EDIT: you know what? Nevermind. I don't think harsh opinions and feedback are welcome here anymore, if things will degenerate to nitpicking just to make the guy saying something to look like an idiot.
Harsh opinions and feedback are fine. Calling the developers lazy, because we made a decision you disagree with...not fine. Have a good day.
I like the small regen, but it is a little too strong. I was able to drive at flank at all times without worrying about anything doing enough damage to break the "overshield." Maybe lower the free shield some or increase the time delay until recharge.
By the power of magical faggotry! I Summon Thee! Cometh Forth Scientific Spawned Magical Self Repairing Hull! Besides explaining the damages by increasing the size of the brainless fish who insist on attacking the BIG METAL BATHTUB OF RAMMING DOOM, despite the fact the in game's classification of big bad fish as leviathans!
Dude, when you make comments like this - not even actually addressing what was said, BTW (like how small sharks surpass said Leviathans in damage when in a group or even just rammed into) , can you really be surprised that people took issue with you? Heck, it's not even arguing things that people were against - it's the name-calling. That was the part people don't tolerate.
Refer to me directely if you want to use something I said as a quotation. The recharging shield is a magical band aid. Also, learn how to sarcasm and irony before coming to read something on the internet, just to avoid having your feelings hurt because of your thin skin.
Dude, again, you're the one calling people "fagg*ts" and the like; you can't very well lecture someone on how to address you or take you comments when you're hurling abuse towards everyone. Furthermore, with the shield, I feel compelled to point out that Subnautica takes place in a world where manipulation of materials on the molecular level and 3-D printing of large, complex pieces of tech are all commonplace features; self-repairing nanites or a dampening shield aren't any more "magical" than teleporters were for Star Trek - just some advanced tech.
Wouldn't it be easier to just nullify the damage received by the Cyclops from some things, like fish smaller than a leviathan, while keeping thecollision with rocks and surfaces capaple of doing damage, as was heavily discussed and suggested on these forums? Sorry, regenerative shielding ends up being just a band-aid becauseof this:
What would be the reason to use the Shield module then? Let's say you make your way to the ILZ tunnels passing through the Lost River. Consider you are using the power of area of blindness created by the Silent Running. You will take damage because of the manuevers needed to be made on the tunnels, and that's unnavoidable. Many players use the Shield module as a counter to this damage.
What is the difference between arriving at the ILZ tunnels (not the Castle's chamber) with a shield that works only for a while, and a less powerful shield that is regenerative? The Shield Module becomes outclassed, because there is no need for it anymore. Any damage the hull would receive is automatically less than before, because of the presence of the shield. That's why I said it was a magical band-aid.
This "experiment" just eliminated the need of an upgrade released with the lauch of a new stable version of the game. There are times I think this "Silent Running" Update came way, WAY too early than it was supposed.
Well, the big issue with this argument (aside from being a bit late to be civil, IMHO), is that it ignores how the built-in Cyclops shield doesn't eliminate all damage - it just reduces it. If you're being manhandled by a Sea Dragon, chances are it's not going to negate and/or repair itself anywhere near fast enough to keep you from being sunk. Plus, using the invulnerability shield upgrade for every turn or risk of impact, personally speaking, feels like just a waste of power since it consumes 50 energy per use - especially with the net-gain on battery chargers being axed out.
Simply put, the big difference is that if you're under full-on attack, the small regenerative shield isn't going to be enough to do the job - especially since you have to first escape being attacked before it'll slowly start to regenerate. Ergo, it's really not a "magical band aid" - it's just the base sub being tougher than it was before, though not tough enough to last as well as it would without the shield. Not to mention that, personally speaking, complaints about some modules being used less than others in and of itself feels a moot point - it's unlikely you're ever going to use all modules equally, depending on your playstyle; that was the case for the Prawn and Seamoth, so why is the Cyclops any different? Heck, how does it mean the modules are useless if the player doesn't use them, as opposed to it not fitting their playstyle?
A really bad decision derived from laziness to a problem they aren't exactely sure how to deal with, but hey, it is their decision.
Make your own game, then come back and we'll see if you have the right to call us lazy.
