exposure therapy and subnautica
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204558Members

hey everyone, i thought i would come here to talk about this seeing as how this game is very relevant to the subject.
submechanophobia. the fear of submerged man made objects.
when the aurora exploration update rolled around, i could not convince myself to go near it. i am terrified of underwater objects like jagged or broken metal, propeller blades on cargo class ships, and underwater chains. this is a phobia that is not well documented. (apparently) so between here and reddit i was hoping to see if there is anyone who feels similarly or knows more about this topic.
and for those thinking this is just a "creepy feeling" and not real. i have woken up in cold sweats from nightmares about being in a dry dock with a submarine as the dock was filled with water.
the following images are nightmare fuel for me and people like me, you have been warned.


UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH thats hard to look at.
so you would assume this game would be a horrible buy for me, right? NO! why?
because masochism is fun
and to get to my point. i wanted to thank UWE's face for making a game that is helping me make great leaps and bounds with this fear. being in a world like sub nautica where your fears are forced on you like this is strangely helpful.
submechanophobia. the fear of submerged man made objects.
when the aurora exploration update rolled around, i could not convince myself to go near it. i am terrified of underwater objects like jagged or broken metal, propeller blades on cargo class ships, and underwater chains. this is a phobia that is not well documented. (apparently) so between here and reddit i was hoping to see if there is anyone who feels similarly or knows more about this topic.
and for those thinking this is just a "creepy feeling" and not real. i have woken up in cold sweats from nightmares about being in a dry dock with a submarine as the dock was filled with water.
the following images are nightmare fuel for me and people like me, you have been warned.


UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH thats hard to look at.
so you would assume this game would be a horrible buy for me, right? NO! why?
because masochism is fun

and to get to my point. i wanted to thank UWE's face for making a game that is helping me make great leaps and bounds with this fear. being in a world like sub nautica where your fears are forced on you like this is strangely helpful.
I got the Thalassophobia pretty hard.
I stay very close to the seafloor
And way the hell away from the Aurora or the Dunes.
I've got Spheksophobia bad. I don't know if it's "real" phobia but my fear of wasps definitely is. As a forester I couldn't really have that, so I tried just hanging out with wasps a lot, but it never helped. I still jump and run every time I see one (which is weird, because I have no trouble acting big to scare away a bear). I can suppress my immediate run screaming reaction when I'm working, but it usually results in me sweating up a storm (if I wasn't already)
As I have no phobia so far I know, I never imaged it would help.. but it apparently does.
Good to see it helps for yet one more.
Thalassophobia can include fear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, and fear of distance from land.[3] Thalassophobes may also be afraid of encountering sea creatures rather than the sea itself.
Me to a T. It gets easier but I still cant play stranded deep. Cant do sharks.
Yeah that would be me.
im not sure if this will help you. but as a lifeguard (summer job) i have heard stories of people dragging someone up onto the beach who is for all intents and purposes dead, after a few minutes of cpr the person's vitals return, and they regain consciousness (sometimes, other times they wake up in the hospital after the ambulance gets them) and from what i have heard the victims always describe it as very calm. that apparently they just kinda sink, and slowly their vision fades. no pain or panic or fear.
now im not sure of this, since i personally have never experienced it, but that's how it's been told to me. if that helps at all
I'm fully aware that it's a calm experience, just kinda drifting out. That fact actually deepens my dread for it. I guess my fear of drowning has a story behind it. When I was... five, I think, I went to a wave pool at a water park. I didn't realize that waves pull you in more than they push you out, so I just thought if I went too far they'd just push me back to the shore. I was wrong. I can't think of any time I've been more terrified in my life. The fact that after you've hit a certain point, you just kinda slowly pass out, sinking into oblivion... That, plus the fact that I hate water in my lungs, as any air-breathing animal should.
I'm not thalassaphobic. Far from it, in fact. Since I can't SCUBA dive any more (for various reasons), this game is the next-best thing to actually getting wet.
Wouldn't mind an occasional dip in the briny deep IRL, though.
sunken ships do give people the chills cause they are the future of man kind .. decay and oblivion
True, true. That's why I call my fear of drowning a fear, rather than a phobia.