What does your main base look like ?
Panama City, Florida Join Date: 2017-02-27 Member: 228333Members
The question is in the title, What does your base look like, I'm curious how everyone else's setup looks. Here is mine in case anyone wants to check it out. I took advantage of a glitch I found and extended my base from below the surface to above the surface with a added relaxation deck.
Also theres already a thread on displaying seabases and watching other's work, its a sticky on the top of the forum called SeaBase Showcase
I love to roam the pages there and watch other people's bases to get some ideas from time to time and also look at the very first displays to see what the game used to be like few year's back!
That's not a "glich" as far as I know.
We've always been able to build above the waterline.
Cool looking base none-the-less.
Did you not see the bulk head at the end of that module lol That's the glitch, You can put interior items outside the base last I checked the only way to do that is to use the glitch.
The answer is NO, I didn't.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
*puts on sunglasses*
...floats your boat.
SEX, that's usually the best thing that helps me sleep at night.
you mean like this lol
Yup! But I don't need to build a bulkhead to flip either physics mode, is all.
I used to build elaborate bases, but I found out that larger bases were mostly unnecessary, and in earlier builds incredibly large bases would destabilize savefiles after dozens of hours of gameplay. But as a specific example, the reason I commented in this thread was because someone was needlessly snippy to an innocent bystander:
Hence the snarky meme reply.
I would imagine it is because there is already a well worn, "stickied" thread exactly for this purpose...
I know that there is. There is no one posting in it anymore. Plus my images will not post on that thread. It just gives some kind of link, ive tryed already.
I can show your images in a post in that thread, maybe do a "faux edit" and repost it in the same post? Something went weird, because your BBCode is exactly the same, yet the output is wrong...
Whats a faux edit lol and ive tryed everything. That thread just will not cooperate with me. Ive posted from my phone and my computer and the images just will not show for some reason. Only that bbcode shows up.
Oh, just add a space somewhere and repost it
No, wait. That was the plane.
I tend to build my bases in a three- or four-cylinder configuration, using each stack of MPRs for a specific function - living spaces, engineering, workshop, lab. Very utilitarian.
That Habitrail base you built is certainly more complex.
That's it!
I knew there was something that the glass tubes reminded me of just couldn't put me finger on it till now.