To 64-bit, or not to 64-bit? - Subnautica



  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited June 2017
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    There are some cases where having a 32-bit application is superior, but they are ones where the app doesn't use that much memory. Subnautica isn't in that category.
    Tarkannen wrote: » I had known 32-bit versions of Windows to be able to address 3.5GB of memory. It turns out this value can vary based on the RAM of the video card installed! A PC with a video card that has 1GB of memory forces the PC to only use between 2.6 to 2.8GB, while a video card with a measly 256MB of memory allows the PC to address 3.3 to 3.5GB of memory. I find it super weird why more memory on the video card means less memory allotted to the system, but there it is.

    So @TheLumberJack I'm afraid that's not correct... even in the reduced environment of 2.6 to 2.8GB of system memory, 32-bit operating systems don't have a hard limit of just 2GB of memory. :wink:
    When a computer has more than 4GB and it allocates memory images to 32-bit processes, I believe it still has to either map video memory directly or use a memory mirror of it for that process's address space. That size was adjustable but still needed to leave an address range for the video memory.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    Factorio recently hit 1,000,000 sales. They made the decision to abandon 32-bit, and seem to be doing okay. Here's a post to them talking about it:
  • ssutcliffessutcliffe United States Join Date: 2016-11-01 Member: 223565Members
    Could Subnautica actually run on the old slow 32 bit processors? I have a top of the line I7 CPU and a NVIDIA GTX980, and I still get lag even on recommended settings (not max). Intel stopped making 32 bit processors in 2001. I wouldn't be caught dead running Windows 7 on a Pentium, much less Subnautica. Given that an X32 OS can't access more then 4 gigs, it seems like a no brainer to go 64 bit. A lot of gamers tend to be fairly cutting edge on hardware anyway - and 4 gigs is a big limitation for a game like this. Even running on a low end laptop it's generally an X64 OS. Why constrain the memory the game can use when it's not needed?
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    It's because Windows XP was faster than Vista for gaming (Vista was a resource hog), and XP x64 edition had problems with drivers (not a lot of manufacturers made x64 drivers available). So a lot of times, gamers would run XP x86 (32-bit) as it was the superior OS for a while. And I think, at first, it was even faster than Windows 7 until 7 got optimized better. But this is all if I recall correctly. In this day and age, Window 7+ are definitely the way to go, and x64 editions are fully driver-supported.
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    Mostly the transition period yeah, we had 64-bit CPU's but we didn't have proper support yet in terms of drivers and OS. WinXP 64-bits was an unstable piece of doodoo and the 4+Gb "hack" for WinXP 32-bits was even more unstable.

    Win7 has settled the dust...
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