[Crash 40062] output logs from November 4th to November 11th

FirancilFirancil Join Date: 2016-11-08 Member: 223739Members
Output logs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_EWQlAyQEVbQjVPeGdNdXpKbmM

Dxdiag: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_EWQlAyQEVbbmwxd0NtMkNRVEE

Logs are from 2 different save files that both suffered crashes.

Crashes mainly happened when exiting Grand Reef into the Kelp Forest and entering Grand Reef from the Kelp Forest.

Logs past November 7th had the folders CellsCache and CompiledOctreesCache deleted from save slot0001 due to community suggestion, Crashes stopped, smooth gameplay for around 8-10 hours before game started crashing again.

In final log, folders CellsCache and CompiledOctreesCache were added to save slot0001 from a new game to test if it would fix crashing, crashing still happened.

Hopefully these logs and extra info can help out. I absolutely love playing Subnautica, it's by far the best survival craft-a-thon game in a genre that badly needed the breath of fresh air (Heh) this game delivered and I really hope the crash problems can be fixed in the next update so I can get back to being terrified of the sea.


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Can you try the updated temp fix and see if that helps? link in my signature.
  • FirancilFirancil Join Date: 2016-11-08 Member: 223739Members
    edited November 2016
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Can you try the updated temp fix and see if that helps? link in my signature.

    Not possible on main save slot0001, when the terrain reappeared after deleting the Cells and OcTrees cache folders the terrain went over a piece of a wall that had a battery charger on it, making it so I can't remove everything attached to that part of the base to remove it and put it back down to terraform that part of the land again. I'd go get the terraformer but I crash when I leave grand reef where my base is.

    I can't terraform my base to how it once was so even if i use the camera batch number to find the files and keep the terraforming on my base it wouldn't actually change anything on this save.

    Save slot0000 never had those folders deleted so I'll get to testing them now on that save.

    I also ran my resource monitor while subnautica was freezing to see if I could check for a memory leak as a tip from my friend. Screenshots of that below as they might or might not be helpful, I don't know.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_EWQlAyQEVbUy03aGFpamM1TDQ Initial after loading into slot0001

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_EWQlAyQEVbVlFBZkVrN0MtRXM After at least 2 minutes of gameplay on slot0001

    Edit: Upon going into save slot0000 immediate problems were seen. Despite me not having done anything to this save slot and only using slot0001 for deleting the two cache folders, all terrain data on slot0000 has been reset despite not being played since November 4th when the crashes started on that save.

    Not sure what to take from this other than if you run multiple saves check them if you've deleted the Cache folders in any one of them as it would appear that the terrain reset from deleting them will bleed through to all saved game files as it did for me
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members

    item 514

    in the console, terraform as needed, then create a new locker. Put the terraformer in the locker, and deconstruct the locker. Now you're back to where you were before, except with a terraformed base. :)
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Oh and you probably need to do a cache wipe on the other saves, as there have been updates? Note that the whole cache wipe thing was originally to allow you to continue playing after updates to Subnautica.
  • FirancilFirancil Join Date: 2016-11-08 Member: 223739Members
    Finished doing that, followed the video guide to the letter, and my save is completely gone and can't be selected from load game, but still exists in the saved games folder? Either way, further testing on save slot0001 is over seeing as how I can't play it anymore and never bothered to create a backup at the start since it was more of a throwaway save.

    May the reaper leviathans carry you to Valhalla slot0001 for your soul is not meant for the lost river.

    A new save will now be made for the sole purpose of testing. I'll be back in 8-14 hours when the crashes start to continue when the brave slot0001 left us.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Eh, did you delete any of the main save files in the main slot0001 directory?

    • gameinfo.json
    • global-objects.bin
    • scene-objects.bin
    • screenshot.jpg (<- that's the little thumbnail showing you a preview of the save when you go to load)

    If you did, use Piriform Recuva and undelete them.
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