Tales From The Frontlines...



  • TomperTomper Join Date: 2003-02-10 Member: 13365Members
    Great stories, I can't wait to play 2.0 now! More more more!
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    with the beginning of the PR blitz, perhaps we will see renewed interest in this thread.
  • KhaimKhaim Join Date: 2002-06-28 Member: 841Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    I dont think anyone actualy even noticed this thread had been stickied, guess I should go back to pestering people to post stories here eh?
  • coilcoil Amateur pirate. Professional monkey. All pance. Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 424Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor

    We loaded up the new Hera, and *oh* man was it different. The marine start resource tower was back on the landing pad. The Comm Chair area was completely redesigned. New access from MS to Reception *and* to Maintenance (don't worry, the fog corridor is still there). Ventilation was completely new, and GORGEOUS.

    What's a poor marine to do?

    Well, the first thing to do was jump off the landing pad and crater. Sirus helped. (:

    Then we got down to business. I and two other marines ran to Maintenance, ill-at-ease in the new corridors approaching the area. We built the RT and proceeded into Ventilation, our jaws dropping at the redesigned hive room. RT down, Turret Factory and turrets shortly behind. Moving into Processing via a new route, we ran afoul of several skulks and I bit it.

    I respawned and the battle was being waged in Reception; a Gorge, lerk, and several skulks had set up camp and were digging in for the long haul. We pushed, finally forcing them out and moving the battle on into the Holoroom. What a MESS. Back in base, I built the Prototype lab and a teammate called immediately for jetpacks. Shortly thereafter, I found myself jetpack-clad and toting a lovely new HMG as I headed back to Holo. We got a phase up, but came under HEAVY attack - Skulks, a lerk or two, and Fades sending acid rockets down the long approach hallways. Marines cried out in pain all around me as the aliens attacked (yes, cried out in pain!); I was startled when I dropped behind a Fade and suddenly found myself disemboweled, my view fading to black as I fell to the floor.

    Holoroom was ours, with a phase gate up, but the aliens had gained a second hive and Ventilation was getting beaten on by a gorge. We went after Data Core, but tenacious defenders and a host of OCs beat us back. We split our forces, a small squad rescuing Ventilation and denying the aliens their third hive, while the larger force homed in on Archiving. It was an ugly battle, skulks leaping everywhere as jetpackers skimmed around the room, trying to keep a shot on the hive and keep themselves out of harm's way. Finally we took it down. I had just phased into Ventilation, and made my way into Processing.

    The fighting was nasty; I suggested to my commander that we set up sieges against the wall between Processing and Data Core. He dropped a phase gate, which I immediately set to building, calling for cover. One bar from completion, a skulk suddenly filled my view -- I jumped back and tried to bring my rifle to bear, but there was no time. I respawned to my commander yelling for someone to finish the phase gate; finally it went up, and I phased back in and started on the turret factory. HAs showed up on the scene, providing vital cover as lerks began filling the floor below me with spore clouds. The factory finished upgrading, and my commander dropped FIVE siege turrets. I started getting them online, when a skulk dropped from the vent above me and ripped me in half.

    But as I respawned, I heard the gratifying sound of victory. It had been a long, hard, and AMAZING fight.
  • KhaimKhaim Join Date: 2002-06-28 Member: 841Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    I spend an hour in the CC in that game comming your nubbishness around and ya cant even throw some recognition my way? <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> Was about to post that exact game coil but you beat me to it... yeesh. o.O I'll throw up a story or two later tomarow guna go to sleep soon, 3:40 AM here.
  • coilcoil Amateur pirate. Professional monkey. All pance. Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 424Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Yes, the game was brilliantly commanded by Khaim. Perfect balance of giving orders and taking advice, and nobody ever questioned him - well, not that I ever noticed. He gave me a waypoint; I got there to find the rest of my team already there and hard at work. Nice.
  • ElvenThiefElvenThief aka Elven Thief (ex. NS Programmer) Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8754Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    My best frontline story goes something like this:
    It's the new ns_eclipse and we're playing about a 6 on 6...

