Join Date: 2012-11-18 Member: 172279Members

I want to say some things about shotgun.
1. Shotgun is an outright broken balance tool. why?
if this game was a full rts, with npc units. then i would say nothing about it. it is perfectly countering skulks, working as intended. but the problem rises when we count the fact that the units are actually player controlled, players who get frustrated against an unstoppable killing machine. besides no one likes to get one shotted in any game, it is just a fact; you get one shotted; you rage doesn't matter how hard you try to hide your feelings.. most of the people won't just say "Shotgun beats skulk, its alright to get oblirated, because balance demands it", rest will just pretend it to be a okey situation.
simple example to show the devastating effects of such rock, paper sci game is world of warcraft. Warlock class had been the least represented class, making around 6% of the total population untill certain point. how lucky i am, i have been a warlock starting from vanilla. as a destruction, getting one shotted by the most of the classes especially rogue. you can't imagine my rage, lol i feared my hairs turn white.
i gave a 3 months break to natural selection, and after my return. only thing that got my attention was the godly shotgunners, even the noobest player is an incredibly tough target. slightest mistake gets you one shotted, there is just no way to counter shotgun as a skulk with brain involved - do your best evasive manevuer and cross for your fingers for your enemy to miss. lol this is just silly.
as a marine, i really don't find shotgun enjoyable it certainly fetches some frag but i am a man of challenge i don't prefer shotgun.
2. shotgun requires zero skill; yep i declare it requires zero skill when you have an insane rig and a decent ping. immense dps, immense reliability
3. why shotgun is a jack of all trades? what about the other weapons?
destroying skulks- check
give fear even to the most skilled fade - check
destroy lerks at certain range - check
destroy in numbers onos - check
simple example to show the devastating effects of such rock, paper sci game is world of warcraft. Warlock class had been the least represented class, making around 6% of the total population untill certain point. how lucky i am, i have been a warlock starting from vanilla. as a destruction, getting one shotted by the most of the classes especially rogue. you can't imagine my rage, lol i feared my hairs turn white.
i gave a 3 months break to natural selection, and after my return. only thing that got my attention was the godly shotgunners, even the noobest player is an incredibly tough target. slightest mistake gets you one shotted, there is just no way to counter shotgun as a skulk with brain involved - do your best evasive manevuer and cross for your fingers for your enemy to miss. lol this is just silly.
as a marine, i really don't find shotgun enjoyable it certainly fetches some frag but i am a man of challenge i don't prefer shotgun.
2. shotgun requires zero skill; yep i declare it requires zero skill when you have an insane rig and a decent ping. immense dps, immense reliability
3. why shotgun is a jack of all trades? what about the other weapons?
destroying skulks- check
give fear even to the most skilled fade - check
destroy lerks at certain range - check
destroy in numbers onos - check
destroy structres - check
shotgun simply takes the role of multipurpose ass-whooping machine. what about flamethrower or grenade launcher?, can't even see those weapons researched anymore. why the hell shotgun can even counter even fades? there is a possibility that a decent shotguner can destroy a decent fade in a particular situation. this is the best case scenario because marines usually move with their team mates, this is what this game is all about..
how to adress 1) give aliens a researchable active trait, that will harden skin to sustain certain amount of damage after used. place it in crag tier along with carapace and shell. like damage sustained 200 damage, cooldown 30 secs lasts 1-3-5 seconds or rather like a nano-shield like ability that lasts shorter. certain lifeforms like onos will surely use carapace yet again, it will add variety new ways of gameplay.
how to adress 2) make 1) real or nerf the living goo out of shotgun.
How to adress 3) make 1) real and give other weapons more clear role or nerf shotgun.
i wish to add more but, my time is limited.
