Helmet Lazers, Like In The Trailer Movie.



  • NarfwakNarfwak Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5258Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica PT Lead, NS2 Community Developer
    Er, the 1.03 patch is teeny-weeny. It took me less than 30 seconds to download on DSL, with Kazaa and two servers AND 5 people playing on the same connection (not at home, I have shite 56k at home too, so I feel your pain).

    I am unaware of any problems running a LAN game with the server patch. I know from experience that running a LAN without the patch is a serious pain, as you tend to get used to the changes implemented in 1.03. You also need 1.03 to run adminmod (and to a certain extent, metamod) at all in NS.
  • XiaoXiaoXiaoXiao Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9543Members
    Can I have it so there will be uneven teams?
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