    The game is pretty much back and forth all round, until i equip 5 guys with HA/HMGs, 1 shotty, 1 GL. So we do a little sweep pattern, attempting to go from hive to hive. I believe we downed eclipse hive... then on to computer core. Finished that off, but at that moment, a few fades hit my undefended base. I thought nothing of it, and hey we could relocated.
    Then I fell out of my commander's chair. They had completely tore it down before I had reacted. So, I've got 5 HA in the field equipped, and they had lost both of their hives, but had build one in maintanence.
    So, I just kept issuing verbal orders to attack the hive. Our GL guy goes down in a massive fight with the last of the fades, but there are only 2 or 3 aliens left alive.
    So as maintenance is hit, our crew finishes the hive off and RUNS OUT OF AMMO. Low and behold, one last alien pulled off a gorging and rebuilt computer core.
    Problem is, with the new computer core, the hive is a bit farther off the ground... So our HA guys, out of ammo, have only welders to attack it. So they form a giant tower, just coordinating and jumping on each other. But even with 4 HAs standing straight up, we couldn't hit the hive's hitbox.
    Sadly, the aliens managed to release eclipse also, and started spawning to pwn our ammoless brethren. All in all, most exciting game I played. That and I got a nice screenshot that Monse will probably pass out somewhere.
  • NeonSpyderNeonSpyder &quot;Das est NTLDR?&quot; Join Date: 2003-07-03 Member: 17913Members
    edited July 2003
    Mortigen i loved the story, and i would love to read some more... after reading this whole thread i have goosebumps all over my body... and i am searching Google for EVERYTHING even remotly related to NS v2.0... i have to stop twithcing or this could turn into a seriuos condition.

    anyone who has stories.. please put them up so i dont have to learn german just to find more information about Ns 2.0 on those "whacky" german sites.... help me <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MajinMajin Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16829Members, Constellation
    I Agree, we don't have a Beta forum to read anymore, PTs and VETs please tell us your tails of the new and finished 2.0z or za or wxyandz or whatever wacky name it has now!
  • Marik_SteeleMarik_Steele To rule in hell... Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9466Members
    Short but sweet, just had this experience on Hera.
    You know that small door near the marine spawn that can be welded open? I'm thinking the area it leads into is called Cargo, but I'm horrible with location names.
    An Onos came into our base towards the endgame, and being who it was, got shot up quite a bit. It decided to run away, but not out a door big enough for it--it headed straight for that human-sized door. Thinking it would be a dead end for the beast, another marine and I headed that way.
    We lost visual contact as the Onos got around the last crate before the opening. To our surprize, neither of us saw it -- it must've crouched through! Needless to say we were all in disbeleif over voicecomm. The marine I was with ambled through the door -- it couldn't have gone far. I followed.

    Just as I was about to pass through I found myself in its belly. A sensory chamber had cloaked it right there, and it was waiting for the first guy to pass by and ignore it so I'd walk through thinking there was nothing to be worried about.

    Pretty smart, for an Onos.
  • RabidWeaselRabidWeasel Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5337Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Pretty smart, for an Onos<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    You're just saying that because you got pwned <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Thanks for the story, I'd love to hear more (Thursday feels about ten thousand years away).
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    It really would be fun if the playtesters gave a final account the day before release.
  • Cataphract_40Cataphract_40 Join Date: 2003-06-09 Member: 17164Members
    edited July 2003
    Ok, here's a war story:

    I was running through a corridor, and a Skulk appeared! I shot it, it bled, and then it died!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!?? OMG!!!!

    Ok, so...maybe the anticipation of 2.0 is melting my brain....BUT WHO CARES?!?!? IT'S 2.0 MAN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  • RaVeRaVe Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17538Members
    Hehe story from meh <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Map ns_lost , August 2 2023, 20:30 PM

    I had an assignment to take out a resource tower,given my order,I was to destroy any xenoforms on the way.I walked through the seemingly epty corridor until I reached the Eternal Requeim.Weirdly I bumped into what seemed to be invisible walls on thw way.

    Taking out my knife,I begin slicing the resource tower,soon to be done with.Soon I killed it.Sure no problem.But on my way back to base I saw faint figures fading into reality.

    Offense chambers.

    And soon,my assignment was done,with a tragic end for me.

    And that's the end.The morale??

