This is getting tiring!

Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
edited October 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
So I just started up SN after installing Dangerous creatures. I thought all was well when oculus didnt fire up but... NO. I cannot move the mouse from hovering over new game and I cannot press the buttons. Also, I cannot play SN in oculus anymore which is quite ANNOYING!!
PS: I love the new changes to the main menu! The bold, 3D title is a great touch and I like the new feedback and troubleshooting option as well. Please fix this glitch otherwise i cant play SN.
Edit: Just tried validating game files. Did not work!
I also have an additional insight: If you have subscribed to the News Feed than that box shouldnt be popping up asking you to subscribe. Just a thought.


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