Folks say they want HARDCORE, but then complain when HARDCORE actually hits um in the ass...
(and game glitches are part of real-life-hardcore, so using them as an excuse is LAME)
Go figure.
Spoken like someone who's obviously never struggled through a Long War campaign, or even played FTL?
Have you crawled through Darkest Dungeon or had your whole team killed by Orcs on Battle Brothers?
What do all these games have in common? They're basically bug free. They couldn't do what they do best if they weren't.
From what you say, I can easily deduce you don't actually play any game on hard settings yourself, or you'd know you're talking nonsense.
I'm pretty sure my real life self can't pass through solid rock and get stuck in the void underneath the seabed.
I'm pretty sure my real life limbs don't get caught on pieces of coral without me being able to extricate myself.
I'm pretty sure real life oxygen tanks have minutes of breathing, rather than seconds. (No, I'm not complaining about that, it's just that if you got stuck with half an hour before death, at least that would be dramatic. 30 seconds is just a frustration.)
There's no "noclip" command in real life and dying to bugs and BS after 30+ hours of investment is not fun.
And I suppose all those games you listed that were BUG Free, were still in BETA when you played them?
Geees, I guess that's a really crappy comparison then.
Yeah, I'd love to see early access or ... what do you call it when playtesters get the testing version... yeah, pick any game you'd like, before optimization phase, and then compare.
Pretty sure big budget studios have a staff of 20 playtesters, which is the size of the entire UWE team.
And I suppose all those games you listed that were BUG Free, were still in BETA when you played them?
Geees, I guess that's a really crappy comparison then.
Actually yes. Your inexperience is really showing.
Some might have the occasional, very minor bug. A graphical error or some UI problem perhaps. Maybe the AI acts a little weird and needs tweaking. But a gameplay breaking bug? Getting stuck or falling through the world? No way.
I have over 400 hours on Battle Brothers and have only experienced ONE BUG. And that bug was because my graphics card driver was being an idiot. The game releases at the end of the month and I've supported it in Early Access since it began.
It's quite literally a perfect example of why you are completely wrong. When it first arrived on Early Access it was completely playable, 100%, and has never, ever had any performance issues. The entire Early Access has been about improving the gameplay, not the performance.
FTL, Darkest Dungeon, and especially Battle Brothers? Yeah, I'm afraid they were all very playable and basically bug free even when they were EA. Sorry, but complete lack of any experience with Early Access games is really showing and you're making silly assumptions based on absolutely nothing.
Be honest, Subnautica is the only EA game you've ever supported, right?
And even if you were right, and all EA games have game breaking bugs, you would only be reinforcing my exact point; There's no point playing a hardcore mode until a game is (relatively) bug free. So well done on contradicting yourself.
As I go through my Steam library, I'm seeing many, many games which I've supported that were released on Early Access and were/are completely playable and stable right through to release. Early Access for these games was not about getting the game to work properly, because you expect that before Early Access, but improving gameplay. Let's see how many games in my library prove you simply don't know what you're talking about:
Yeah, I'd love to see early access or ... what do you call it when playtesters get the testing version... yeah, pick any game you'd like, before optimization phase, and then compare.
Pretty sure big budget studios have a staff of 20 playtesters, which is the size of the entire UWE team.
If you really would love to see it, then go and buy Ultimate General, I really recommend it, and it's a game which you would completely expect to perform poorly (because strategy games like that are notoriously poor at performance, so many assets on screen, such low FPS, etc.) yet it performs amazing well even before optimisation and it's still Early Access. It's a prime example of exactly what you're talking about.
Or buy Rimworld.
Or read some articles about how Early Access was handled by Introversion when producing Prison Architect. They did it masterfully.
I would say that only relatively bugfree games should come out with a Permadeath mode. Hardcore mode is not dependent on Permadeath. A Hardcore mode could only have one autosave every time the character goes to sleep.