    Make sure you have an observatory or 2 in hand <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • PlagueMan500PlagueMan500 Join Date: 2003-08-01 Member: 18699Members
    Ok the map was eclipse, the marines base totally destroyed except for commander, the aliens all the sudden vanished. So the last guy makes an IP and builds it, the second he does all the onos's come out and devour, for 5 minutes the three onos' stood infront of the IP devouring the marines, us being marines had a contest of how far we could make it from the IP, until we got tired and hit f4 <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tiny.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • RedfordRedford Monorailcatfjord Join Date: 2002-04-28 Member: 528Members, NS1 Playtester
    edited August 2003
    You guys want a tale from the frontline? Ok, you got it!

    The map? ns_hera. The side? Aliens.

    I had just entered the map in the middle of a game allready in progress, and things started to look bad right from the start. For one thing, we had three types of chamber, but only two hives. For another thing, the moment I turned into the short door-hallways above the archving hive, I ran into a JP shotgun. He proceeded to miss me. Repeadly. I quickly proceeded to run back into the hive. I chilled there for a moment, trying to figure out what was what, and figure out a good course of action. Of course, that's when I heard the heavy armors. Feeling more then a little paniced, I ran out the upper level door, saw the JP/shotgun on the railing firing to the floor below. I mauled him, jumped down, mauled another guy in LA, avoided four shotgun rounds (I have no idea how) and ran back into the hive. However, by this point, they had finished welding the blockage at the front door, and strolled in, blasting everyone there and killing the hive.

    I respawned at V-3, and so the stage was set. A team of skulks versus a marine team with heavy armors, two of our hives, holoroom, and half the nodes on the map.

    It honestly took a while for the marine team to get over to our hive, or even kill our nodes. The general apathy of the marine team was our saving grace in this situation. For one thing, it took them a while to move their HA to the vent hive, which gave us time to collect RPs. When they did, they sent three HAs, which were dreadfully unorganised. After a little beating around the bush, my team and I managed to kill them, which was quite amazing, considering they all had shotguns and GLs. At this point, I noticed I somehow had collected 100 res, so of course, I went Onos. This turned out to be the turning point of the game.

    At this point, the marines got annoyed at us, and started sending multiple HA deathsquads at vent with five members each. However, each time, the exact same things happened: I sneak aroud the flanks of the formation, eating a HA then running. After the squad is weakended, me and the rest of the skulks finish off what is left. The end result was that between a single onos and a teamfull of skulks, we were able to stop a grand total of five HA deathsquads. During this time, danny (the champions guy) got on, and started bragging every time he shot a skulk. In addition, we had weakened the marine res, slowing the HA attacks, so we started leaving our base and breaking their stuff. I killed danny in HA while he was building somthing, and he called me a n00b. I was happy. Subseqently, I was a terror for all HAs on the map that day. Any HA moving alone was instantly eaten, and even HAs in groups were often relieved of one or more of their members as I snuck behind them and had a quick bite to eat. The skilled skulks on our team finished off the remainder.

    It was all uphill from there. During the subsiquent period, I as the onos swallowed many HA marines, then proceeded to free data core, allowing for our second hive. Then skulks and bile bombing gorges swept through holoroom, killing the marine base there. During this time, no less then two turret/phase bases popped up at the node outside in the blue engine area. The first one I stopped by eating the guy building it, then breaking all the incomplete buildings, causing a large loss of res. The second time I stunned the HA guarding the completed base, ate him, then killed everything else. Soon, we had the marines pushed back to their base with our attacks. We had all the nodes on the map. The marines had run out of RP for HA. Sick of losing, danny had left.

    To make a long story short, we beat them that day, making one of the most amazing comebacks I have ever seen in NS. Of course, it wouldn't of happened if it weren't for the efforts of a dedicated group of skulks and one... paticularly hungry Onos.
  • TheRandomSinTheRandomSin Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5571Members
    3 versus 3. pushing towards the last hive using the 'set down a turret factory w/siege at every corridor junction/turn' tactic (we had 500r at this time and full upgrades). my 2 guys leave. im stuck with a noob who doesnt follow my orders. my turrets w/phase gates get the destructies.
  • n4s7yn4s7y Join Date: 2003-04-18 Member: 15627Members
    One of the funniest things I've ever seen in a NS game is when one onus (yes, ONUS) closed the elevator in biodome (ns_origin) on another onus, thus killing it. As if that wasn't hilarious enough, the guy says something along the lines of "What the heck was that?" on voicecomm, which sent me off of my chair in laughter.
  • MaianMaian Join Date: 2003-02-27 Member: 14069Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Gold
    Today I just won my first marine game against hive 3 aliens on ns_veil. Version: 2.01b

    The game started normally - marines capped and successfully defended res nodes while aliens harassed us enough to start up a hive.

