Basically it's a small water tank with spots to plant water plants. Yes I know you can do that with the alien containment, but it takes up an entire room. This would be the size of the normal interior growbed.
Basically it's a small water tank with spots to plant water plants. Yes I know you can do that with the alien containment, but it takes up an entire room. This would be the size of the normal interior growbed.
Not that I'm opposed to the idea, but what purpose would this serve? Exterior growbeds work just fine underwater, and the multipurpose room and alien containment are readily available by the time you get to places where you wouldn't want to have to get out of your base to harvest plants. For larger exterior underwater gardens, the O2 pipes even make it so you don't have to worry about running out of air while gardening.
That said, maybe we could have a small planting spot for the aquariums for growing mushrooms and other small underwater plants.
Not sure how you could plant in it without getting in, which would make it about the same size as the AC anyway.
For it to be any use (i.e. to grow edibles like Bulb Bush) you'd have to be able to harvest. Were you thinking an open-topped design, like a small interior pool?
Maybe it could fit in the corner like the water machine?
Not sure how you could plant in it without getting in, which would make it about the same size as the AC anyway.
For it to be any use (i.e. to grow edibles like Bulb Bush) you'd have to be able to harvest. Were you thinking an open-topped design, like a small interior pool?
Maybe it could fit in the corner like the water machine?
Woops I totally forgot about that. Maybe an openable lid on the top? I'm a goof
Booh, I thought this would be a request for a way to plant LR flora (and maybe one day water surface plants like the lilypads).
I imagine the problem of being unable to reach a plant in a smaller water growbed could be amended if it's only 2x2 and there'd be one button to destroy the contents all at once, of which the player is given the products. Kelp would obviously not be plantable. It's not elegant in the slightest, but it could work.
Not that I'm opposed to the idea, but what purpose would this serve? Exterior growbeds work just fine underwater, and the multipurpose room and alien containment are readily available by the time you get to places where you wouldn't want to have to get out of your base to harvest plants. For larger exterior underwater gardens, the O2 pipes even make it so you don't have to worry about running out of air while gardening.
That said, maybe we could have a small planting spot for the aquariums for growing mushrooms and other small underwater plants.
For it to be any use (i.e. to grow edibles like Bulb Bush) you'd have to be able to harvest. Were you thinking an open-topped design, like a small interior pool?
Maybe it could fit in the corner like the water machine?
Woops I totally forgot about that. Maybe an openable lid on the top? I'm a goof
I imagine the problem of being unable to reach a plant in a smaller water growbed could be amended if it's only 2x2 and there'd be one button to destroy the contents all at once, of which the player is given the products. Kelp would obviously not be plantable. It's not elegant in the slightest, but it could work.