaining teamamtes I had went back to the base to try and hop into the cc to drop me one at biodome. but they either didnt make it or the cc was dead already.

    I was at 100% hp so i decided to hide, I hid under one of the elevators in biodome, a few minutes later I heard the onos take out the eletrified rt there, but luckily they didnt. I hid for a few more minutes before they got really ****, and a clan member(it was a clan server) threatened to reconnect with his password and kick me, so I decided to challenge any of their skulks to a knife vs parasite fight. they agreed.

    2 onos and another skulk were watching near by, me and a skulk dueled it out, I got in a couple of swipes before he just hung on the ceiling =(. so I had to goto another room to make him chase me. I was quickly losing health, I thought I was dead for sure, but then i ran into another skulk, I thought it was the same one I was dueling with and ran up to it. I knifed it once before it bit my b@lls off.

    it was so funny, everybody was yelling at that guy for being a noob =D
  • SoylentSoylent Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15668Members
    edited September 2003
    The marines arrived with some trepidation, but confident nonetheless....

    First off we headed for the double node at processing, do not pass go, do not collect $200 and do not cap upper sewer. By the time I got into the area the lead elements were already fighting a few skulks and me and another marine showed up and we cleaned them out in a crossfire. RT's were dropped, then tfac, then turrets, then the rest of the marine spawn needs as marine start was going down hard. All the while, we were being hit off and on by skulks at the new marine base in central.

    I was a little worried at first since usually central is a gas chamber, but luckily this time we were able to control the vents fairly well. Alien main hive was sewer, so we did'nt weld open the barricade, the comm opting instead for phase gates. We took the shipping tunnel, set up phase and took the vent hive which had a few OCs and a res node plus several rather unhappy aliens. Phase, Tfac, Turrets, rt and armory went into vent. Still did not weld open the purification barricade as we were still mostly unupgraded and did not want a head on fight with the aliens through an open entry point. We bagan to be harrassed by a couple fades who seemed to be distracting us by keeping our attention focused at vent.

    Turns out they were too, because about then generator went up. Just intime for the armory to upgrade. Now, an odd sort of low intensity warfare started taking place. we were busy upgrading and issuing heavier weapons, they were saving res and doing guerrilla hit and run tactics. Marine start node went up, down, changed hands, up and down again and again. Aliens kept upper sewer, aux gen, purification and stability, we had the double, vent, shipping on and off like marine start. About the time they hit us with onii, we were heavied up at armor level zero and weapons 2 (maybe 3, cant remember) and they tried a massive attack on the double res to take out our base. With excellent teamwork and lots of heavy firepower 2 onos fell and 3 gorges, a lerk and i dont know how many skulks.

    Marine base in central was saved, but it cost me personally 2 heavy suits to hungry cows and with those two GLs and welders. We lost a few HMGs, and several shotguns during the seige and I will leave the number of lost LA/LMG up to you to imagine. We formed up with heavys and weapons 3, armor 1 and pushed back. Not everyone could be heavied up, but most of us could. We walked out of central to aux gen and fought a pitched battle there taking down two cows, several skulks and a gorge and a lerk while losing only a few LA/LMGs on our part. The aliens had spared no expense on the lame in auxgen, but it too fell before us as wheat to the scythe. Aux Gen gets a phase gate, armory, tfac and turrets. We reload, weld each other up, get med and orders from the comm (Comm was a player by the name of Patrick, I've played with him as comm before and he does have a very methodical way of comming which not everyone cottons too, but if followed it usually works out fairly well).

    Genrator hive. We played cat and mouse with a pair of onos in the long hallway while they were being umbraed at one end and we would spam HMG down toward the other. Finally the GL finished reloading and we were able to advance to the hive end of the hallway under cover of nade spam punctuated by 3 HMGs in a heavy train making a calm and focused advance. At the corner, we again recieved a tfac, armory turrets. We were being hard pressed by now because the alien team really, <i>really</i>, did not like us being there. They seemed to find it upsetting. The onii we took pot shots at when we were down the other end of the hall came roaring out of the hive for a couple attack runs, falling back when they needed to a gorge and several DCs and the hive to heal up. We lost a few marines, but I dont think any heavies in this time. Tfac upgraded to seige since there was plenty of res for the aliens and we were constantly being hit by fades, lerks, cows, skulks, gorges, and lots and lots of Lame in the hive. The few marines who tried to rush in after killing 3 or 4 aliens found out about the very nice WoL that was waiting therein.

    Anyway, seige goes up, hive and Lame go down, we weld each other up, reload, and move through stability towards marine start taking their res down and putting ours up. As we come around the corner to marine start, we surprised a gorge and ran off a cow who looked, as one marine put it, "kinda confused about us being here". We dropped in the marine start node (again, it was amazing how often that node got built) and then get the message that we had lost vent hive and they were not only putting it up but were also taking down our base. We went straight to double res from upper serwer vestibule (we were about to make an assault on yet another massive OC spamming and take that res) so we just walked around the corner and surprised an umbra lerk and 2 cows , a gorge and 2 or 3 skulks with 4 Heavies suddenly standing looking over their shoulder. One of the cows did manage to get away though.