    Then things started looking grim. One of our res node outposts (Outlook I think) near a hive was isolated with a huge WoL and was being seiged. Aliens finished the 3rd hive around this time. Fortunately we had PGs between the main base and this outpost. We turret spammed the place; we even built 3 TFs. We soon got HA and GLs and started spamming the place crazily.

    Things started stabilizing at this point...until 3 veterans joined the alien team. We nearly lost Outlook. For the next 45-60 minutes we battled constantly over this outpost. The situation was barely stable - we had enough HAs, GLs, welders, and RTs to hold against the onslaught. It was a bunch of HAs, GLs, welders, and turrets versus oni, acid rockets, xenocides, bilebombs, and lerks. Our commander kept on replacing lost turrets and in fact, turret spammed our way closer to the hive. I just ran around supporting my team with a welder. I also ran into the thick of battle and retrieved weapons from fallen comrades (most of the time I failed though, but I did recover a couple GLs and welders <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->).

    Meanwhile, the Topo node was occasionally taken from us. Each time, we took it back with GL spam and HAs. These attacks were costly though. Overlook was always in bad shape after these distractions. At least with Topo serving as a buffer and Outlook attracting most of the alien attention, the main base was never attacked. I believe that we controlled on average 3 nodes throughout the game. We occasionally controlled the node between Outlook and main base and controlled the Topo node most of the time.

    Finally, with a surprise assault, we took the double res room. 15 minutes after this, aliens were starting starve since we were seeing a lot less oni. We slowly inched our way toward the hive near Outlook. With 3-4 GLs, we broke through all the WoLs and destroyed the hive.

    In an apparent act of desparation, the aliens took over our Topo buffer and started attacking our main base. After we destroyed this assault, the aliens F4ed.

    All I hafta say is: GOOD GAME <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • stubbystubby Join Date: 2003-08-11 Member: 19416Members
    I've played a good 3 to 4 hour game once or twice. The one I have in mind was quite easily the BEST game I have ever played.
    Wish i started the demo earlier than 2.5 hours into it =(
    Anywho, I was on marines and we had a commander that new what he was doing. AND we had marines that could listen. We were on Hera, which is a hard enough map as it is. Fresh to 2.0, I was a little surprised when I got a shotgun almost initially. I was even more surprised at how well it hurt skulks when they were not smart enough to try to duck and weave. After securing base with turrets, we moved out to Entrance and Reception, and built it up as best we could with the little resources we had left. Only enough for about 4 turrets after the node and TF, unfortunately, but we pressed on. We made our way to Holoroom, but it was swarming with cloaked gorges, skulks, and oc's. We couldn't push through this early, but we kept everyone who was alive pushing at it. The men that died, upon respawning, IMMEDIATELY headed to ventilation, which was totally empty because of the battle going on at Holoroom. We managed to cap the node in maintenance along the way, but didn't bother defending it. Within a short while, we had the hive pretty well secured and were getting in enough resources to get HA/GL to attack the holoroom, which the Kharaa were VERY stubbornly defending. But we built up a seige behind the boxes, giving us just enough room to bounce all kinds of nades around the corners. Once we got around the corner, we ran into a team of an onos and about 3 fades. It was rough, but we managed to push them back without losing more than 2 ha's. The battle and the subsequent reinforcing left us quite drained, and locking down holoroom became quite difficult. The Kharaa had enough sense to try and skulk rush us, and they almost managed to do it but for some clever turret placements by our fearless leader.
    After locking down holo, and having a few brief skirmishes, we notice that it got VERY quiet. Expecting a massive rush, we fell back to Ventilation, thinking that the Kharaa would try to take the hive by massive onos rush. And they did. Too bad for them, onos are easily knocked off of tiny platforms and then picked at by turrets. A massive network of about 5 or 6 phase gates kept us constantly on the front lines. The problem was, they had us stopped. They weren't taking anything from us, but we werent about to take there's either. After some half hour of skirmishes, both sides almost instantly launched a MASSIVE attack on the same spot, as part of some uncanny coincidence. It was at least 4 onos and several fades and battle gorges doind battle with about 8 heavy marines, with a mix of weapons. Hungry onos took quite a toll on our Heavies, but they hadn't invested in movements and thus weren't able to recall, so we got a few of them back--a little roughed up. The fades were the larger threat, as there were 1 or 2 who really had the knack down for Blink. Me and my GL had a tough time except for my BEST SHOT EVER. I launched a nade right into the face of a fade that rounded the corner, out of a large chunk of luck, and killed him. GL + Fade's Face = Goo on walls. The battle raged into the area surrounding holo (which was the fated battleground of the day, for whatever reason) with both sides putting up a valiant effort. In the end, we had managed to push them back to a hive. After that, their wills seemed to be broken, and we took them out with some sieges and some nice nading.
    Once the second hive was down, we secured and taking the third proved simple with their resource production being significantly damaged and there team accepting loss. Best....Game....EVER!
    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::fade::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/fade.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='fade.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/marine.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif'><!--endemo--> boom
  • ApeApe Join Date: 2003-06-17 Member: 17448Members, Constellation
    edited August 2003
    One of the most intense games I've had was as a marine on hera. Early on we secured reception, processing and holoroom, while the aliens got ventilation hive up. We had a few regulars on the marine team that worked very well together, but the aliens outclassed us in overall skill. As usual, the aliens dominated us in the race for resources. We lost marine spawn after a short while and relocated to reception. The aliens were pressing in on all sides, with constant onos and fade hit and run attacks.. pretty soon we lost holoroom and it was obvious reception wasn't going to hold out if they kept these attacks up for long. We also had a few turrets and a PG up at cargo and were defending it valiantly, while at the same time trying to push through back into marine spawn, which unfortunately had been WoL'd up to the brim.

