New story points you would like to see?
Join Date: 2016-11-15 Member: 223876Members

Now obviously the devs have enough on their plates as is and I doubt they need more major story points to work on so don't put anything in like "Our main character is actually a precursor who had a dream about being on a ship and crashing, and the warpers are using him to wipe out all planets in the galaxy. Also the warpers are blood related to bigfoot." So leave your suggestions below:
One thing I would like to see is more of a relationship between the AI and our character, I've always had something for robotic companions in stories like R2-D2 in star wars, and Gideon in "The Flash" and "Legends of tommorow". This could even just be our character giving the AI character himself after being alone for so long. Nothing major obviously but something where our main character is so lonely he starts to imagine (and this could be pulled off with some simple audio adjuster) the AI saying stuff like another human would. I don't know I think it could be interesting.
EDIT: Wheatley! Yeah something like that he's the perfect example of what I'm going for.... besides the going evil and trying to kill you part.
One thing I would like to see is more of a relationship between the AI and our character, I've always had something for robotic companions in stories like R2-D2 in star wars, and Gideon in "The Flash" and "Legends of tommorow". This could even just be our character giving the AI character himself after being alone for so long. Nothing major obviously but something where our main character is so lonely he starts to imagine (and this could be pulled off with some simple audio adjuster) the AI saying stuff like another human would. I don't know I think it could be interesting.
EDIT: Wheatley! Yeah something like that he's the perfect example of what I'm going for.... besides the going evil and trying to kill you part.
Story points aaaaah... I can't really think of anything off the top of my head except for my long running desire to see some alternate path taken with the Sunbeam, maybe giving you further reason to go inside the Aurora (Repair long-range comms after visiting the quarantine platform to tell the Sunbeam to GTFO and save themselves)
My only other pressing suggestion isn't really story-related so I'll leave it be (It's in my sig though :B)
Well, firstly I'd love for the flames on the Aurora to die down as the game progresses, and for Warpers to actually followyou and be friendly towards you after you cure the disease in your bloodstream. I'd also love for there to be more on the Sunbeam, for example a log in the Aurora that tells you what ships are nearby, and one of them is the Sunbeam.
I'd also love for there to be so much more story in the Lost River, because apart from the Aurora and the Active Lava Zone it's the most story-heavy biome in the game.
I'd love to see the Degasi Sub, and for there to be a way to hack the cameras in the top and bottom and see different perspectives on the Leviathan attack that killed everyone, blood clouds included.
I'd love for there to just be a single rebreather on the seabed with D-E-G-A-S-I engraved in its forehead.
There's so many little things that I'd love to see in the game, and it's hard to list them all
Yeah the warpers actually following what they're meant to be doing would be nice, rather than being in predefined and limited spawning spots.
I'd like to see their sub wreck too, but blood clouds aren't going to happen since that'd kill the rating UNW's trying to go for. Unless something's changed since I last played, Bart survived (Or at least, that one PDA on the Island suggests he did. "They're stuck down there and I'm up here"), Margret's MIA, and Bart's father I vaguely remember him surviving the attack and then swimming toward some 'light' in the distance, which I always assumed was a Warper.