[BUG] Aurora scrap metal generates, does not fall, and accumulates in one spot
TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members
Experimental Build #55715
At ~0, 0, 0, over time, scrap metal generates, exhibits gravity-defying properties, and just accumulates if no Stalkers are nearby to grab it (and sometimes, even if there are). As bugs go, this is one of the nicer ones-- I once picked up 8-10 pieces of scrap in one go-- but it is a bug.
At ~0, 0, 0, over time, scrap metal generates, exhibits gravity-defying properties, and just accumulates if no Stalkers are nearby to grab it (and sometimes, even if there are). As bugs go, this is one of the nicer ones-- I once picked up 8-10 pieces of scrap in one go-- but it is a bug.
This is yet another time I wish you had a better PC, @baronvonsatan so you could make some movies to post.
Oh, and @0x6A7232, don't invoke that name unless you have a save game to show him. That's the rule.
(In case this might not be reproduced in all games as is often the case.)
I could upload a save, but seriously-- all you have to do is start a save, play normally for a bit, and then visit the area.
Stalkers tend to drift over that way. They shouldn't, though, because that location is in the Allegedly Safe Shallows.
I wish I had a better PC too, but there were time and money constraints (i.e., I needed a PC immediately), so I wound up buying a Skylake right before the launch of Kaby Lake. *facepalm* That said, I've been looking at the XFX R7 360 that @0x6A7232 suggested, but I've found a GTX 750ti for about the same price. All I have to do is justify the expense, install FRAPS, cross my fingers, sacrifice a goat, and there could very well be videos. (Nothing with any sort of polish or possibly even editing on them, but videos all the same.)
I'm on Skylake (i5-6500). No problems, there, the CPU is great, just needs a GPU.
Hrm. This one seems to have a different opinion http://gpuboss.com/gpus/Radeon-R7-360-vs-GeForce-GTX-750-Ti . (Also, i3-6100 here.)
EDIT: http://www.game-debate.com/gpu/index.php?gid=883&gid2=3069&compare=Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti-vs-AMD Radeon R7 360
It seems like there isn't much difference between the cards. (Thing is, the 750 ti I'm looking at is, uhh, a refurbished card, and I'd rather have something with a legit warranty.)
I've seen it before (while debugging someone who got a seamoth stuck inside their head..) but I don't know what triggers it. I figured it's due to loading some batch for the first time that's bugged and everything that's dynamically spawned (scrap, fragments) in that batch ends up at 0,0,0, but I'm not sure. Can you identify what triggers it, like maybe approaching the Aurora in a fresh save or some other batch #? I don't need a save for this one, just what makes it happen.
Btw, consider obs instead of fraps. You can use its nvenc/amf mode to record somewhat lower quality video than x264 at nearly no performance penalty given some headroom on the card.
I don't know what triggers it-- it just... happens beginning on Day 2 or 3. If it helps, I can give you a more complete rundown of my playstyle, but I just did a quick test and there were two gravity-defiers in that spot and I hadn't built anything more advanced than a Seaglide, and I'd only been as far as Lifepod 17.
Definitely gonna keep that in mind! It's going to be probably at least a month, though.
The XFX R7 360 is much cheaper new, though. Thanks a lot, cryptocurrency miners! *angryface*
It was just a bit north of where my Lifepod #5 spawned in that game.
(I start a new game with each major update)
I myself use the nVidia GeForce 650ti, and while it is a slightly lower version than @garath has, I am very happy with how well my graphics card operates. Despite having only 1GB of VRAM, 4GB of DDR3 memory and a Pentium processor, the graphics quality for Subnautica and overall performance is very impressive. Regardless of which model you go with, I daresay nVidia is the brand of choice I would recommend over any other video card brand.
Seriously, though, I like AMD just because nVidia's gotten.. pretty anti-competitive. I want competition to come back to the GPU market. Same with Intel vs. AMD (which, Ryzen is thankfully starting to crack that nut, though, sadly, not before I built my current system). Once we get back to 50/50, then I'll happily take whichever company feels right.
I've always like AMD CPUs, until they stopped being competitive with Intel (Why did they do that? Well, sabotaging your compiler so that programs built with it run like dog crap on anything but an Intel, coupled with bribing manufacturers to not offer, or delay offering, your competition's CPU tend to have that effect. Now, they were found guilty and had to pay a fine. A day late and a dollar short, the damage was done: no one liked AMD anymore, and "everyone" knew that Intel had the best, fastest processors, AMD was cheap junk. Intel has made its money back for paying that fine a thousand fold; it was well worth it (10/10, would break the law again).
nVidia has a mind share advantage, plus some squirrelyness with Microsoft and DX11 that gave them an advantage. In the cases where AMD produced a good product that actually matched nVidia performance, or was slightly behind, for a much better price, it made zero difference. Take a look at that comparison chart I posted comparing the R7 360 and the 750 Ti -- note the AMD card is slightly faster for everything, at a lower price point (~$70 cheaper), but the nVidia card is 277% more popular. Why? "nVidia is the best" -- well, yes, if you're talking about a 1070 Ti, 1080, or 1080 Ti, sure. If you're talking about cheaper cards, now there's much more variance in the market, but the AMD cards get left behind every time because, again, "nVidia is better".
That wouldn't be a problem, except, as companies grow and dominate a market, they get greedy (or, well, their greed has nothing left to stop it, as they have a captive market). So we pay with less R&D, less performance increase, and insanely bad ripoffs for pricing. Therefore, even if you like Intel & nVidia, you want AMD pulling at least 40% of the market or more to keep Intel and nVidia honest. A real big problem is, a lot of people won't buy from "the other side" -- they wait until the competition makes their side drop prices, then they buy from their side, when in fact, they should buy from AMD, and get Intel / nVidia really sweating for once. Then, next cycle (or maybe two), buy Intel, and you'll find you're paying much less, for much more performance.
Now, some may think I'm pulling all of this hot air from nothing, if you're interested, check out AdoredTV's channel (former Intel / nVidia fan, until he began paying attention, but he tries to remain balanced, and I think if the market were fair, and Intel / nVidia pulled ahead, he wouldn't have any qualms switching to whatever platform gave him the best performance for the money).
A few videos to start with: (link to playlist)
Intel's Anti-Competition
Intel fights dirty after Epyc trounces them
(for balance) Poor Vega
July update - Vega RX, Threadripper vs Skylake X, nVidia mind-games
Something wrong at Radeon
History of nVidia GeForce pt 1 - Fierce Competition
History of nVidia GeForce pt 2 - The Way You Were Meant To Be Played
nVidia - getting away with (GPU) murder
MSI 1080 Ti Gaming X - the only card that matters
Forza 7 benches & Coffee Lake paper launch
The Great Coffee Lake Con Job
Tech Talk 2 - nVidia's Forza Fightback, TSMC and Vega Inside!
You're beaten, Intel
Innovation vs Rebranding
Benchmarks - what to trust?
As you can see, even if you're a diehard nVidia / Intel fan, there's plenty of cause for concern (if the tables flipped, I'm sure AMD would also become the same way, all publicly traded companies seem to do this :mad: )
(Pssst, @0x6A7232. I think you meant you always liked Intel CPUs until Intel stopped competing.)
Eh, I clarified. I wasn't aware of Intel shenanigans until much later, all I knew is that no one seemed to be carrying AMD's latest CPUs for whatever reason, and that even though they should have been on par with Intel's, everyone said they were slower (sabotaged compiler, which was used to compile... benchmark programs. *ding!* XP )