    Our remaining outposts (reception and cargo) were constantly under heavy attack .. spores, acid rockets, onos running rampant and gorges doing their best to web us up. A mate and I had been given jetpack/shottie at this stage and we sat at the top of the boxes raised off the ground, out of reach from devour, doing our best to pickoff the rampaging aliens. Several times we defeated concerted attacks, only to be assaulted again and again by the determined kharra.

    Reception was also under heavy attack. We phased through to help drive off the attack, but didnt last long vs primal screamed acid rocket combined with web spam. Our desperate HA/HMG/shottie marines did their best, but we were losing that battle. Finally the aliens grouped up at holo and pushed in. After the last HA was devoured, the commander decided to relocate to cargo as we had an armoury, CC and TF there.

    Reception went down and we lost the PG before we could get to cargo, however our three remaining marines were on the way (It seemed as though the aliens had thrown their whole force at reception and were licking the wounds we had inflicted in that struggle). They cautiously entered cargo through the large door in the floor, made it inside, and called the all clear.

    As an IP dropped from the sky, two onos appeared (they'd been waiting, cloaked, just for this moment). One of the marines rushed to build the IP, while the others did their best to drive off impending doom. Thanks to the accurate rapid-fire shottie ownage of these two blokes, the onos redeemed fairly quickly - however, not before devouring the lone soldier building the IP.

    The IP was 80% built. One of the two remaining marines rushed to finish this IP off, while the other frantically scanned the room for incoming hostiles. Just as the IP finished building, an onos uncloaked right behind this courageous fellow (he's a mate of mine IRL, heh) and impaled him on that bloody big horn. However, the onos lingered a tad too long in that area, and the first marine to spawn saved us - by telefragging the onos (much laughter ensued).

    For some reason the aliens held off attacking us (I'm pretty sure they were getting annoyed at this stage, the game had been going for a good two hours or so) for a few minutes. This was enough time to get a rudimentry base up and running (a few more turrets, arms lab and another IP) before they rushed us again. As the whole alien team stampeded in from every direction, every marine tried his damndest to push them back. The remaining shotgunners sent a few of them back to their bacteria infested hive before we were all sent to hell.

    A very intense and immersive game.
  • CyberopticCyberoptic Join Date: 2003-08-12 Member: 19573Members
    edited August 2003
    Note: names have been replaced with invented ones to respect the privacy of the players.