Thank you for reading.
shotgun simply takes the role of multipurpose ass-whooping machine. what about flamethrower or grenade launcher?, can't even see those weapons researched anymore. why the hell shotgun can even counter even fades? there is a possibility that a decent shotguner can destroy a decent fade in a particular situation. this is the best case scenario because marines usually move with their team mates, this is what this game is all about..
how to adress 1) give aliens a researchable active trait, that will harden skin to sustain certain amount of damage after used. place it in crag tier along with carapace and shell. like damage sustained 200 damage, cooldown 30 secs lasts 1-3-5 seconds or rather like a nano-shield like ability that lasts shorter. certain lifeforms like onos will surely use carapace yet again, it will add variety new ways of gameplay.
how to adress 2) make 1) real or nerf the living goo out of shotgun.
How to adress 3) make 1) real and give other weapons more clear role or nerf shotgun.
i wish to add more but, my time is limited.
Thank you for reading.
This discussion has been closed.
As a skulk, I don't consider them inherently more dangerous than the rifle, and given they cost P.Res, would always rather go up against a shotgun. Many players will fire as frequently as possible in combat with the shotgun, making it very easy to predict when the next shot is coming and avoid it or put some distance between you and the marine so your not 1 shotted. After firing there is a brief period for you to bite at them before they can shoot again, and they will almost always shoot at the soonest opportunity. Sure, a high level player is extremely dangerous with a shotgun, but the same is true for the rifle.
As a lerk, your tactics need to change when shotguns come out. You can't fly into 2-3 marines and expect to survive. If they know where you are, you should be spiking them from distance, chipping their health down for your teammates and stopping them progressing through doorways etc. You should also look to ambush marines from behind with a quick bite before escaping, waiting for the poison to take affect, then attacking again. The second your hit with a solid shot, get out and heal up. Lerks are in my opinion, one of the strongest lifeforms due to the timing they come out and their ability to attack at range, safe from shotguns. For this lifeform a high level player with a rifle is far more dangerous than one with a shotgun if you're playing the lerk right.
Fades can take 2 perfect shots (and then some) from a shotgun before going down. Going down to a single shotgun wielding marine here is unlikely, and a pretty big mistake must have been made from the fade. If engaging 2 marines, care should be taken to be dodging in and out of combat stopping them getting a good aim on you and putting some distance between you and them as they fire so they can't get that maximum damage shot.
Anything above 2 marines and the fade should not be engaging alone. Hit and run tactics can be used to dish out some damage to the guy at the back but you shouldn't be hanging around long enough for the others to start shooting at you
Onos. It's ridiculous to say the shotgun is overpowered for taking these down. they can take a substantial amount of damage, and the rifle puts out a higher dps than the shotgun! Marines in groups are dangerous to all lifeforms, the Onos should be no exception. the shotgun is not a counter to the onos, a jetpack is.
Buildings. Without doing the maths, I can tell you that a single marine has to unload more than a clip into a harvester (at close range) to kill it. Skilled players don't pump all 8 shots in one go, instead reloading part way through the clip in case they're attacked. It'll take about 30-45seconds (guesstimate) for a single marine to take it out with a shotgun, a similar rate to which a single skulk will take out an extractor...the difference being, the marine has invested 20 P.res to do so. he must also get close the the harvester which is usually placed in an area with plenty of cover nearby for ambushing skulks. There are situations where attacking structures at range with the rifle is much more effective, safer and free! (though the comm may need to drop an ammo pack).
My only gripe with the shotgun is the inconsistency in damage. I could shoot an enemy at near point blank range and do 200dmg, but another time, at the same distance, only do 14-23. Unfortunately, it's usually the latter.
Edit: Note to other forum users, kespec's postt below is not directed at this post (at least I don't think it is) but at a post by someone else that has since been removed by the moderators.
i will simplify it so people actually read.
2. shotgun is stealing the role of other weapons making them useless. we have 2 weapon option that are just useless. grenade launcher is HARD COUNTERED by whip, the way this weapon countered is just silly. and flamethrowers, i sometimes forget they are in the game.
1. One shot weapons have existed in multiplayer games since Doom. Some examples Include;
BFG (Doom/Quake) Energy Sword (Halo) Gravity Hammer (Halo) Sniper Rifles (Call Of Duty/Counter Strike/ Almost any FPS) Knife (Call Of Duty) Rocket Launcher (Call Of Duty) Chainsaw (Gears of War) Redeemer (Unreal Tournament)
These are by no means games exclusive to "hardcore fanboys". It is frankly, your opinion that one shot weapons shouldn't exist, and it evidently isn't an opinion shared by most game developers throughout history.
