Fast travel!
Join Date: 2017-01-18 Member: 226923Members
I think that it would be cool to fast travel to your marked areas. And you could craft and one time use fast travel. For crafting you would need to kill warper and get stuff from him or something like that. Alsow you have to fire portal from your ship. What do you think about this idea!

Alterra already has phase tech
lol if only it worked and didn't collapse in on itself
Greenies not building the powernode, is what's going on here
BNut yeah, if they're going to add a form of fast travel... I'd rather see it as suggested here, insteadof the Fallout way of
The portal on both islands works. You just have to put an ion crystal in it. The others don't work yet.
Not sure, but if so, it's not implemented yet.
Very soon after fast travel is unlocked any open-world game gets real small real fast. Players miss out on seeing most of the beautiful stuff you've created, and many gameplay opportunities get easily bypassed and overlooked.
Sure..."If you don't like it you don't have to use it" .. but how many gamers share my lack of self-control?
As a gameplay limiting factor, you could set it up where you can only have one active set of two points at any given time. You're free to change Point A or Point B, but you can't ever have more than those two. This way you could put Point A outside your base to restock on supplies and use Point B to continue the story (think the Ooccoo from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess). This would lighten the burden of players who want to enjoy the game but don't want to spend hours backtracking, or minutes trying to use the game's weak version of a shortcut just so they can advance the story and enjoy the game that UWE has worked hard to bring to us.
I could be wrong, but the way the game seems to use teleportation portals (outside of the Warper's effect, obviously) seem to be tied to specific XYZ coordinates in-game, such as how Signal pings are implemented. It would be easy to set up a pair of teleporters that are physically bound, but it could prove be an issue if one of the portals were on a mobile Cyclops. Mind you, I would love to add a transporter of sorts to my Cyclops, but I don't know if it would be feasible.
Um... have you played such open-world games like Uncharted and the Tomb Raider reboots? Due to how large and open the worlds are nowadays, fast travel is not only a necessity to advance the story, but is often needed to restock on ammo and supplies and purchase gear. In fact, you'll need to use fast travel to get the 100% completion, due to needing to pick up every collectible and finish every challenge in the game across the world. I hereby challenge you to play Rise of the Tomb Raider, beat the game's story mode and get 100% completion WITHOUT using fast travel... you'll soon come to regret your quote, as what was said about fast travel is simply not true in this case (unless you just love spending all that extra time just running around.)
Here's some quick info about why I'm issuing this challenge, in case anyone is curious:
Oh wait... what does that say on screenshot #3 under the Objective entry? "Use fast travel to explore the world"? Surely the developers don't want players to miss out on this beautiful world they created just for the sake of the player's sanity?
All kidding aside, there's no reason to dismiss the use of fast travel if it's implemented properly. As in RotTR you can't fast travel on a whim; you first have to get to a Campsite to be able to use it - and obviously you can't fast travel to an area you haven't unlocked yet. The same could be said for Subnautica, given the somewhat linear aspect of the story for the late-game... it could be both a blessing and a convenience!
It's not all fast travel I object to - just making it too easy. The right balance depends on the nature of each game world and the various mechanics used inside it. Currently I'd say the Devs are on the right track with their fixed Precursor portals which are limited in number and not always conveniently located. You get one working and think "Hey, what can I do with that?"
But unfettered building of base portals? I really hope not. Subnautica is a relatively small but lovingly detailed world. Much of the gameplay involves snooping about and discovering that beautiful scary place. I hate to see that lost by the mid-game by players who forget what it was like to have sand in their shorts as they jump from base-to-base knocking off achievements.
As a commercial endeavour I'm sure there's a strong temptation to look at the big selling games, see that ubiquitous fast travel is a feature, then build it into your own game. Kinda sounds sensible, but hope UW's devs don't see it that way because they could very easily obscure Subnautica's unique assets. And let's face it, even with all it's current shortcomings, it really is a unique game that has a good chance of being remembered as an original all-time classic.
Because Subnautica is a game that requires you take time and effort to get to the end goal. Fast travel kinda already exists, with the whole "Alien Portal" thing, but other types? No. It would ruin the style the game is going for.
Again, just my opinion. No need to take it personal.