    I felt we had lucked out on that mission. So far we had been able to quickly seize two resource nodes and our commander was good, as far as things went.
    I stood near the left entrance of the chamber, providing cover while MG and Rusty were building the armory. I was slightly nervous, I have been on some missions before but this one seemed... diferent. So far the aliens hadn´t showed up much, and that was strange.
    Suddenly I heard a raking sound coming from the corridor. I raised my lmg, ready to fire at anything that moved. Nothing. Time passes slowly, I feel my heart start pounding faster. My breathing becomes louder. Still nothing.
    "G-guys?, w-would you mind hurrying up? I think there's...." I couldn't finish the phrase. Something jumped at me from the corridor. It took me some time to realize that it had killed it... and that I could stop wasting my ammo.
    "Ok ladies, time to earn your pay. Move to waypoint 1 and get that area secured ASAP!". The commander's voice was rather reasuring, or maybe I was still freaked out from the skulk.
    "C'mon rookie, it's time to move" Said tome Rusty while he moved towards the waypoint, followed by our squad.
    That was when things went to hell.
    The designed waypoint seemd empty, but as we walked in a, literally, rain of spikes greeted us. MG and Rascal went down while Rusty yelled us to duck for cover. Then the commander called us back, the base was under attack.
    We retreated as fast as we could, while looking out for skulks or fades coming from behind, until we reached the base.
    The place was badly beaten. Most of the turrets lay down in a heap of rubble, and some of the... pulps in the floor had rags of the uniform, but there was no sight of the attackers.
    The comm two of our crew who had welders repair the damaged structures, while other two rebuilt the rest of the base.
    I was stuck again with guard duty, since I had no idea how to use a welder and much less how to build anything.
    So I stood again in the dratted corridor. The sweat was pouring down my face and my hands where slightly shaking. Heck, I'm no coward, but one thing is fighting in your own ground, where you know what's attacking you, and another is being on a battle where things come out of nowhere...
    Then I heard it. Two muffled clangs followed by a rush of air and the next second all I know is that my comrades are coughing and a green cloud wraps the chamber, and more coming out of the vents.
    The rest minutes, hours or seconds I don't remeber very well. Lots of things rushing down the corridors, the scream of the wounded ones, the barking of machinegun fire, the hissing of the aliens.
    I was lucky that day, me and a few others, including the commander, since we could retreat to a phase gate and could get rescued by a nearby starship who happened to hear or frantic calls for evac.
    Now I'm used to fighting the Kharaas, but I know I'll always remember one of my first missions, where everything went down.

    PD: the game was my actual first NS game, done on a LAN, the map I cannot remeber. But I thought that it would be nice to see things from the perspective of a rookie (I am one, after all) instead of a battle-hardened vet.
  • gamesguygamesguy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18974Members
    map: dont remember

    I was on the marine side, the game started off as 9v9. we managed to secure 2 res nodes and a hive at maintenence, then moved onto another hive. the alien team suddenly spawned 3 onos and overran the hive at maintenence and our 2 res nodes. we sieged and took another hive.

    at this point our base was under attack, we all phase back to base, killing one onos and forcing the other 2 to redeem. Then our commander sent 4 HAs(including me)to take the maintenence hive...again. we find the hive reletively undefended. we proceed to take it and build tons of turrets inside. while we were doing this, we lost the other hive and people started to quit on the marine team. within about 5 minutes, it was 8v4 (alien vs marines). by now we all have fully upgraded wps/armor. I had a gl and jp. we were unable to expand beyond the original base and the maintenence hive, so we started turret farming as well as building 3 tfs at each location for insurance.

    Pretty soon we were charged by 6 onos at the maintence hive, luckily for us the hive had only 2 ways in, one by a narrow doorway, the other by crossing over open space, climbing up a ladder or walking up a series of stairs. the doorway had around 10 turrets blocking it, there were also around 20 turrets on the ledge above the ladder and near the tfs. 3 of the 6 onos redeemed before even mannaing to reach the tfs-their target. the other 3 quickly followed, after destroying only 1 tf.

    the alien team then tried to gas us out, tried using a bunch of gorges, and another onos rush. non of them worked. I think we lost a total of 1 marine to devour in about 1 hour . The game went downhill from there, it ended up being 7v4, the aliens couldnt kill us, we stubbornly held onto the maintenence hive. they tried to end the game by voting to kick one of us. it didnt pass. finally the game ended when we all voted to change the map. by then, it had lasted 245 minutes
  • WarBringerWarBringer Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19212Members
    Map : ns_lost
    Team : Kharaa