Anyway, we debated long and hard over the best approach to take, and we felt like the overshield approach was a good compromise. Just removing Bonesharks from being able to do damage, that some people suggest, would mean there are very very few places in the world where the Cyclops would actually take any damage from creatures, thus defeating the whole point of this entire mechanic.
I don't agree with the "lazy" comment, myself (or the casually name-calling people left and right), but that being said, I do think you missed part of his point.
His point wasn't to remove damage from bonesharks - it was to remove damage from the terrain; at the absolute most, he only suggested boneshark/creature damage be lessened for everything that's not a leviathan. The whole point of people's complaints isn't that the sub takes damage - it's that they feel the damage is imbalanced. You've made efforts to correcting that, and I thank you for that, but I also want to make clear that it's not invulnerability people were looking for; just that balance continued to be looked at.
Casual_PlayerThat...is a really good questionJoin Date: 2016-08-30Member: 221875Members
I apologize for calling out or insinuating what I wrongly considered a lazy behaviour. I am not going to guess or support anymore that this decision was taken by the venue of less effort instead of what you and the dev team passed through your meetings before this change being aproved (as you said- find a compromise). That was a terrible thing to say, and for that, I'm trully sorry.
Ok. Thank for the criticism. The only reason I retorted that way to OP was for his trying to answer me without giving me a chance to defend myself.
It just isn't fair. Why is the Cylcops getting all the love? The devs made it so Bonesharks can't quickly and easily kill the Cyclops but my poor base... I just bump my nose against the wall walking around my base, and it collapses like it were made out of card board. Where is the justice??
Am I the only one that is slightly confused here? Are the "Overshield" and the regenerating hull one and the same or are they two different things?
I am not on experimental so I can't confirm that.
For me it seems to be two different things. Especially the "Overshield" for me beeing something from the info I got from this thread that could do two things.
"Added a recharging 'overshield' that will soak up all hits above 80% damage"
That could (at least for me) mean one of the following things:
It prevents one-hit-kills from a big Leviathans, because anything that would deal more then 80% damage gets soaked up by the overshield once and then it has to recharge.
Or it means that once you get to 80% damage all hits get absorbed for a short time and then it has to recharge. That way you would get a small timeframe in which you could save your Cyclops once it already got roughed up pretty badly (80% damage already taken).
The self repairing hull the OP mentioned seems to be another mechanic altogether that has nothing to do with the Overshield at all or not?
Or do I missunderstand something here?
EDIT: By the way a regenerating hull mechanic would be very nice as long as it does not regenerate too fast. Great idea!
As I understand it, it's exactly the opposite of both those things. :P Basically if your Cyclops has 80% or more health, it will slowly regenerate up to 100%, but if it falls below 80% it will not regenerate at all.
As I understand it, it's exactly the opposite of both those things. :P Basically if your Cyclops has 80% or more health, it will slowly regenerate up to 100%, but if it falls below 80% it will not regenerate at all.
That makes sense too. Can someone that plays the experimental version confirm, that this system works that way and that overshield & regenerting hull are one and the same and not two different mechanics? That would be cool. Thx in advance for that.
That makes sense too. Can someone that plays the experimental version confirm, that this system works that way and that overshield & regenerting hull are one and the same and not two different mechanics? That would be cool. Thx in advance for that.
I think there is something misinterpreted in this discussion.
After i saw the changed damage display the first time in the Cyclops i tested lot of things and (several days later) read the SN Wiki.
An 'overshield' will absorb all damage taken by the Cyclops when the submarine has more than 80% of its health. [..] However, the overshield will not recharge if the Cyclops has less than 80% of its health.
This is not correct. The "Overshield" works only if the hull is at 100% health. On my tests i damaged the Cyclops a bit and i looked at the hull health display in the machine room. If the Cyclops have only one single leak outside, the Overshield doesn't work.
Added a recharging 'overshield' that will soak up all hits above 80% damage,
I am interpreting this as follows: if the Overshield is operationally and fully charged, it will compensate a maximum damage of 20% hull armor equivalent.
Fact: the Overshield works only if the hull is at 100% health.
Assumption: the Overshield compensate 20% hull damage.
