Acheivement Ideas (For Devs)
Join Date: 2016-11-18 Member: 224057Members

So I came across the trello recently and realized that the devs needed ideas for more acheivements considering that there are only 3 right now. I happen to have my own ideas for some, and I would like to share them in no particular order. keep in mind that not all of these are currently possible in the game, but will be in v1.0 Feel free to also share your ideas in the comments! SPOILERS AHEAD!
-great Job not dying: survive for 3 days straight.
-experienced survivor: Survive for 10 days straight
-top of the food chain: survive for 20 days straight (I realize these are repetitive, but most acheivements like this are.)
-master of the sea: survive for a lot of days straight (not sure how many would be balanced yet)
-kablooey: witness the aurora explosion
-mobility: fabricate a seaglide
-there goes that...: witness the end of the sunbeam
-sustainable: fabricate a generator (nuclear or bioreactor)
-automation: fabricate a water filteration machine
-farmer: Grow a plant of any type to 100%
-speeder: fabricate a seamoth
-deep sea explorer: fabricate a cyclops
-new home: fabricate a multipurpose room
-rehabilitation and release (refrence to finding dory): hatch and release 3 eggs
-awww!: hatch the baby sea emperors
-goodbye, friend: finish the sea emperor events (acheived as soon as its diolauge ends)
-freedom!: launch the rocket
-not today!: disable the gun
-cured: cure your infection.
Thats all I have for now. I'll probably add some more later, and all of these are subject to change.
-great Job not dying: survive for 3 days straight.
-experienced survivor: Survive for 10 days straight
-top of the food chain: survive for 20 days straight (I realize these are repetitive, but most acheivements like this are.)
-master of the sea: survive for a lot of days straight (not sure how many would be balanced yet)
-kablooey: witness the aurora explosion
-mobility: fabricate a seaglide
-there goes that...: witness the end of the sunbeam
-sustainable: fabricate a generator (nuclear or bioreactor)
-automation: fabricate a water filteration machine
-farmer: Grow a plant of any type to 100%
-speeder: fabricate a seamoth
-deep sea explorer: fabricate a cyclops
-new home: fabricate a multipurpose room
-rehabilitation and release (refrence to finding dory): hatch and release 3 eggs
-awww!: hatch the baby sea emperors
-goodbye, friend: finish the sea emperor events (acheived as soon as its diolauge ends)
-freedom!: launch the rocket
-not today!: disable the gun
-cured: cure your infection.
Thats all I have for now. I'll probably add some more later, and all of these are subject to change.
Something like getting to the top of the mountain would be an achievement (PRAWN with 2 grapples). Or building a 10-stack of MFRs. Or building a base with a ridiculous amount of integrity. Or building a really deep base. Or knifing a Warper. Heck, knifing a Reaper. Killing a Reaper without using stasis. Killing 1000 fish. Completing the game and killing 0 fish. Eating no meat. Eating no vegetables.
Mushroom cannon: shoot a creature with a mushroom
Who needs lungs?: Black out by almost drowning, but survive.
Ha, who's the king of the sea now?!: kill a sea dragon (if the devs decide this is a thing you can do)
oh... crap... : Get the seamoth eaten by a reaper.
High diver: jump off something high and land in the water.
Biodiversity: Get every breed of small fish in a single alien containment tank.
Fast food: cook a fish with a hot knife.
Roadkill: Kill 100 fish with a seamoth.
Alone: find every wrecked life pod.
Edward torpedo hands!: have two torpedo arms on your exosuit.
Magic! : Get teleported by a warper.
I'm taking this... for survival reasons... : Pick up a cat poster.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And that means EVERY. Scan every creature, every plant, every blueprint, find every file in the bases, the wrecks, the lifepods, in the Aurora...
2. Dodging a cat fish explosion with fins upgrade = Note to self, do not pet the fish...? Idk work in progress.
3. Finding Nemo? Maybe add a clown fish somewhere = Found Nemo, now wheres dory? (never add dory, hue hue >:D)
4. Kill 10 Bleeders = Not today Dracula! (Or Ha! Take that!)?
5. Build too much on the base and have it collapse on its self? = Oops, maybe that was one too many windows... ( I legit had this happen today and was like dam...)
6. Build a ridiculously large base? = Over Achiever? Or My goodness isn't this enough yet?
7. Build a base on top of the water = The base is water proof, in case you didn't know... ( I legit did this and thought that game was bugging out when it showed the water inside on the floor..)
8. Ride the stalker = Yee HA! (Okay they seriously need to add in ride creature option...) HELLA COOL AND FUN! (make it a saddle or something? AND HIDE IT! GOOD!)
9. Eat one of everything eatable = You should seek help... Or Perhaps a diet is needed? Or Congrats! You've tried every delicacy!
10. Throw 100 titanium away in the trash = You know you can build stuff right?
11. Take a photo of every creature = Photographer achievement?
12. Ride a rabbit ray = Someone TAKE MY PHOTO! (snaps photo) = Achievement? (This would be the fastest creature to ride! IT JUST HAS TO BE DAMMIT!)
13. Egg sitter = Eh, who needs the fancy tech. Chickens hatch these all the time! (Sit on eggs to hatch them?) O,o Idk I'm my brain is just melting...
14. Feed the fish achievement? = Fish temporary follow you as a bonus? Like DLC STUFF Right here! WOO! lol
15. Swim with or without fins add on like 20miles? = Eh, who needs fancy crafts when you have fins! Ah, let's face it. I still haven't found that tech yet...
16. Swim 21 miles = Are we there yet? (Lol come on this is funny stuff...)
18. Open and take all of the items from every single chest thing = Looter achievement or I has all the booty! (lol)
19. Put on 1 floater = Eh, who needs life vests (lol) (should be stackable to head that would be funny...)
20. Use floaters to float an egg? = Floater achievement
21. Drop floaters from the top of your life pod = I think you've had one too many drinks... Or Idk what you're doing but please continue? (lol)
22. Stick a floater on 1 of every eatable fish = Okay we get it you're addicted to floating things... weirdo
Lol, Just when I think I run out of ideas... I drink some cocoa and they came flooding in...
I completely agree, and your ideas are actually really good, but 2 of the 3 acheivements already in the game are like this, so i assumed thats the style of acheivements the devs were going for. I do agree with you though.
Puff's Magic- Knock the sea dragons ranged attack back at it with a PRAWN
Reap what you Sow- Kill a Reaper
Old McDonald- Build the interior and exterior
grow beds
Doh!- Drop a used nuclear rod in the ocean
Craig McGuil- Ride a Reefback in the PRAWN
Alien Zoologist- Scan all fuana in game
Alien Herbologist- Scan all Flora in game
Perfectionists- Unlock all PDA entries
Meaning of Life- Find Enzyme 42
Carousel of Progress- Unlock all technology
Speed Run- Complete the game in under 24 hours
Darwins theroy- Scan all variants of the Eye-Eye, the Peeper, and the Boomerang
Another list from another page