VR Cyclops / Seamoth docking bug

weasel47weasel47 Pennsylvania Join Date: 2016-05-19 Member: 217060Members
I'm playing the Oculus version. When I get into the Seamoth from the Cyclops, the Seamoth teleports to where it was when it last docked with the Cyclops, rather than where the Cyclops is now. The Cyclops won't be very useful with this bug!


  • weasel47weasel47 Pennsylvania Join Date: 2016-05-19 Member: 217060Members
    This issue is still occurring on the newest version as well.
  • DystroxicDystroxic USA Join Date: 2016-07-15 Member: 220270Members
    Can confirm that this bug still occurs on the current stable build while in VR mode. It does make it extremely difficult to use.
  • OculusLouOculusLou Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217605Members
    Yeah very frustrating , one of the main VR bugs thats game stopping that they really need to fix still.
  • CrangborCrangbor Join Date: 2006-11-08 Member: 58484Members
    I noticed this too. Seems to be 100% repeatable. Also running the Oculus version.
  • aldehydealdehyde USA Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227093Members
    Yeah I am playing the VR version (using a vive, but its the same version) and this is happening to me too. When I get inside the cyclops certain areas the walls don't render. If I dock the seamoth and then move the cyclops, when I get in the seamoth I am un-docked in the seamoth at my starting location.

    The two other bugs that happen to me very frequently are accessing the fabrication and vehicle creation menus. It seems like the cursor gets stuck most of the time when I try to enter the either of the two menus (it is much more severe with the vehicle menu.)

    I started playing a few days ago and already have 15 hours, this game is amazing in VR. Easily the best seated experience on the Vive. Please please please fix these bugs :).
  • OculusLouOculusLou Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217605Members
    Anyone check if this is fixed in the latest update?
  • OculusLouOculusLou Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217605Members
    Nope still broken.
  • GnomeChomskyGnomeChomsky Long Beach, CA Join Date: 2017-02-10 Member: 227776Members
    Confirmed for me as well 100% repeatable on Oculus Rift.
  • attackpanda11attackpanda11 USA Join Date: 2017-02-11 Member: 227806Members
    Confirmed present in version 43604

    Using Oculus Rift CV1 with Steam version of the game

    When undocking from the Cyclops in a Seamoth or Prawn suit, the vehicle exits at the location where the Cyclops was when you docked with it, instead of at the current location of the Cyclops.

    Duplication steps
    1. build a Seamoth or Prawn suit
    2. build a Cyclops
    3. dock the Seamoth/Prawn in the Cyclops
    4. drive the Cyclops a noticeable distance from where it was when you docked the Seamoth/Prawn.
    5. undock the Seamoth/Prawn and note that you are back where you docked, not near the Cyclops
  • YohaskanYohaskan Join Date: 2016-10-08 Member: 222961Members
    edited February 2017
    i have this bug too in VR (HTC Vive)
    Waiting for patch a long time ago now

  • neelneel Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227968Members
    Given this thread this bug has been present for 9 monthes now...

    I'm facing the bug too now I have my cyclops and want to use it to bring the prawn suit to far biomes and was hoping for a quick fix but when I see it has'nt been fixes for 9 monthes now :(

    This is really gamebreaking for VR users. The VR bug with the cyclops not drawing (when player stands behind the cyclops control room, where the lockers are) is annoying too but you can live with it and wait for a fix. This docking bug is much much more gamebeaking :/

    I hope this will be looked into soon, I'm not sure I want to continue playing as long as I cannot transport the prawn suit (or even seamoth) with the cyclops.
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    This is the only reason why i dont play Subnautica anymore in VR, i cant even go back to display lol

    Is it possible to at least get a command or code to reposition the vehicle in a fixed coordinate below the Cyclops?

    I mean that should be possible and im sure a lot of people would appreciate if there is one or if they can at least fix it that way (undock, reposition it in a fixed coordinate below the docking door)
  • neelneel Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227968Members
    Yes, a workaround like this would be better than nothing to wait for a proper fix.

    Although I"m sure a fix in the game code would be very easy, just need to check the docked vehicle coordinates when undocking is requested by the player. This is 1 line of code (a proper fix may need more code as the docking algorithm may be more complex, but I bet 1 line of code can make it undock at the right place, even if this was with a messed up animation and/or sideeffects and possibly required a 2nd line to reset the docking tool to be able to redock later).

    Just crossing fingers this will be looked into soon. Drilling and exploring with the prawn suit is so cool in VR !
  • PaladinJeffPaladinJeff Join Date: 2017-02-19 Member: 228077Members
    I joined this forum just to agree with this. In my opinion, Subnautica is probably one of the, if not the best VR experiences out right now. And all the new content is in areas that require you to carry things in a cyclops, but the devs refuse to fix or comment on this game breaking bug. I've stopped playing the game now and only boot it up after an update to see if the bug is fixed, only to always see it's still there. Please fix this! The game is great and I love playing it in VR!
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    Still no attention to this simple issue. Last time i checked, someone said it was a Unity problem, which sounds like.... bs...
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    lopin18 wrote: »
    Still no attention to this simple issue. Last time i checked, someone said it was a Unity problem, which sounds like.... bs...

    Please, enlighten us: I'm waiting.
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    Please, enlighten us: I'm waiting.

    Are you willing to say theres no way that unity lets you spawn an existing saved object with its dependencies in a fixed position told by parameters? Right now it DOESdo it, but in the last docked location, all parameters set by code.

    Coding a temp fix to force the location on the spawn method on a fixed offset location should be doable. I dont think unity doesnt have such control over objects. That would be weird and unusual.

