The luck thread
Texas Join Date: 2013-08-08 Member: 186657Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts

Alright guys, let's get a thread going where you post up stories/videos of really lucky moments.
I'll get us started. This one happened a couple of days ago. We had just finished doing a JP/GL rush on Cargo, taking down the hive successfully. Commander beacons us back home, we phase to nano, and are moving to finish off the last hive in pipeline. I hear a skulk moving from cargo to dome, and fire a single grenade through the half-open door in the dome. I figure maybe I might damage him or scare him off or whatever, but managed to nail him in midair, without ever seeing him. I immediately alt+f10 to save this video. (I use Shadowplay. When you press alt+f10, it saves the most recent 10 minutes of game to the harddrive).

I have an even better story, though sadly not a video to accompany it as I hadn't yet started using shadowplay (seriously though, if your card supports it, you should be running this!!!) I'm an lmg marine in server room. We have an obs in server room, and I see a lerk coming in. Not much to do except fire like crazy and hope you hit them. Luckily for me, this lerk wasn't driving too drunk if you know what I mean, and I was able to scare it off by myself. I had put a good bit of damage into it, so I chased it down for a short while. Remember, the obs is covering this whole battle. After running out of lmg, I switch to my pistol, but the lerk has already left. I'm standing in that small room between server room and mezzanine (the one you typically arc from), and I realize I can still see the lerk's obs-circle all the way in mezzanine. The way the map is constructed, there's a tiny tiny sliver of space where you can shoot all the way to the far wall of mezzanine from that small server room entryway. I manage to squeeze off one shot through that gap with the pistol and that was enough to take down the lerk.
These are the moments I play ns2 for!
I'll get us started. This one happened a couple of days ago. We had just finished doing a JP/GL rush on Cargo, taking down the hive successfully. Commander beacons us back home, we phase to nano, and are moving to finish off the last hive in pipeline. I hear a skulk moving from cargo to dome, and fire a single grenade through the half-open door in the dome. I figure maybe I might damage him or scare him off or whatever, but managed to nail him in midair, without ever seeing him. I immediately alt+f10 to save this video. (I use Shadowplay. When you press alt+f10, it saves the most recent 10 minutes of game to the harddrive).