So my current answer to your question is: yes, these are different mechanics. And the hull is not regenerating, it's only a "small" additional shield.
But later, when I was attacked again, I was constantly looking at the health bar and noticed that it had dropped but WAS SLOWLY GOING BACK UP! As someone who fixed evcery tiny scratch on his sub, this is AWESOME! No longer having to get out every five seconds! Then again, this could be a bug. But it probably isn't, and I definitely hope so.
So if he's right and it is no bug we get on top of that a slow hull regeneration. Let us wait and see how much of this makes it to the stable version then.
So if he's right and it is no bug we get on top of that a slow hull regeneration. Let us wait and see how much of this makes it to the stable version then.
I think the problem/misunderstanding here is the combined health/shield display. I think the most people see this as one display. Me too btw, after i tested the first SN build with this new feature. But this health bar are two different bars. The only connection between this two bars is the fact, that the overshield only work if the hull is at 100%. Honestly, that are my current observations and assumptions.
Orange bar: hull health status
Blue bar: overshield status
As i said, i made lot of tests. And the hull damage was never be regenerated automatically, only the overshield was regenerated, after i repaired the hull damage.
EDIT: you know what? Nevermind. I don't think harsh opinions and feedback are welcome here anymore, if things will degenerate to nitpicking just to make the guy saying something to look like an idiot.
I guess I'll return to roleplay. Things are somehow saner there...
I've seen you really, REALLY like using insults as parts of your arguments. Civil feedback is always good, but if you insult the developers instead of properly giving feedback don't compalin if it backfires.
I apologize for calling out or insinuating what I wrongly considered a lazy behaviour. I am not going to guess or support anymore that this decision was taken by the venue of less effort instead of what you and the dev team passed through your meetings before this change being aproved (as you said- find a compromise). That was a terrible thing to say, and for that, I'm trully sorry.
Ok. Thank for the criticism. The only reason I retorted that way to OP was for his trying to answer me without giving me a chance to defend myself.
The sudden change of tone here made me feel like a little kid was writing before and now his/her mom/dad overtook the control. The change in tone is too big and sudden.
So if he's right and it is no bug we get on top of that a slow hull regeneration. Let us wait and see how much of this makes it to the stable version then.
I think the problem/misunderstanding here is the combined health/shield display. I think the most people see this as one display. Me too btw, after i tested the first SN build with this new feature. But this health bar are two different bars. The only connection between this two bars is the fact, that the overshield only work if the hull is at 100%. Honestly, that are my current observations and assumptions.
Orange bar: hull health status
Blue bar: overshield status
As i said, i made lot of tests. And the hull damage was never be regenerated automatically, only the overshield was regenerated, after i repaired the hull damage.
Ah ok so the OP may have misunderstood the blue healthbar (The Shield) for the orange bar which shows the hull status. That makes sense. Small self repair would have been nice though.
So if he's right and it is no bug we get on top of that a slow hull regeneration. Let us wait and see how much of this makes it to the stable version then.
I think the problem/misunderstanding here is the combined health/shield display. I think the most people see this as one display. Me too btw, after i tested the first SN build with this new feature. But this health bar are two different bars. The only connection between this two bars is the fact, that the overshield only work if the hull is at 100%. Honestly, that are my current observations and assumptions.
Orange bar: hull health status
Blue bar: overshield status
As i said, i made lot of tests. And the hull damage was never be regenerated automatically, only the overshield was regenerated, after i repaired the hull damage.
Ah ok so the OP may have misunderstood the blue healthbar (The Shield) for the orange bar which shows the hull status. That makes sense. Small self repair would have been nice though.
Yes, I misintrepeted how it works in the beginning, this was posted literally instantly after I noticed the regen
I believe i made a mistake on my tests. I tested now the current experimental 48729 and the behavior is exactly as described. There is really a regeneration of the hull. Not sure if the behavior was changed or it was my fault. I think the last.
I believe i made a mistake on my tests. I tested now the current experimental 48729 and the behavior is exactly as described. There is really a regeneration of the hull. Not sure if the behavior was changed or it was my fault. I think the last.
