Submersible colors and names - what do you like?
Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members

Now on my fourth or fifth new game (man, I love Subnautica!) and doing some of the same things over again, I found myself wondering what other people do with their submersibles. I always go with just about the same color schemes and often names every time: most of my gear is colored in high-vis safety chartreuse so I can find it more easily; my Seamoth gets named "Tempest" (because originally I was going to call the Cyclops "Teapot" for a literary joke); my PRAWN is named "Leviathan" (after the so-bad-it's-good Peter Weller movie); and Cyclops usually gets called "Nautilus" for naval history's sake.
What habits do you usually keep to? (Or what were some of the more humorous/outlandish/creative things you've done to your submersibles?)
What habits do you usually keep to? (Or what were some of the more humorous/outlandish/creative things you've done to your submersibles?)
Said in that thread, but I'll say it here too to stay with the spirit of this thread~ I've been naming my submersibles after the leviathans of Monster Hunter.
Seamoth - "Ludroth", olive green with yellow trim and interior.
Cyclops - "Lagiacrus", navy blue with red trim.
Exosuit - "Agnaktor", brick red with black trim.
Since agnaktor and their juvenile forms uroktor only "swim" through lava and otherwise are land-based creatures, I felt that they were the best choice for the exosuit which remains grounded for the most part rather than traversing the water column like the other two (Plus, it's built for going into the lava zones, even if you still don't want to enter the lava itself~)
Seamoth = Sea Bee/ Sea Bea/ See Me/ Little Squirt
Come to think of it, the Cyclops does bear a strong resemblance to the USOS Seaview, doesn't it? Don't know why I didn't realize that before now...
Great PRAWN names.
Please tell me you have a picture. This I gotta see.
The truth is that I really like black and red, especially put together, so when I got to change my Seamoth's color for the first time, I made it red and black... Then I laughed like crazy for around ten minutes because, due to the colors and shape, it reminded me of a damn ladybug, hence the name X).
Let's see if you get that reference...
Standing ovation, friend.
For the PRAWN, you could always call it Marvin...
Here ya go.
Here's the cyclops:
Nice one. I didn't get any without the pictures (I don't play overwatch.) I would recommend making the prawn more pink instead of purple. just saying.
Argh too much blue!
Yeah, I had a bit of a problem with that. I was playing on Xbox, and the colour changing pannel was glitched, in that when I pressed up, it changed the category to colour instead of the actual colour. Tried to get it more pink, but that was the best I could do.
Day 34. I have become one with their seabase. The precursors seem to have accepted me as a part of the architecture. I can continue to observe these magnificent creatures without their know...uh-oh, one of 'em has a saw.
My Seamoth is named Thoosa, the sea nymph associated with swiftness, and mother to Polyphemus.
My Prawn suit is named Styx, daughter of Oceanus and goddess of the river Styx, which forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld.
Color schemes are either overall red with white stripes, name, and interior, or overall yellow with black stripes, name, and white interior.
The lighting color changes per biome. (because shaders) To get the brightest colors, park in the tree cove. (See eye- killing picture 9 posts above.) use thought-out mythological references while I use cheap puns and movie homages. Feeling a teensy bit below the curve here...
Although, if you (or anyone else) wants some all-time awesome ship names, look no further than the Culture series by Iain M Banks. Anyone who legitimately names starships things like Prosthetic Conscience, So Much for Subtlety, or Lapsed Pacifist practically commands respect.
Cyclops - Bruce - Blue with white stripes
Seamoth - Nemo - Orange with black and white stripes
Prawn - Jacques - Red with black stripes
It's great having Nemo get swallowed up by Bruce.
I saw someone name their cyclops "Subway" and color it green with a yellow stripe. So I copied this in creative and put signs in the airlock entrance that said "Eat Fresh"
I usually just call my Seamoth the "Voyager" because idk. But I've strongly considered that once I get the electrical defenses I should rename it the "Seasons". (Wonder if anyone will get THAT stretch of a reference... xD )
I have never been able to resist the urge to paint the exosuit bright pink and name it the pr0n, though. :P
Seamoth is usually a light grey / white with a yellow-orange accent and black highlights. Her name is G.L.a.D.O.S.
PRAWN usually varies, but right now it's black with dark grey accenting and bright red highlights. His name is War Machine V3
They just... work, you know?