NS2 is on sale. New people are joining. Welcome them!
Australia Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2714Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Reinforced - Onos

If you're not already aware, NS2 is 75% off atm. We're seeing lots of new greens.
Help them out, tell them about 'c' for map, tell them about 'e' to build, show them the ropes.
Ask one to follow you as you go about the map, to see what you do.
Ask them to ask questions, and be verbose and clear with your answers.
Don't stomp and don't stack
EDIT: and don't concede too early (or at all), give them some endgame, especially if they're on the winning team!
EDIT: Great tip from Calego:
Help them out, tell them about 'c' for map, tell them about 'e' to build, show them the ropes.
Ask one to follow you as you go about the map, to see what you do.
Ask them to ask questions, and be verbose and clear with your answers.
Don't stomp and don't stack

EDIT: and don't concede too early (or at all), give them some endgame, especially if they're on the winning team!
EDIT: Great tip from Calego:
I do think that rookies, when left to their own devices, largely stack marines, causing the more veteran (even if only slightly more veteran) to load up aliens.
So I've been starting to tell rookies to Join aliens to become a better marine, and also to prevent bad games from happening as often.
Well, who cares.
We still don't have the ability to retain new players; all this green wave is doing is making it nearly impossible to get a decent pub game going.
And once they leave, rarely do they return.
All sales do at the moment is fuck up our potential and existing playerbase.
Can we seriously actually wait a couple of months at least before another one? CDT changes look to be coming thick and fast so real gameplay improvements are FINALLY coming, (Someone please correct me if my reasoning is wrong here) but if you start getting new players in now surely we're just setting ourselves up for very poor sales figures in the future, when perhaps we'd have better retention.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
I try to encourage a friendly atmosphere on the server but other players just want to get a decent game going. And that's nearly impossible when more than half the players on the server dont know how to shoot, move or think- The vets, the regulars! are getting bored of this marked decrease in the average quality of games
Please remind yourselves that every sale brings with it a time period where decent games just dont happen.
The new players get a shitty experience, and the experienced players are getting more and more tired and disgruntled at being forced to put up with incompetant teammates and green commanders every single game.
Are you actually complaining that people are joining our small community and making it larger so that -- in future -- you can 'get a decent game going'. You realise that's counter-productive to the very thing you want?
What's killing this game is this community. Fuck me.
Tonight we will stand hand in hand against the green tsunami meat.
Edit: but i appreciate a more manly hand then those dudes in the pic.
Edit 2: i guess the right one might be a woman.
I'll be trying to herd greens this weekend (let's be honest, this is when things will get interesting). If all else fails, comm up and be vocal.
Actually he is kinda pointing one of the main problem here
The good news is that UWE is selling games. The future of the series depends on this.
This server goes down to 3 ticks, wich mean: rubberbanding for EVERYONE.
You lose 50% fps compared to an 18 slot server cause doubled entity ammount. Your awesome gtx660 sli system wont help here btw.
This IS reality.
It runs horrible and it feels horrible.
You cant learn the basics (positioning, aiming, mapawareness) on this server cause it doesnt matter.
Its only NS2 dumbed down to the max with min fps and max rubberbanding.
And thats why this kind of servers is one of the reasons of the low average pub-player skill:
They learn the wrong basics from the beginning.
If we actually do see increased numbers (last sale/bundle did absolutely bugger all in terms of player count) then we can help. it's a 2 way street mind, the amount of frustration I've seen on people trying to teach what amounts to a brick on a keyboard is amazing.
That's the spirit!
A different type of green wave :-S
I don't even give a fuck if it's really necessary or not, I just don't want to read the same debate over and over again.
While this logic is sound, and I basically agree with you, I think after so many sales it doesn't really matter anymore.
Standard servers drop to 3 ticks occasionally too, going by the devicenull logs.
If that were the case people wouldn't be filling them up every night. You and I are both entitled to our opinions, but the facts speak for themselves. People find them fun and enjoyable. And if they do, that's great! They're staying. And then when they join smaller servers, they get a less casual and more serious game and they can choose what style the prefer to play.
First time you join a server with more player slots than 24 players (the NS2 equivalent would be exactly 16) this window is shown:
Maybe something similar could be added by the community dev team to put this to rest?
The increased entity count impacts CPU performance, not rendering, so lowering or otherwise adjusting your settings to accommodate larger servers just won't cut it.
Also just for everyone's info : you can track any server and its tick rate here http://ns2servers.devicenull.org
So that anecdotal evidence doesn't have to be given. (ignore tick rates of zero when it coincides with map changes, obviously)
@lwf looks like you haven't been tracking our public trello.. ;-)
Else you'd have to be partial about this one, too: http://ns2servers.devicenull.org/servers/273546/
Nope, but I am now.
Can't you reply/comment on tasks as a non-member? I'm new to this thing so I'm not sure what I'm missing.
And, honestly, I don't see these sales hurting anything. If all the greens leave, more will come (and we will still be playing either way). This really only hurts vets' brains for a while.