    The game starts with around 10v10. many of us try a skulk rush while a few remained to become gorges. unfortunately they were ready with turrets and ripped us to pieces. the commander turned out to be quite the expert and quickly claimed many resource nodes. we quickly tried to keep up by building another hive. another player and i turned onos to help the fades battling for resource nodes. in one battle my redemption failed and died on the stop. many fades died as well leaving only 1 onos 2 fades and 1 lerk, the rest being skulks and gorges.

    just when we thought it couldnt get worse, we hear building outside our second hive. the whole team there in ha equipped with welders hmgs gls and shotguns, building turrets and a phase gate, getting ready to siege. fully upgraded, none of our attacks succeeded in damaging one turret. the game seemed lost. it was then that i had a brilliant idea, more obvious than brilliant, to attack their home base while the it is only defended by a few turrets and the commander. obviously no one would listen to a player that somehow died as an onos with redemption. soon after the first sounds of a siege turret hitting the hive did a few others and i manage to convince the others. we rushed into their base and went straight for the phase gate. it fell quickly to the storm of teeth and claws. we went for the command chair, infantry portals, and turret factory hoping the commander was fixed on the battle at the hive and not build another command chair. a few marines came back but they were quickly digested or gased to death.

    the base was destroyed and we waited to see if the dead marines would respawn. after a minute, the names were still red. we were victorious! they have no commmand chair and no infantry portals. we hunted down the remaining marines as we laughed and listen to the defeated swear. they made one last desperate attempt at our last hive and failed. the game seemed lost at the beginning but we kept at it and emerged victorious.
  • EighteenTwelveEighteenTwelve Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19366Members
    I'm not sure of the map, but I join into the middle of a firefight in the marine spawn. I keep dying, I cant hit anything. I get angry, hit my desk, and then refocus.

    We are sent to a double resource area, in a pit (of course) and I only have two extra clips. Along the way we kill two skulks, losing no-one. We set up quickly, but our resources come slowly, so we have no turrets. I see Skulk after Skulk, Lerk after Lerk. I get kill after kill, thinking to myself at one point I must have over a dozen kills. I end up single shotting the pistol, two shot bursting the LMG, and alien bodies are piled around me. I must have accumulated 30 res for our team, and we set up both resource nodes, multiple turrets, a motion tracker, and even a teleporter.

    I am sent off with the rest of my team to the nearest hive. We kill two skulks and a gorge en route and as I see the hive, I am suddenly staring at the console.

    I have been kicked so an admin can use his server.
  • ApeApe Join Date: 2003-06-17 Member: 17448Members, Constellation
    Harsh. I can tell you right now that I'd be spitting chips if that was me.
  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    I was playing in ns_hera. We went to relocate to Ventilation (good spot, actually). doodle doodle do.. no aliens... I think we killed 2.

    I died. Now, the team is pretty much full of newbies except for me, another guy, and the commander. We built the base... etc etc.

    I finally respawned, and I figured hey, they gotta be in Archiving, haven't seen one for a while. The commander got the observeratory up, and when a Skulk got in and I think it redeemed, he scanned it in case it cloaked.

    What we found was 3 sensory chambers, a hive, and about 4 Skulks that murdered us. That really sucked.
  • EighteenTwelveEighteenTwelve Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19366Members
    The map? Unknown. The place? Right outside a room. My squad (One, it's the l33test I tell you!) walks in to find a hive. "DONT SHOOT THE **** HIVE!!" I scream into my mic, and much to my surprise my teammates agree. "Damn" says the commander "lets turret this.." So we build a turret factory, still no sight of the aliens. *random squishy alien spawn noise* "*expletives* here come some happy aliens.." but they dont see us (we are up on a platform) and then I look up to hear a normal turret firing. "god DAMN!" I say among other things, and we set up. Skulks by the DOZENS are flocking into this freakin' hive. "Get those skulks out of the factory guys!" I say. "Guys, make a triangle. Guys?" THey are all dead. 4 marines down. I see four skulks and a gorge coming up. "Oh my God.. I am OUT of here!" I say while I pistol another two skulks (which brings the kill count for our squad to about 13) and I jump down a ladder. "Comm.. can I get some ammo?" "Jesus Gwai, are you still alive!?" "Something like that" I reply. "here..." he gives me some ammo and health, and spawns a teleporter "put this up Gwai.." "Uhm, its right next to the hive.." so I put it up, and as I am, a skulk appears, and dies. I finish the portal JUST as a skulk comes around, and I have no ammo. He is biting me just as I hit use. I am in the base, and I have 2 health.