    I love this game and i hope you are just blindly trolling. They just need to pay attention to this bug, it could get a temp fix easily. Not exactly the perfect one but.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    lopin18 wrote: »

    Are you willing to say theres no way that unity lets you spawn an existing saved object with its dependencies in a fixed position told by parameters? Right now it DOESdo it, but in the last docked location, all parameters set by code.

    Coding a temp fix to force the location on the spawn method on a fixed offset location should be doable. I dont think unity doesnt have such control over objects. That would be weird and unusual.

    I love this game and i hope you are just blindly trolling. They just need to pay attention to this bug, it could get a temp fix easily. Not exactly the perfect one but.

    That would be an appropriate fix if this bug was found in a release (v1.0 or later) build. It's Early Access, why would you code in a hacky temp patch instead of doing it the right way?
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    That would be an appropriate fix if this bug was found in a release (v1.0 or later) build. It's Early Access, why would you code in a hacky temp patch instead of doing it the right way?

    What? LOL. Holy shit. This is the internet, i forgot.

    Having such a fix for VR would avoid SPAWNING INTO the cyclops model, giving motion sickness due to the shaking and rapid glitchy movement when colliding and also fixed the playability of the game in vr, since right now you cant advance after you get the cyclops.

    Jeez, why would you fix it with an acceptable spawn position without undocking animation to let people test the game in VR. Why. Sounds ridiculous right? Just let it be broken. Play it on monitor.

  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    lopin18 wrote: »

    What? LOL. Holy shit. This is the internet, i forgot.

    Having such a fix for VR would avoid SPAWNING INTO the cyclops model, giving motion sickness due to the shaking and rapid glitchy movement when colliding and also fixed the playability of the game in vr, since right now you cant advance after you get the cyclops.

    Jeez, why would you fix it with an acceptable spawn position without undocking animation to let people test the game in VR. Why. Sounds ridiculous right? Just let it be broken. Play it on monitor.


    Say, what programming languages do you know?
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    Im business programmer, not game engine programmer, and i stand my point.

    You tell me if unity doesnt have such methods (which are used when you undock, spawns, with positions and animations) you tell me if its possible or not. This bug has over a year. Enlighten us.

    To devs, if they come across this. This fix would be a benefit for the game, the more people can test the game in vr now, the better feedback they will get before release, hopefully becoming a top recommendation in the vr scene.

  • neelneel Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227968Members
    I do think leaving bugs like this for monthes is just bad for early access in general.

    It is very understandable that early access games will have bugs because it is in development, but those bugs should be fixed within a decent amount of time because customers are paying for playing the game, even in early access stage.

    Leaving bugs like this for that long while still adding new stuff is giving the message early access is a white card allowing to leave bugs unfixed for a very long time.

    This is why I think it is bad for early access in general. Early access helps founding projects and the games need to remain playable or less customers will want to pay for it.

    I personaly think it's ok if minor bugs stay for long, but a bug like this should have higher priority. Or maybe they just consider VR is too niche market and bugs affecting it will always have the lowest priority :/
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    Bump for some love. Even a console command if anyone knows if there are some or anything.
  • sylanesylane Spain Join Date: 2016-11-23 Member: 224159Members
    I stopped playing this game because of this bug, I was so excited about finally having my cyclop and then I couldn't use it.... I refuse to play the game in desktop mode because after playing in VR it feels bland... I really hoped this would get fixed fast given the broken the game is because of it, but three updates and it is still not fixed... I am so disappointed.
  • attackpanda11attackpanda11 USA Join Date: 2017-02-11 Member: 227806Members
    edited March 2017
    Confirmed still present in 45367 (The Infection update). I tested on a newly created creative save as well as in my existing play-through.

    This similar issue : https://trello.com/c/zrlfHYGa/3504-42997-undocking-exosuite-seamoth-from-cyclops-fails-in-vr-after-load-both-stuck-in-docking-bay
    also has not been fixed and makes me wonder if not everyone playing in vr is seeing the issue we are, thus making it harder to reproduce.

    I personally am using a Rift on the steam version. OP says they play the Oculus Home version. Has anyone seen this issue with a Vive?

  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    edited March 2017
    It happens in any vr enviroment. If u play it vr, u will get it, 100%. Its a vr specific bug. Doesnt happen in non vr enviroments.

    I tested it too. Still same thing. If u save and go to the menu and load it. It will spawn on the correct place, but i seem to spawn into the walls of the cyclops. Cant get out.
  • DaxionDaxion Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228941Members
    Subnautica Version - 45367 and experimental
    Description - After docking seamoth or PRAWN to the Cyclops, the Seamoth or PRAWN will return to initial docking location when attempting to undock from cyclops. There are also graphical glitches near the docking airlock (can't see the textures inside until a certain point is reached) and you can see objects through walls when piloting the cyclops itself.
    Reproduction steps - Dock a seamoth or PRAWN to the Cyclops at one spot, move a noticeable distance away, then go ahead and undock. You need to also be in VR. As this doesn't seem to happen to non-vr users. Registered an account to add to the stack since it doesn't seem to be getting adressed.
    Pictures or Video - none provided, seems to be a somewhat known issue.
    output_log.txt (Error Log) - If applicable. Instructions: N/A
  • lopin18lopin18 Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227992Members
    I gave up. Clearly this is not priority at all. Nor is VR right now.
  • attackpanda11attackpanda11 USA Join Date: 2017-02-11 Member: 227806Members
    I'm excited to finally have good news on this! The Trello ticket was just recently moved to priority checking after a dev posted: "Fixed in cs:46611"


    We could realistically see this working in the next update!
  • neelneel Join Date: 2017-02-16 Member: 227968Members
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