Build 252 is Now Live on Steam! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Build 252 is a preparatory release that lays much of the groundwork for Reinforced, which will arrive this Friday. It contains big changes to basically everything. There will be no changelog at this time,* and the changelog will come with Build 253 (Reinforced) on Friday. Lots of stuff has changed under the hood – You will notice for example that you may select from D3D9, D3D11, and OpenGL in the graphics menu. These new graphics-library options are indicative of the imminent Reinforced Linux release. The game should be much improved in 252, though there will be some issues. You might get stuck occasionally, as changes to the physics system (again, in preparation for Linux) have introduced some new issues. Shotguns …
Can anyone find an updated server, I cant connect to any because they are still in the old build it seems
Otherwise, liking the changes I've seen so far. I'm not sure if it's new this build, but the Sandbox mode is pretty neat.
welcome to the NS2 beta
hope you enjoy your stay
This isn't reinforced by the way. I'd have rather or waited till then tant to be stuck playing a broken game
Drifters are made from Eggs that can be dropped on Infestation, 5 res increased to 8.
Changed how research works on Alien side. Research a 35 res upgrade to upgrade the HP/Skills of target Alien form. Each type requires its own building and gives all research for that form assuming enough biomass. Crag/Onos, Whip/Slulk, Hive/Gorge. Fade and Lerk are on Shade/Energy, but forgot what one.
Gorge Tunnels still need to be directly research on Hive for 15 res.
Added Web ability for Gorge. Place up to 10 webs, 1 res each. Slows/Stops Marine. Confusing as hell to use at first glance.
Added a Shield for Onos on their front. Requires 6-8 Biomass.
Vortex on Fade changed from durp to place Vortex on spot, once he attacks, teleports back to that spot.
Added a heavy attack on Fade. Requires 6-8 Biomass.
And stink bombs and broken Unstable batteries
EDIT: Updated based on first tests ingame.
- Tutorial added to main menu.
- Added ELO-ish player skill ranking system.
- Server Browser can be filtered and sorted by skill level.
- Shock waves now seem to propagate from the center over time, rather than instantly inflicting damage in the maximum radius. (Stomp, Grenade Launchers, etc.)
- Commanders starts with 0 pres and gains no pres for 1 minute after leaving the CC/Hive.
- new default crosshairs (mostly the same as before, but with a bright pixel-wide dot in the center now)
- emits a sonar sound in regular intervals, making it easier for aliens to determine its location
- slightly more accurate
- clip size down to 6 (was 8)
- Cluster Grenade creates multiple small explosions in an area for HP damage
- Gas Greande damages alien armor in an area and stays for a moment
- Pulse Grenade electrifies aliens (attack speed down to 80% for 5 seconds, energy regen down to 70%)
- cost 10 to research, take 45 seconds
- cost 3 pres each, gives 2 grenades, can only carry one grenade type at a time
- damage down to 15 (was 19)
- deals 3 energy damage
- weighs 0.14 (was 0.12)
- can be exited at any time now
- can be beaconed
- are purchased as single-armed version at Protolab for 40 res each
- can buy their second weapon from the Protolab for another 20 res (also Dual Railgun!)
- Dual Minigun and Railgun cost 30 res to research each
- Dual-Miniguns overheat slower than single version (?)
- Firing Miniguns slows Exo down to 60% of normal speed
- Firing Railgun slows Exo down to 80% of normal speed
- Railgun autofires after 2.2 seconds (was 3) and needs to be charged for a minimum of 1.4 seconds
- Railgun damage down to 30 - 130 (was 50 - 150)
- Railgun weighs 0.8 (was 0.5)
- Armor down to 50 (was 150)
- seems to heal armor a lot faster (?)