    Good **** game.
  • RhodriRhodri Join Date: 2003-06-21 Member: 17575Members
    edited August 2003
    I slid down the corridor as silently as possible keeping to the shadows in a croutch, the only sound my heartbeat thumping in my ears. I stop in an alcove and wipe the sweat off my face with a gloved hand. I stare at the ensign on my glove and almost laugh at my great idea of joining the TSA for a bit of extra cash and glory....if only I'd known the truth of it then.

    I sigh wearily and continue on to the waypoint floating in the centre of my HUD. 10meters; just round the next corner. =Status Ghost?= Commander Lackly's voice crackels over the voice comm. =Been better= I reply dryly. I stop at the turning and press myself up against the wall, glancing round the corner; its clear. I slip into the room and hear the rush of air just in time to leap out of the way, the Skulks claws raking my Nano armour and leaving deep gashes. I hit the floor hard and spin around fireing an entire clip into the Skulk as it wheels round to attack again. Its lightly armoured body is ripped to shreads by the bullets. I yank the empty clip out of the gun and chuck it to the floor before slamming in a fresh one. I switch on my flashlight and check all of the dark corners of the cargo hold and find them clear, and yet...... =Comm?= I say queitly. =Go ahead.= he replies instantly. =Can you scan my location please?=

    I watch the pale blue circle spread through the room not seeming to find anything, I shake my head and turn around only to come face to face with another skulk, this time at point blank range. I try to raise my gun but it's hugly powerfull jaws slam shut on my arm. I scream and pull out my pistol and fire all ten rounds into its gapeing mouth. Theres a strange kind of slaping noise as its head explodes in a green goo and splatters over me and all the walls. =Ghost you alright down there?= Lackly asks, his voice concerned. =I look down at my ruin of an arm and the blood seeping through the armour, and feel my head start to swim. =N-need backup at Cargo Room 3= I say slowly. I can feel my strengh dropping fast. I drag myself to a shadowed corner and slump down. Nothing to do now but wait for reinforcements and the Nanites in my body to do their work. I try to lift my LMG onto my lap but it seems impossibly heavy; maybe sleep would help. I think silently my eyes closing as I slip into unconcsiousness.

    I don't know how long I was out; but I woke up with a start to the commanders voice in my ear. =Ghost? Ghost you there?= I can hear a faint banging in the background. =Yeah....?= I manage grogally. =the Kharra ambused us; base is offline. I need you to get to the new waypoint and reastablish our base, fondations are in place already. Goodluck soilder and Ghost don't forget I ne.....= there's a large explosion followed by a short burst of gunfire and ending in a terrible scream. I struggle to my feet reload my pistol and start walking to the waypoint, its not far; 20meters. What could possibly go wrong? I ask myself. A bitter smirk spreads across my face. In this line of work?.... Everything.
  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    edited August 2003
    On ns_tanith, we were Marines. At the start of the game, we grouped up into squads (I was squad five, of course), and 'ramboed' to an RT each. We didn't turret farm, nothing. Just ran around gathering RTs while the commander teched and dropped weapons at base.

    Over. And. Over.

    We just patrolled the map, not letting them go anywhere. After a while, we had full-upgrades, and HA. The Commander dropped Shotguns and HA, and we rushed for Satellite Communications. The rush failed, we were ambushed, thanks to Sensory. An Onos was hiding in the walkway, and then when it saw us go the left, it sprinted back into the hive, doubled around the other way, Devoured one guy from behind, and Gored the rest before we knew what the hell happened (I was Devoured).

    So, they got 3 hives. We half-turret farmed, and then kept doing rushes to choke-siege points such as Cargo Storage. We finally succeeded in Shotgun rushing Satellite after numerous scans to detect that damned Onos, and we secured Cargo and sieged Fusion.

    It took us like 500 tries to take Waste Handling, and eventually we finished it by Jetpack/HMG rushing.

    It was a great game, from 1 Hives, to 2 Hives, to 1 Hive (I didn't mention that part, we just Jetpack/LMGd down Fusion), to 2 Hives, to 3 Hives, to NONE.
    It was amazing.

    This is how NS should be played, you guys. Not securing Hives, but Resource Towers!
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