[Patch 269 + 270] HELP ME (WindowXP SP3) !!!! Black Screen after click Play , cant do anything
Singapore Join Date: 2014-07-01 Member: 197126Members
hi , when my steam finish update NS2 this morning im encounter this black screen

here is my tech support
Before build 268 im playing fine and never get this error before , now i cant play plz help me
I love this game
Edit: The second tech file is when im edit system_option.xml and let NS2 run Window mode , still it not respoding
im still uploading it , but why forum uploading so slow when the file size is 18Mb ?
And this after Unsubcribe mods from Steam Work shop , still crash ( not -responding black window more like)
After (again
) follow Iron Horse methods , in log file im ensure there is no command line "Mods .. wasnt available" and NS2 still wont work
Update Status My NS2: Windows7-32bit
Recently im tired of waitting developers fix black screen , so im try to install on my Friends PC ( windows 7 /32bit) , after download NS2 from Steam using his account , play 1-2 round with no problem
Then THIS happen : Fatal Error >>> Everytime second map change >> im play and CRash >> Fatal Error

here is my tech support
Before build 268 im playing fine and never get this error before , now i cant play plz help me
I love this game

Edit: The second tech file is when im edit system_option.xml and let NS2 run Window mode , still it not respoding
im still uploading it , but why forum uploading so slow when the file size is 18Mb ?
And this after Unsubcribe mods from Steam Work shop , still crash ( not -responding black window more like)
After (again

Update Status My NS2: Windows7-32bit
Recently im tired of waitting developers fix black screen , so im try to install on my Friends PC ( windows 7 /32bit) , after download NS2 from Steam using his account , play 1-2 round with no problem
Then THIS happen : Fatal Error >>> Everytime second map change >> im play and CRash >> Fatal Error
Also how the hell can you run this game.. Uhm.. gratz on that?
You can delete your mods in your %appdata%\naturals selection 2\ folder by deleting the inside of the workshop and deleting the options xml files.
build 267 268 before i can play with my Crossair mod normal, no black screen ?
Still doenst work =='
Disabled all workshop mods - unsubcribe - delete mod folder in %appdata%
Also your GPU driver is throwing an error in dxdiag :
The file nv4_disp.dll is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.
And since you are running 337.88 ... which IS a WHQL version... that error makes me think your GPU drivers are the culprit here. (there's a new updated WHQL driver on their website now)
Confirm delete 100% mod file , unsubcribe workshop >> i see log.txt still pop up command like "... Mod wasnt available ..."
Before this build 269 , im even can play NS2 on my USB drive !!! im sure that my GPU can run NS2 even its driver outdated Long time Ago ( 6 months since im switch from CSGO)
Please do this in order to ensure they go away:
1. Go to "mods" menu in NS2 and de activate all mods by clicking on them
2. Exit NS2 and then delete the whole "Workshop" folder located in your hidden %appdata%/Natural selection 2 folder
3. Disable Steam Cloud for NS2 only. Right click NS2 > Properties > Updates > Uncheck steam cloud box
4. Go to \Program Files\Steam\userdata\(YOUR STEAM ID)\4920\remote\options.xml and ensure that the mod section looks like the following: <mods> <active_mods/> </mods>
5. Now run NS2 and a) see if the problem is fixed b) that your log.txt no longer mentions mods.
Don't run NS2 on your USB drive.. just don't. You might be able to do it, but it is definitely not recommended and is not supported per se.
Also, clean your GPU drivers and update to the latest.. it won't hurt you to try. You could have done this in the time it took you to write a post saying "Im sure that my GPU can run NS2"..
Let us know what you discover.
Have you tried using a GPU driver cleaning program within F8 safe mode before installing your latest drivers?
After i do "Full Nuke" log.txt file still say worker02.vvv mod wasnt available ?
and Seriously a game like NS2 cant live without Steam Workshop , CDTeam should fix this like back in build 268 before
IronHorse , i have follow all your post but in my %appdata% Natural Selection 2 there is no "Workshop" folder , just "cache +system_option.xml" +log.txt"
Then here is your recommend "Program Files\Steam\userdata\(YOUR STEAM ID)\4920\remote\options.xml "
Here is whats mine looks like , should i edit with Notepad to change it like you said <mods> <active_mods/> </mods>
Then try it again
its have to be exactly ? i will try
P/s : Still no NS2 for me thought , but here is my techsupport file
im checked it twice and in log.txt there is no command line that "Mods.... wanst available"
I'll update you here when I have more info
Some BroForce at last
before this black screen , i have encounter several error but still you just type "quit" in console and restart NS2 >> done
this time ,,well i cant open console =='
Is that not enough data to analyze ?
P/s: here you go ,but strange this time techsupport file become larger (20Mb)
Uploading it now
yes im never turn that on because im not rookie anymore