More upgrades

jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
I would just mainly want an upgrade for the seamoth and cyclops that makes them move faster. Maybe like the powerglide that when pressing right click (with the upgrade in the upgrade slot) will make the vehicle move a lot faster. :p
and a room for the base that will automatically collect fish for you


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    The room in the base automatically collecting fish is called Alien Containment. It has to be put in a multipurpose room, and it stacks with multipurpose rooms (so you can build 2, or 3x or more multipurpose rooms on top of each other, and alien containment units in each, to create one large alien containment unit)

    Then, put 2x of each kind of fish you want to multiply in there, and let them do their thing.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    In the ocean, the mighty ocean, the Reaper sleeps toniiiiiight ♫

    But for real though speed upgrades for the Seaglide, Seamoth, Exosuit, and Cyclops are all maximum yes.

    Just let me turn my SeaGlide into a PowerGlide at the Workbench. That's all I want to do.
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