Get Banned For Owning The Other Team



  • Home_Star_RunnerHome_Star_Runner Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10612Members
    morose is so dead on.

    after playing the game quite a bit, but not insanely, it's not hard to know the hiding spots that skulks like. Hera reception, where it splits off to the left and right, on the right side opposite the vent, they're ALWAYS up there!

    plus listening for skulks REALLY is easy, and if your computer speakers are far enough apart on your desk, you get good stereo separation which helps you track em down. my buddy was playing on my computer and I'm watching him and i'm like "uhh, there's a guy around the corner..." "okay there's a guy right behind you"...

    that, and when I shoot a skulk, and see him run around a corner but then i stop hearing running, GEE, do you think he might of crawled above the door to ambush me following him? <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MadjaiMadjai Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2986Members
    yea i got called a cheater once when i was a marine, even got booted from votes about 5 times, but i kept coming back.

    i was in comp core, guarding it from skulks. i not only have good hearing, but headphones that accurately tell me where sounds are coming from. so i know if a skulk is behind or infront of me, to the left or right of me. so i hear a skulk lerking about and i center my crosshairs on the sound, it looks like its coming from the wall where the vent is in comp core hive. so i look up there and wait, a skulk pops his head out and i blow him away. then he goes on and on about how he was moving silently and i used aimbot and stupid **** like that.

    so he brings up the vote to kick me and i get booted several times until he says "d00d, just go to another server", and i just tell him, "im not the one with a problem, so why dont you" thats about when he gives up booting me and says hes friends with an admin and he'll get me banned.

    so the next time i come on i see him and an admin, when he leaves i talk to the admin about the situation and he says the guy is just "a stupid kid". thank GOD for admins who arent retards.
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