“Put your toys away before you clear your cache” – A Cautionary Tale

thrasher777099thrasher777099 earth (currently) Join Date: 2017-01-30 Member: 227447Members
edited February 2017 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
Well, before playing today I was poking around in slot0000\ and noticed over 1,000 files in the cache directories, so decided it was time to clear them. What I forgot was that I had saved my last session far from home aboard the Cyclops. Now, if I hadn't been snug up to a wreck, foliage, and a cliff-side, then this might have been inconsequential. But that was not the case.

What? Why am I on the Cyclops? I always save at base.... As I walk from the upper Moth bay toward the bridge all kinds of ugly ensue. Eathquake? The sub starts lurching violently. I take 30 damage! A serious list to port then as it's righting itself a female voice (yes, female thank the Gods) is warning me I am exceeding safe depth and catastrophic failure is imminent. And now I'm in the locker room below! I fell through the floor! OMG, what have I done? Transposed the terrain into the engine room?

I make it to the bridge. Dive for the controls. Depth confirmed at 300m. Rear and keel proximity alarms bonging. Ahead: dead-slow. She responds. Pitch, roll and yaw nominal. The 8.0 earthquake -ahem- planet-quake, is done for the moment at least. Cam views look promising. Power looks good. Is the Moth loaded? How much did I drink last night? E-back from the controls. Not daring to leave the bridge I jump near the main hatch and catch sight of the docked Moth. Good to go.

Nurse it home. Park in the shallows West of base in case she is taking on water. Now for an inspection.

Just aft of the bridge and again with the shaking and banging and this time I fall right through the ship winding up in the shallows, or so it appears.... It sounds like I'm still aboard ship. O2 levels still at max. Walk around a little and whammo – in the water now for real. Undercarriage looks OK. Some serious back-bubble but she rights from a 90 degree roll.

Long story short, (too late) I resign myself to abandoning the damaged craft. Over the next hour I make a half-dozen recovery sorties to retrieve the Moth and materiel. These were not without mishap. On one trip I took 90% damage from the Cyclops rolling onto me. On another it struck the nearby multi-purpose room and flooded the base.

The last trip aboard was one too many. I again fell through the ship visually while remaining aboard environmentally. Invisible walls prevented my movement, but I couldn't extricate my astral body. I was a disembodied survivor unable to drown, doomed to starve to death. -sigh-

-ESC- Quit to Desktop...


What's this? Back aboard the Cyclops at depth? No auto-save? Salvation?? Sweet Hayzeus! Praise the Devs... praise the Devs... praise the Devs...

Repeat after me: “I will always put away my toys before bed.” (Or at least before clearing the cache.)


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    console command might have helped you. Not sure. There's also
    but I don't think that one would have helped. And of course if you get knocked out of the Cyclops,
    (put back in Cyclops) and
    (move a short distance) might help.
    item 514
    if you have to temporarily dig out terrain from somewhere to excavate a vehicle or yourself. Clearing the cache (specifically, CompiledOctreesCache) will put the terrain back after you're done and save in a less hazardous area.
  • TheMerricatTheMerricat St. Louis, MO Join Date: 2017-02-02 Member: 227541Members
    Related question - If one's prawn happened to manage to 'ignore' the landscape and somehow end up on the wrong side of it, are there any commands one would suggest to help either recover it or allow it an honorable death? I managed to lose my first prawn this weekend when I somehow went through the side rockface of the Grand Reefs, warpme managed to save me, and I 'itemed' the lost items back but since the prawn is 'alive' I still have a beacon in my ping manager taunting me over the loss.

    It dropped quite a bit from the initial 'fall through' but seems to have stopped after I warped out, so I don't think it'll implode on it's own.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Related question - If one's prawn happened to manage to 'ignore' the landscape and somehow end up on the wrong side of it, are there any commands one would suggest to help either recover it or allow it an honorable death? I managed to lose my first prawn this weekend when I somehow went through the side rockface of the Grand Reefs, warpme managed to save me, and I 'itemed' the lost items back but since the prawn is 'alive' I still have a beacon in my ping manager taunting me over the loss.

    It dropped quite a bit from the initial 'fall through' but seems to have stopped after I warped out, so I don't think it'll implode on it's own.

    You can
    item 514
    and dig a path for it. Or dig down to it, get in , let it sink below crush depth, then warp back out, so it can implode. Delete CompiledOctreesCache to reset the terrain back to default after you finish + save.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Related question - If one's prawn happened to manage to 'ignore' the landscape and somehow end up on the wrong side of it, are there any commands one would suggest to help either recover it or allow it an honorable death? I managed to lose my first prawn this weekend when I somehow went through the side rockface of the Grand Reefs, warpme managed to save me, and I 'itemed' the lost items back but since the prawn is 'alive' I still have a beacon in my ping manager taunting me over the loss.

    It dropped quite a bit from the initial 'fall through' but seems to have stopped after I warped out, so I don't think it'll implode on it's own.

    As far as I know, no there are not. The only thing I can suggest is heading to the beacon, then opening the debug panel (F1 IIRC) and then checking the camera coordinates and using a warp command to go just somewhat beneath that and swim to the suit then get inside to let it drop again. After it's beneath crush depth, just warp back to your base.
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