Wacky Idea of the Day
Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166314Members

In an attempt to make Skulks more useful in late game, what if parasite reduced medpack effectiveness by an amount - for example 33% ?
My feeling is that the game would be better if higher lifeforms weren't so imperative after the 10 minute mark. Especially when you're playing in a pub server where perhaps you don't want to be a twitchy 'try-hard', ergo you try more risky/less boring plays and effectively end up urinating your PRES down the drain. If the team resources and map control is more or less equal by about 10 minutes, it seems like Aliens need higher lifeforms to even have a chance - so I'd like to discuss the Skulk having more indirect damage potential.
I can play super conservative as a Lerk or Fade and get 30:1 KDR's like a regular pub hero, but it's just nowhere near as much fun as playing more risky and attempting the ridiculous like winning a 1v3. But this really isn't possible as if you lose your TRES then you almost always feel like you've lost the match as a direct result of your 'non boring' playstyle. On the other hand, the Assault Rifle Marine can spend 0 PRES and go on a non-boring, no-risk rambo mission with potential to deal plenty of damage with commander support. In my opinion, this is a big gameplay problem.
My feeling is that the game would be better if higher lifeforms weren't so imperative after the 10 minute mark. Especially when you're playing in a pub server where perhaps you don't want to be a twitchy 'try-hard', ergo you try more risky/less boring plays and effectively end up urinating your PRES down the drain. If the team resources and map control is more or less equal by about 10 minutes, it seems like Aliens need higher lifeforms to even have a chance - so I'd like to discuss the Skulk having more indirect damage potential.
I can play super conservative as a Lerk or Fade and get 30:1 KDR's like a regular pub hero, but it's just nowhere near as much fun as playing more risky and attempting the ridiculous like winning a 1v3. But this really isn't possible as if you lose your TRES then you almost always feel like you've lost the match as a direct result of your 'non boring' playstyle. On the other hand, the Assault Rifle Marine can spend 0 PRES and go on a non-boring, no-risk rambo mission with potential to deal plenty of damage with commander support. In my opinion, this is a big gameplay problem.
That's a bit of a problem even if everyone is playing carefully. Once aliens start losing lifeforms it really hurts, A3/W3 marines vs Skulks really hurts.
No matter where you are in the game that is a good idea. This is about late game where skulk loses combat ability. I don't know if I agree that this is a problem, but I understand both viewpoints. To further the OP:
What about when you are forced to engage in combat, and are unable to bite extractors late game. You might say that they deserve to lose then if are unable to be offensive. What if they can't be offensive because they lack late game combat ability?
- have invisbility when not moving
- make no sound while moving
- loljump thoughout the map at the speed of light
- have about 150 effective hp, enough to survive shotgun most of the time
I don't think they need further buffs.
i agree with this, but when aliens have less extractors than marines as a direct result of having too few higher lifeforms - that's when i wish skulks had something universally useful that lasted after you get instagibbed by a shotgun (unlike 2-3 bites which gets healed up by medpack/welder in a second).
additionally, i've been hoping parasite gets some kind of improvement to justify the creepy bug-crawly animation - rather than "ooooh noes, you're covered in bugs which means that aliens can see you through a wall" - which they already can if they have 2 hives (aura) or if the marine is standing in a good defensive position where it doesn't help to have wallhax.