Cat Packs
- take 45 seconds to research
- cost 3 to drop
- increase move speed by 25%
- increase weapon (reload?) speed by 50%
- last 12 seconds
- Carapace reduces regeneration capabilities by 10% per level
- chambers move faster now (1.5, was 0.5)
- being on fire no longer reduces energy regeneration (was down to 60%)
- Alien Vision got replaced by Dark Vision and Hive Sight. All important things are outlined by default now and the Dark Vision is only supposed to be used in dark rooms (it actually blinds you if you look at bright lights with it, like a nightvision device)
- lifeforms don't profit from Biomass until their respective tech path has been researched
Nutrient Mist
- has a sound effect now when being cast
- Contamination ability added to khammander (Biomass 9)
- temporarily creates a patch of infestation anywhere on the map
- 5 res per use, 5 seconds cooldown
- infestation is spread from a structure with 1000 HP that is spawned in
Lifeform Eggs
- Gorge & Lerk Egg requires Biomass 2
- Fade & Onos Egg requires Biomass 9
- Gorge Egg costs 15 now (was 10)
- Lerk Egg costs 30 now (was 40)
- all eggs take 45 seconds to gestate now (was different for each egg, maximum was 30 seconds on Onos egg)
- supply cost up to 10 (was 5)
- cost 8 res, can be hatched anywhere on the map, take 7 seconds to hatch
- Drifter clouds of the same type don't stack anymore (the old cloud is instantly removed when a new is spawned)
- Hallucination no longer creates hallucinations of dead aliens
- Mucous Membrane stays only 2.5 seconds now (was 10). Regenerates half of a unit's maximum armor, clamped to a minimum of now 3 (was 1) and a maximum of 40
- Storm cloud lifetime down to 3 seconds (was 6)
- fixed bug causing the closest cyst to be used as anchor, even if it was unconnected.
- can research Gorge Tunnels (1)
- can research "Gorge Evolutions" to gain access to Babbler (1), Bile Bomb (3) and Web (5) research
- can research "Lerk Evolutions" to gain access to Umbra (4) and Spore (6) research
- supply cost down to 5 (was 10)
- can research "Fade Evolutions" to gain access to Shadow Step (2), Vortex (5) and Stab (8) research
- Ink cooldown increased to 16 seconds (was 12.8)
- supply cost down to 5 (was 10)
- can research "Onos Evolutions" to gain access to Charge (2), Bone Shield (5) and Stomp (9) research
- supply cost down to 5 (was 15)
- can research "Skulk Evolutions" to gain access to Leap (4) and Xenocide (7) research
- Leap research time up to 40 seconds (was 30)
- Bombard damage down to 400 (was 600)
- build time up to 20 (was 15)
- supply cost down to 5 (was 10)
- gains less HP per Biomass (3 now, was 4)
- Parasite lasts 44 seconds (was 24)
- is now faintly gnarling in regular intervals when idle, which can be heard by marines
- costs 8 pres now
- added ability to drop Webs between two surfaces, which hold marines in place for a moment. Webs (50 HP) can't be destroyed by bullets, but by flames and grenades
- Babblers need to be researched now (Biomass 1)
- Babbler health down to 10 HP, 0 Armor (was 30 HP, 5 Armor)
- Bite range increased to 1.5 (was 1.4)
- Umbra now protects against Railgun shots (damage down to 68%)
- Blink adds more force (1.0 instead of 0.5) upon use.
- Blink start energy cost increased to 14 (was 13)
- Celerity has less impact when using Blink
- Vortex seems to act like a portal to base now. ("Ethereal Gate", Biomass 5)
- Stab added as researchable ability. (Biomass 8)
- Stab deals 160 normal damage and costs 30 energy to use
- Swipe damage down to 37.5 (was 50)
- Swipe energy cost up to 8 (was 7)
- gains less HP per Biomass (5 now, was 10)
- Carapace gives 120 Armor now (was 100)
- Charge needs to be researched now (Biomass 2)
- fixed bug allowing to use BoneShield right after Stomp or Gore
- Stomp emits a shock wave to the front now, rather than a radius ground shake
- Stomp deals 40 structural damage (double damage against structures) now
- gains less HP per Biomass (25 now, was 50)
- Carapace gives 650 Armor now (was 560)
A good whoa. I think. brb.
releases game changing updates, but refuses to give you patch logs.
"lets nerf the fade's speed, energy, and damage at the same time! That surely won't be an overcompensation"
"also lets make blink aesthetically equivalent to old shadow step, further reinforcing the pointless swapping of blink and shadowstep as the primary locomotion method"
If you time it right, you will hear a grunt. You basically gain a slight boost when you strafe-jump. Strafe for a while, then jump. It has a cool-down.
I can sleep in peace now. Good to see the Fade Stab back.
edit: to get this to work on macbook retinas go into properties > compatibility and click 'disable scaling on high dpi settings'
Were you doing this down a slope? It has been like that since B250.
Fades were MUCH too powerful, it's good to see a big nerf.