IDK; when I tested hull regeneration, it eventually happened if at least a day or so passed (I think). Than again, I wasn't keeping track of the experimental builds, so IDK if that changed between now of than.
EDIT: you know what? Nevermind. I don't think harsh opinions and feedback are welcome here anymore, if things will degenerate to nitpicking just to make the guy saying something to look like an idiot.
I guess I'll return to roleplay. Things are somehow saner there...
I've seen you really, REALLY like using insults as parts of your arguments. Civil feedback is always good, but if you insult the developers instead of properly giving feedback don't compalin if it backfires.
I apologize for calling out or insinuating what I wrongly considered a lazy behaviour. I am not going to guess or support anymore that this decision was taken by the venue of less effort instead of what you and the dev team passed through your meetings before this change being aproved (as you said- find a compromise). That was a terrible thing to say, and for that, I'm trully sorry.
Ok. Thank for the criticism. The only reason I retorted that way to OP was for his trying to answer me without giving me a chance to defend myself.
The sudden change of tone here made me feel like a little kid was writing before and now his/her mom/dad overtook the control. The change in tone is too big and sudden.
@Ojakokko If an issue with board behavior has already been addressed by staff and / or the offending OP, please do not throw salt at the (now non-) issue. Exactly what were you trying to accomplish? Two trolls don't make a fairy, you know. Click the following image for a free cookie:
If an issue with board behavior has already been addressed by staff and / or the offending OP, please do not throw salt at the (now non-) issue. Exactly what were you trying to accomplish? Two trolls don't make a fairy, you know.
Um... no offense, but aren't you doing the same exact thing by drawing attention to it yourself? Besides, IDK if he even realized it had fizzled out by this point - he made two separate comments in the span of four minutes, so I think he just replied as he read down the line as opposed to knowing what ended when.
Either way, it's done now. No reason to grind it in and start a fight with someone else, no?
So if he's right and it is no bug we get on top of that a slow hull regeneration. Let us wait and see how much of this makes it to the stable version then.
I think the problem/misunderstanding here is the combined health/shield display. I think the most people see this as one display. Me too btw, after i tested the first SN build with this new feature. But this health bar are two different bars. The only connection between this two bars is the fact, that the overshield only work if the hull is at 100%. Honestly, that are my current observations and assumptions.
Orange bar: hull health status
Blue bar: overshield status
As i said, i made lot of tests. And the hull damage was never be regenerated automatically, only the overshield was regenerated, after i repaired the hull damage.
Ah ok so the OP may have misunderstood the blue healthbar (The Shield) for the orange bar which shows the hull status. That makes sense. Small self repair would have been nice though.
Had no idea about this either. Thanks for the info.
IDK if he even realized it had fizzled out by this point - he made two separate comments in the span of four minutes, so I think he just replied as he read down the line as opposed to knowing what ended when.
Yeah, that's what happened. I think I read about a week worth of comments at once, since I hadn't had access to the forums for a while. Problem on my end, not the server's
IDK if he even realized it had fizzled out by this point - he made two separate comments in the span of four minutes, so I think he just replied as he read down the line as opposed to knowing what ended when.
Yeah, that's what happened. I think I read about a week worth of comments at once, since I hadn't had access to the forums for a while. Problem on my end, not the server's
Sorry, misread what was going on (although I did think it was a bit out of character, so maybe I should have asked?).
I like that idea have an ambient overshield that regenerates over time when you don't take damage I think it's a cool compromise; as long as it isn't too overpowered, I also like the fact that the devs listen to their community, good job guys. I'm enjoying the game thus far despite the bugs which, I might add are getting less and less as time goes on looking forward to the final release!
All Starfleet Starships have what's called a Navigational Deflector; this is the thing that deflects micro-debris and tiny things from tearing the ship to pieces as it's flying through space--which is a real and very present danger!
This is what the Overshield for the Cyclops does, except it deflects attacks from 'light' creatures - such as Bone Sharks - as well as deflects bumps and knocks if you should accidentally bump into something whilst driving the sub.
Starfleet Ships also have the Deflector Shield(s) which appear as a 'bubble' around the ship when that pesky Romulan Warbird or Klingon Bird of Prey decides to blast you with phasers or whump you with Photon Torpeedoes.