I have an even better story, though sadly not a video to accompany it as I hadn't yet started using shadowplay (seriously though, if your card supports it, you should be running this!!!) I'm an lmg marine in server room. We have an obs in server room, and I see a lerk coming in. Not much to do except fire like crazy and hope you hit them. Luckily for me, this lerk wasn't driving too drunk if you know what I mean, and I was able to scare it off by myself. I had put a good bit of damage into it, so I chased it down for a short while. Remember, the obs is covering this whole battle. After running out of lmg, I switch to my pistol, but the lerk has already left. I'm standing in that small room between server room and mezzanine (the one you typically arc from), and I realize I can still see the lerk's obs-circle all the way in mezzanine. The way the map is constructed, there's a tiny tiny sliver of space where you can shoot all the way to the far wall of mezzanine from that small server room entryway. I manage to squeeze off one shot through that gap with the pistol and that was enough to take down the lerk.
These are the moments I play ns2 for!
Wasn't the lerk I wanted, but it was the lerk I got
Somehow I managed to survive the initial attack, and I was able to drive one off with a meat shot. The other two were doing what lerks do (diving/spiking/circling) as I started to panic, (hp was below 15) I fired a panic shot and managed to land a direct meat shot on the top score lerk and kill him..
Complete luck.
I once did something similar.
In the middle of a firefight, I was aiming for a skulk with my shottie. I would've completely missed the skulk, but Flaterectomy flew a lerk right into my crosshair a split second before the shot.
Needless to say, he wondered how I aimed so fast
No video footage, thouh.
Starts at 16 Minutes 16 Seconds, watch the dancing dots on the minimap the whole time ;3
Started out with a 5 kill streak as a Skulk before having enough res to go Lerk... Racked up 24 kills before I died, then I went Onos for the rest of the game and ended with a score of 67-1, and I had over twice as many points as anyone else in the server....
I was simply dumbfounded... For me a score like 67-1 is unthinkable. I must've been below 50 hp as Onos like 20 times... Combination of bad Marine players and insane luck.
The round started, we rushed straight for one side of the map and killed the hive, all without seeing a single alien. It turns out the aliens had been doing their own rush and we'd gone right past each other without noticing.
Also, after the round:
"Hey Mouse.. how did you know which hive they'd be in?"
"I didn't. I never checked."
Do you know that feeling if your stomach tells you that an attack is overdue and the air is filled with electricity? You mentally prepare for a skulk around the corner attack and hope for the best. My wingman had the same feeling since we both crouch sneaked from the RT to the north entrance a few meters away. I thought: Any milisecond now will I shoot at the skulk/lerk that pops up! Maybe we even surprise him?!
Three cloaked skulks were directly above our heads, ready to jump us any moment. My gut told me: half a meter closer into that trap and they would have turned us in tiny little pieces. They were shocked, we were shocked. Bot we reacted faster and killed them all. Man, lucky shots are nice and all, but I felt so lucky that the comm actually scanned right at that moment...I whish more comms would scan, but that seems to be a lost art since it doesn't cost energy anymore
Awesomed for the manly shouting!
(yes i enjoy listening to nas when i lerk, lol)
I was reminded of it today by the misfortune of @meatmachine 's fade.
@It's Super Effective!
my favourite vid of yours was that lmg fade, pistol lerk then axe skulk in slo-mo (I think it was fade first, may be lerk, skulk, skulk). But that was super epic.
2. In Tram, I run into a room with 2 teammates following nearby and a skulk jumps out of nowhere...
I axe it dead mid jump, strait in the face one hit (must've been shot at before hand) I hit it just as the bite animation was playing/sounding too. The skulk ate axe.
"I was saving that bullet for you".
Near the start of the match, I am respawning as a marine and see a teammate and a skulk going at it in the south area of falls and my teammate dies- I think "hey, they were going at it for just about enough time for that marine to do about 90 damage".
I whip out my axe and make a run for seeding, jump over the rail towards falls and Mr Skulk bounds merrily down the hallway. I time my movement, take aim and PAP, Mr skulk gets an axe in the face and dies.
I dont think I've had many moments of judgement, luck and serendipty that could top that one.
For whatever reason I just never seem to have it running when I need it. Also I'm too lazy to clean up that drive and make more room.
OBS Quick Sync steps into the ring and told me: "Dude that Sandy Bridge 2500K Intel® HD Graphics 3000 isn't doing anything right, git yet recording on"... So I activated it in mah Bios and installed the drivers, slapped a virtual monitor on that thing and now I can haz recording without slowdowns for 1080p30, right now at 13000kbit/s, much better than DXtory/Fraps with their filesizes and FPS drains
So anyone who doesn't have the required NVIDIA or ATI/AMD but do have a Sandy or newer Intel, git your recording on
Are raptr and quick sync "instant replay" software though? The thing about shadowplay is that you can save a recording after something happens without degrading performance or exiting the game. You don't have to record non-stop and then sift through hours of gametime to find the bits you want to keep.
But I've not seen any FPS issues, having Quick Sync record. I've set it up to constantly record (manually), as gaming sessions in general are ~20 minutes more or less. And if rounds go on for longer or you want longer record time, I just want the manual control. It's not eating up FPS or HDD much at all
List of Intel's that can do this
Just had a look at YouTube proposed encoding settings...
1080p30, 8Mbit
1080p48/50/60, 12Mbit
So I'm guessing it could go lower than my current 13Mbit for 1080p30... However I'd rather feed that YouTube re-encoder a bit more bits/frame...
Just for future reference, does having shadowplay "shadow" mode on wear out an ssd after a while?
I know it writes to your temp folder on the drive, so there is a constant write/rewrite going on. You can change the temporary storage location for shadowplay (or in general) to be on your storage HDD if you prefer. Also, current SSDs aren't nearly as limited in terms of rewriting data as the earlier models that started that particular fear. Even if you had shadowplay constantly rewriting the same sectors (which it almost definitely doesn't do), you could still expect a decently long life out of the drive.
If you do end up killing your ssd because of playtime... You've got much bigger problems
It was on a facebook ad, so yeah that already had me going hmmmmmmmm WAAAT?
Here's a YT review:
No idea if Forge can hold up to their challenge, I've got OBS working perfectly soooooo....... But for those of you wanting to give it a try, maybe it is better? Who really knows
I understand @Kouji_San and thank you for the tip. I have one question? Are you feelin lucky punk? Well are ya?
On a side note......... It saves all footage to their own enclosed network it seems, so no editing locally or uploading to other video sites suchs as that obscure one called YouTube for example. It's a bit, weird...