I would say that only relatively bugfree games should come out with a Permadeath mode. Hardcore mode is not dependent on Permadeath. A Hardcore mode could only have one autosave every time the character goes to sleep.
That's not a bad way of seeing it,
but there are others that accept the bugs and still like to play Hardcore.
Choice combined with Information about the game status is probably the best way the Developers can handle this.
For an early access, the current state of the game for the Stable version isn't to bad.
kingkumacancels Work: distracted by Dwarf FortressJoin Date: 2015-09-25Member: 208137Members
edited February 2017
After you beat the game, there should be 2 new gamemodes (to make it harder and make replay value):
Lifepod mode: You can start in any of the abandoned lifepods, and you have to survive from there. Some, like number 7(bloodgrass) or 6(safe shallows), are easy, while numbers 4(crash zone) and 2(blood kelp) are harder. (Don't pick number 8, obviously) This would add the ability to make the start of the game easier/ harder.
Carar mode: You have carar, and you only survive for 4 weeks before you die. This is only available after you beat the game to avoid spoilers.
And I suppose all those games you listed that were BUG Free, were still in BETA when you played them?
Geees, I guess that's a really crappy comparison then.
Pretty sure big budget studios have a staff of 20 playtesters, which is the size of the entire UWE team.
Actually yes. Your inexperience is really showing.
Some might have the occasional, very minor bug. A graphical error or some UI problem perhaps. Maybe the AI acts a little weird and needs tweaking. But a gameplay breaking bug? Getting stuck or falling through the world? No way.
I have over 400 hours on Battle Brothers and have only experienced ONE BUG. And that bug was because my graphics card driver was being an idiot. The game releases at the end of the month and I've supported it in Early Access since it began.
It's quite literally a perfect example of why you are completely wrong. When it first arrived on Early Access it was completely playable, 100%, and has never, ever had any performance issues. The entire Early Access has been about improving the gameplay, not the performance.
FTL, Darkest Dungeon, and especially Battle Brothers? Yeah, I'm afraid they were all very playable and basically bug free even when they were EA. Sorry, but complete lack of any experience with Early Access games is really showing and you're making silly assumptions based on absolutely nothing.
Be honest, Subnautica is the only EA game you've ever supported, right?
And even if you were right, and all EA games have game breaking bugs, you would only be reinforcing my exact point; There's no point playing a hardcore mode until a game is (relatively) bug free. So well done on contradicting yourself.
As I go through my Steam library, I'm seeing many, many games which I've supported that were released on Early Access and were/are completely playable and stable right through to release. Early Access for these games was not about getting the game to work properly, because you expect that before Early Access, but improving gameplay. Let's see how many games in my library prove you simply don't know what you're talking about:
Battle Brothers
Sunless Sea
Ultimate General: Civil War
Skyshine's Bedlam
Prison Architect
And there's more I can't be bothered to list.
Sorry, but there are just so many games that are EA and run perfectly well before 1.0.
If you really would love to see it, then go and buy Ultimate General, I really recommend it, and it's a game which you would completely expect to perform poorly (because strategy games like that are notoriously poor at performance, so many assets on screen, such low FPS, etc.) yet it performs amazing well even before optimisation and it's still Early Access. It's a prime example of exactly what you're talking about.
Or buy Rimworld.
Or read some articles about how Early Access was handled by Introversion when producing Prison Architect. They did it masterfully.
That's not a bad way of seeing it,
but there are others that accept the bugs and still like to play Hardcore.
Choice combined with Information about the game status is probably the best way the Developers can handle this.
For an early access, the current state of the game for the Stable version isn't to bad.
Lifepod mode: You can start in any of the abandoned lifepods, and you have to survive from there. Some, like number 7(bloodgrass) or 6(safe shallows), are easy, while numbers 4(crash zone) and 2(blood kelp) are harder. (Don't pick number 8, obviously) This would add the ability to make the start of the game easier/ harder.