    Marine base wasnt too bad off, a few turrets and one new ip and it was back in business. So off we go to sewer hive. We put up another mini base complete with armory on both the purification side, where the aliens fought damned hard to keep us out and the obligitory WoL about the size of the great wall of china. I am not sure what was on the sewer vestibule side, since I was part of the two man team setting up purification. Anyway, that hive cost me my fifth heavy suit of the game before it fell. Of course, vent was up and fully functional at this point and they had all their chambers in it as well on account of the fact that they were no slouches as aliens and knew what they needed to do to best survive. So imediately upon clearing sewer, we head of for vent. Taking vent, you could tell for the first time that the res node losses the aliens had suffered from our marine version of Shermans march to the sea was truly beginning to show. I think the biggest critters they got up for that one was a fade and a couple lerks and apparently they didnt have the time to upgrade them fully as they went down fairly quick. Of course, we had full upgrades since Gen hive which helped our cause tremendously.

    Oh yea, gen hive. They put it back up while we were laying waste to vent! So now its off to Gen again where the aliens had taken down the PG and tfac. We phase into aux gen, walk the hallway spraying death and have a real pitched battle with skulks and gorges and lerks and a fade or two. Hrmmmm...some of them saved up for a rainy day it seems. Gen went back down finally.

    No ping of doom!

    Sewer got snuck right back up behind us. This time the hive was too new though and they couldnt respawn. There was only one lonely lerk hiding somewhere on the map and apparently too far from any D as he died shortly after the building hive went down to 5 or 6 HMGs, a shotty and a GL.

    Maptime when we finished was -45 minutes. Truly one of the hardest fought, bare knuckled brawls Ive had in NS yet.

    Man, I need a smoke <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • WitherWither A Bugged Life Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11513Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation
    Any chance for some frontline tales of NS:C? <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • TrevelyanTrevelyan Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14834Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Wither+Sep 30 2003, 03:40 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Wither @ Sep 30 2003, 03:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Any chance for some frontline tales of NS:C? <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    you read my mind... the second i saw this thread i thought about posting those exact words.
  • BrainWormBrainWorm Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20280Members
    I never had any good games worth mentioning until ...

    ns_mineshaft, we were aliens, mostly 8x8. ... 2 hours of playtime!

    We starts at Sewer hive and then to the usuall "rush-for-rts" stuff. Soon we have half of the map, including a second hive in the works at drill. We also got double res, so the mariners were in bad shape (they were really lame to say the least, since they did not protect Tram hive we still hadn't).

    We were on the way to get the 3rd hive and finish them off when the tide turned, Mariners did a massive attack on double res and quickly managed to siege Drill, we started a long war trying to get double res, which were our biggest fault: Mariners had double and drill, and we had only sewer and a protected but not up Tram. So I (always gorge) went to get Tram and as I reached enough res BAM! we lost sewer in a heartbeat, never saw what happend.

    The picture now is this: Tram hive is still 50% to go, no other hives, only me and other 2 aliens alive. They try to get to tram to help me out and die, most aliens F4. Mariners have Double res, Drill, Sewer and MS, BUT most of the res nodes at the map besides those are ours.

    I SWEAR A DON`T KNOW HOW but the stupid lamme mariners didn´t attack Tram. So it was up and we started attacking random nodes. We had only 3 aliens vs. 8 mariners (since most aliens left), mariners were reinforcing double res (we were almost getting it when they got sewer), so we had the time to reinforce tram and get some res nodes. users connected so the teams were back even (8x8). As soon as we had some res and one or two fades we managed to get Drill (fairly protected) so we got the second hive up, they had only double, sewer and MS. by now ... 1:30 hours of game.

    And then again mariners screwed up again. They moved with lots of HA to get drill back, but instead of defending it, we rushed to get Sewer and me (as a gorge) and another player as onos totally owned MS, in a few moments Mariners lost sewer and MS, we lost Drill but what the hell, they had to relocate in a hurry to Drill (stupid move I think, Double res was already safe).

    In 15 minutes we managed to clear double res (since they were rebuilding all lost structures at drill and had no PG up for a while to help double). Destroying Drill then was a piece of cake.

    I find this game amusing because in certain point we had no hive and they had like more then half the map ... I think they were the most noobish mariner team in history!
  • KhaimKhaim Join Date: 2002-06-28 Member: 841Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    This topic is practicly beyond dead o.o not sure why its still stickied. Oh well.
  • ubermenschubermensch Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11692Banned
    this is insane. this board is getting to the point where there are so many stickies you can only see like 3 legit, real topics (like in the help section.....) what the **** is going on? take this down please. no reason not to.
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