This is what the Shield Upgrade - not the Overshield - does for the Cyclops; except this shield is manually activated and it chews through energy like a boss, so you'd best only turn it on when, you know... a Reaper Leviathan decides to snack on your engine, or that grumpy Sea Dragon decides to whack you around, like an old guy with his walking cane screaming, "GIT OFF MAH LAND!!!"
Also... seriously, @Casual_Player and any others who are doing so... stop insulting the Devs. Unknown Worlds Entertainment are a small team who are busting their asses to make this amazing game for us all; and practically giving it away at a bargain bin price as an Early Access title. We as players invested in Subnautica and its Community ought to be extremely grateful to them all for doing this! If you don't like the game, rather then hating on the Devs, just--stop playing it. Go play something else.
Dude, when you make comments like this - not even actually addressing what was said, BTW (like how small sharks surpass said Leviathans in damage when in a group or even just rammed into) , can you really be surprised that people took issue with you? Heck, it's not even arguing things that people were against - it's the name-calling. That was the part people don't tolerate.
Dude, again, you're the one calling people "fagg*ts" and the like; you can't very well lecture someone on how to address you or take you comments when you're hurling abuse towards everyone. Furthermore, with the shield, I feel compelled to point out that Subnautica takes place in a world where manipulation of materials on the molecular level and 3-D printing of large, complex pieces of tech are all commonplace features; self-repairing nanites or a dampening shield aren't any more "magical" than teleporters were for Star Trek - just some advanced tech.
Well, the big issue with this argument (aside from being a bit late to be civil, IMHO), is that it ignores how the built-in Cyclops shield doesn't eliminate all damage - it just reduces it. If you're being manhandled by a Sea Dragon, chances are it's not going to negate and/or repair itself anywhere near fast enough to keep you from being sunk. Plus, using the invulnerability shield upgrade for every turn or risk of impact, personally speaking, feels like just a waste of power since it consumes 50 energy per use - especially with the net-gain on battery chargers being axed out.
Simply put, the big difference is that if you're under full-on attack, the small regenerative shield isn't going to be enough to do the job - especially since you have to first escape being attacked before it'll slowly start to regenerate. Ergo, it's really not a "magical band aid" - it's just the base sub being tougher than it was before, though not tough enough to last as well as it would without the shield. Not to mention that, personally speaking, complaints about some modules being used less than others in and of itself feels a moot point - it's unlikely you're ever going to use all modules equally, depending on your playstyle; that was the case for the Prawn and Seamoth, so why is the Cyclops any different? Heck, how does it mean the modules are useless if the player doesn't use them, as opposed to it not fitting their playstyle?
His point wasn't to remove damage from bonesharks - it was to remove damage from the terrain; at the absolute most, he only suggested boneshark/creature damage be lessened for everything that's not a leviathan. The whole point of people's complaints isn't that the sub takes damage - it's that they feel the damage is imbalanced. You've made efforts to correcting that, and I thank you for that, but I also want to make clear that it's not invulnerability people were looking for; just that balance continued to be looked at.
I apologize for calling out or insinuating what I wrongly considered a lazy behaviour. I am not going to guess or support anymore that this decision was taken by the venue of less effort instead of what you and the dev team passed through your meetings before this change being aproved (as you said- find a compromise). That was a terrible thing to say, and for that, I'm trully sorry.
Ok. Thank for the criticism. The only reason I retorted that way to OP was for his trying to answer me without giving me a chance to defend myself.
I am not on experimental so I can't confirm that.
For me it seems to be two different things. Especially the "Overshield" for me beeing something from the info I got from this thread that could do two things.
"Added a recharging 'overshield' that will soak up all hits above 80% damage"
That could (at least for me) mean one of the following things:
The self repairing hull the OP mentioned seems to be another mechanic altogether that has nothing to do with the Overshield at all or not?
Or do I missunderstand something here?
EDIT: By the way a regenerating hull mechanic would be very nice as long as it does not regenerate too fast. Great idea!
That makes sense too. Can someone that plays the experimental version confirm, that this system works that way and that overshield & regenerting hull are one and the same and not two different mechanics? That would be cool. Thx in advance for that.
