About the Escape Pod
Germany Join Date: 2015-05-31 Member: 205116Members

Hi there.
I figured this goes under "suggestions", although it doesn't contain too many of em.
Well, i goofed around a minute ago and ended up in the escape pod. There i noticed some things.
1. The Energy Cells in the wall say "Self-charging Power Cell". I know there are chargeable Cells planned, but as long as they're not exactly self-charging cells i wouldn't recommend naming them like this, so no one gets confused.
2. We have benches now and we can sit on them. Wouldn't it be cool to add the same function to the seats in the Pod?
3. There's a fire exstinguisher there. That made me think. There is fire already in the aurora.
It could be a new hazard in the game with a fire extinguisher as a new tool. It would also give Bulkheads another function.
I've no idea how and when it'd break out tho...
I figured this goes under "suggestions", although it doesn't contain too many of em.
Well, i goofed around a minute ago and ended up in the escape pod. There i noticed some things.
1. The Energy Cells in the wall say "Self-charging Power Cell". I know there are chargeable Cells planned, but as long as they're not exactly self-charging cells i wouldn't recommend naming them like this, so no one gets confused.
2. We have benches now and we can sit on them. Wouldn't it be cool to add the same function to the seats in the Pod?
3. There's a fire exstinguisher there. That made me think. There is fire already in the aurora.
It could be a new hazard in the game with a fire extinguisher as a new tool. It would also give Bulkheads another function.
I've no idea how and when it'd break out tho...
Maybe we could nap there if they ever implement a sleep mechanic.
There's also a little medkit cabinet. I'd like to be able to build those inside bases to specifically store medkits.
Heck, power cell slots for bases would be cool, too. To rapidly charge Seamoths, or as backup power if your Solar panels or generators run out.
May i add this to my list?
Also, the old power generator was basicly what you discribed as a power cell slot for the base. But i prefer to do as few things as possible with power cells ... still better than the bio reactor tho.
to be honest to me the lifepod is rather irritating, don't get me wrong I love it but the ladder is placed very awkwardly and it's kinda difficult to get to storage and stuff, Anyone else feel this way?
Look, that's not a very good idea. People don't really appreciate necro-posting the oldest threads. If you want a thread to continue, you should consider posting an opinion that you have on it. In addition, many threads "die" because people have finished the discussion on them. For example, one of the suggested features was fire, which has since been added.