MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
Hi devs @Obraxis @Squeal_Like_A_Pig

The propulsion cannon no longer appears to be working (it's always been temperamental at the best of times!) but as of 43937 I left click & it doesn't seem to want to pick anything up. This makes progressing through parts of the Aurora a lot more difficult.

Thank you.


  • ant_fioant_fio Join Date: 2017-01-26 Member: 227275Members
    edited February 2017
    There are definitely times when I experience the propulsion cannon refusing to pick up anything, and it's typically cave crawlers I'm trying to grab. As a theory, it seems to happen when my surroundings are very cluttered or otherwise filled with colliding surfaces (cave walls are my biggest offender).

    Especially in the mountain island caves, it seems if I am in the tunnels and caves themselves the propulsion gun simply ceases functioning altogether, but if I step out onto an outcropping where I am exposed to some "outdoors", it will begin to work again, albeit sporadically.

    I have also experienced similar issues in the aurora, but not the extent it sounds like you are experiencing, or what I had experienced in the cave. Perhaps a recent change has made the propulsion cannon more finicky? I am aware of a checkin which was intended to make the propulsion cannon "smarter" about picking up what your aiming at. This could be a potential side effect.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Hi ant_fio

    Yes, I am trying to use it in the Aurora to move desks and containers that are blocking my progress. I left click the mouse and sometimes the little fingers on the snout of the gun wriggle, sometimes not, but it doesn't pick anything up. :disappointed:

    I am playing experimental at the moment so perhaps it's a glitch that has slipped in. I am sure the devs will fix it. :smile:
  • JerrilJerril Join Date: 2016-11-19 Member: 224074Members
    edited February 2017
    Same issue in todays various experimental builds. Won't pick up bleeders or biters or cave crawlers either, which was very distressing.
  • JerrilJerril Join Date: 2016-11-19 Member: 224074Members
    I'm still having this issue, although it has been reduced to just being unable to pick up bleeders or cave crawlers when I'm inside anything. Cave crawlers on beaches or on the exterior deck of the Aurora can be picked up, as can bleeders in the Kelp Forests. Cave Crawlers in the caves on the precursor island and bleeders inside the Aurora are immune - the Propulsion Cannon waggles its fingers impotently at them.

    VERSION: Experimental build 46040 2017-03-30 1:09PM EST
  • organicsorganics Canada Join Date: 2016-06-06 Member: 218199Members
    Also experiencing this. Moving the boxes out of the front door of the Aurora is mind numbing, can take a while to finally find a spot/angle where the cannon suddenly realizes that it can grab it. V 46199
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    I started a new game using experimental this past weekend and had no trouble using the Propulsion Cannon to pick up creatures / items on the Aurora.

    I've never been able to use the Propulsion Cannon on the Mountain Island (Gun / Precursor Island)
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