I think there is something misinterpreted in this discussion.
After i saw the changed damage display the first time in the Cyclops i tested lot of things and (several days later) read the SN Wiki.
This is not correct. The "Overshield" works only if the hull is at 100% health. On my tests i damaged the Cyclops a bit and i looked at the hull health display in the machine room. If the Cyclops have only one single leak outside, the Overshield doesn't work.
I am interpreting this as follows: if the Overshield is operationally and fully charged, it will compensate a maximum damage of 20% hull armor equivalent.
So my current answer to your question is: yes, these are different mechanics. And the hull is not regenerating, it's only a "small" additional shield.
Thx that clears up the function of the overshield some more. It gives you a kind of "energy-bumper" which self-recharges after beeing used.
But according to the OP:
So if he's right and it is no bug we get on top of that a slow hull regeneration. Let us wait and see how much of this makes it to the stable version then.
I think the problem/misunderstanding here is the combined health/shield display. I think the most people see this as one display. Me too btw, after i tested the first SN build with this new feature.
Orange bar: hull health status
Blue bar: overshield status
As i said, i made lot of tests. And the hull damage was never be regenerated automatically, only the overshield was regenerated, after i repaired the hull damage.
I've seen you really, REALLY like using insults as parts of your arguments. Civil feedback is always good, but if you insult the developers instead of properly giving feedback don't compalin if it backfires.
The sudden change of tone here made me feel like a little kid was writing before and now his/her mom/dad overtook the control. The change in tone is too big and sudden.
please explain
Ah ok so the OP may have misunderstood the blue healthbar (The Shield) for the orange bar which shows the hull status. That makes sense. Small self repair would have been nice though.
Yes, I misintrepeted how it works in the beginning, this was posted literally instantly after I noticed the regen
IDK; when I tested hull regeneration, it eventually happened if at least a day or so passed (I think). Than again, I wasn't keeping track of the experimental builds, so IDK if that changed between now of than.
@Ojakokko If an issue with board behavior has already been addressed by staff and / or the offending OP, please do not throw salt at the (now non-) issue. Exactly what were you trying to accomplish? Two trolls don't make a fairy, you know.
Um... no offense, but aren't you doing the same exact thing by drawing attention to it yourself? Besides, IDK if he even realized it had fizzled out by this point - he made two separate comments in the span of four minutes, so I think he just replied as he read down the line as opposed to knowing what ended when.
Either way, it's done now. No reason to grind it in and start a fight with someone else, no?
Had no idea about this either. Thanks for the info.
Yeah, that's what happened. I think I read about a week worth of comments at once, since I hadn't had access to the forums for a while. Problem on my end, not the server's
Sorry, misread what was going on (although I did think it was a bit out of character, so maybe I should have asked?).
regards V497_Vesper
All Starfleet Starships have what's called a Navigational Deflector; this is the thing that deflects micro-debris and tiny things from tearing the ship to pieces as it's flying through space--which is a real and very present danger!
This is what the Overshield for the Cyclops does, except it deflects attacks from 'light' creatures - such as Bone Sharks - as well as deflects bumps and knocks if you should accidentally bump into something whilst driving the sub.
Starfleet Ships also have the Deflector Shield(s) which appear as a 'bubble' around the ship when that pesky Romulan Warbird or Klingon Bird of Prey decides to blast you with phasers or whump you with Photon Torpeedoes.
This is what the Shield Upgrade - not the Overshield - does for the Cyclops; except this shield is manually activated and it chews through energy like a boss, so you'd best only turn it on when, you know... a Reaper Leviathan decides to snack on your engine, or that grumpy Sea Dragon decides to whack you around, like an old guy with his walking cane screaming, "GIT OFF MAH LAND!!!"
Also... seriously, @Casual_Player and any others who are doing so... stop insulting the Devs. Unknown Worlds Entertainment are a small team who are busting their asses to make this amazing game for us all; and practically giving it away at a bargain bin price as an Early Access title. We as players invested in Subnautica and its Community ought to be extremely grateful to them all for doing this! If you don't like the game, rather then hating on the Devs, just--stop playing it. Go play something else.