2. I have given specific examples that the shotgun does not make other weapons useless. The rifle in particular has uses against Lerks, hitting buildings from range, doing more DPS to onos etc. I agree that currently the grenade launcher and flamethrower are not utilised as much as they could be, but they have their uses. try hopping into a match on the Combat mod and you'll quickly see grenades being used to dish out insane damage to the hive and surrounding lifeforms. In Vanilla NS2 though, it's a substantial P.Res investment and diminishes your ability to defend yourself in combat. The flamethrower has a very specific purpose, and that is to stop the energy regeneration abilities of aliens. I have lost fades due to being on fire and not having the energy to escape, so it is by no means useless. It doesn't give out a lot of DPS though, so most players avoid them.
3. Shotguns require skill. Low rate of fire, long reload time, minimal effective range. It seems any explanation I can give will be ignored. An example of a true skilless weapon can be found in Call Of Duty. The akimbo machine pistols, killstreak rewards and the Nuke.
The shotgun in NS2 does requires different play styles than other weapons;
you must engage at closer range
each shot has a greater value...a missed shot could cost you much more than a missed bullet from the rifle.
It costs P.Res and as such you must take care to minimize the risk of it being lost. I tend to be slightly less aggressive (unless jetpacks are researched).
It's a twitch based weapon unlike the rifle which is tracking based, the flamethrower & grenade launcher are both area of effect weapons.
The shotgun requires different skills than other weapons, not necessarily more. A reason why it offers a greater potential reward is simple. You've invested P.Res into that weapon. It also has risks associated with it, as RooBubba stated, try taking down 3 skulks coming at you with a shotgun...It's easier to do so with the rifle. Assuming perfect accuracy, you still need to wait till they are in close range when using the shotgun, and the slow rate of fire means that you can't 1 hit all 3 before they're on you. A rifle could eliminate all 3 before they're even close, likewise with a perfectly aimed grenade.
Cmon are having a lend there surely...the Onos got nerfed despite costing 2 times the cost of a SG and can't 1 shot anything.
The SG has been an issue from early beta days when it was the only advanced weapon...that it could only 1 shot a skulk was seen as you needed 2 to kill a lerk and 3 to kill a fade...that was when the hit pattern was random.
Now its been fixed to improve accuracy....damage increased so it now 1 shots lerks (30 res investment) and 2 shots fades (50 res investement).
Shotguns can be picked up and shared within a team...alien lifeforms cant.
SG's are OP'd...not because of the fact they 1 shot skulks...but that they can 1 shot lerks....and 2 shot fades.
Aliens have nothing that can kill a marine in 1 hit (despite needing to get into melee for almost every attack they have).
We continue to have the issue of aliens not scaling in their attacks...and marines getting an easier time as the game goes on.
The SG is a great example of this....and running the whole "you let them get too much res" or "just dont engage them" are terrible throw away comments.
The SG I think simply needs a damage reduction...or certain aliens need a buff...a 30 res lifeform dying to 1 shot is still a blight on the game.
Or hell, sometimes even the corpses of a fade and some more.
Yes a alien must get in close to limited range (minus lerk spikes).
I still do not see a true problem. If you sacrifice 2 skulks to kill a shotgunner, you won a victory there on a res basis.
Also so many games have a instant shot death if you screwup. Never been a real player.
Halflife weapons come to mind.
Your opening paragraph can be disregarded as you specifically state that you do not find the fact shotguns very easily killing skulks to be an issue (which is what the OP has issue with, amongst other things)
On to the second paragraph:
running head long into a shotgun barrel is never the only option. It is also usually the worst option. Alien strategy is centered around ambushing, hit and run attacks and high mobility not head on attacks
You should not always retreat when you see a shotgun. Depending on the situation, you have a chance to remove that 20P.res investment from the map indefinitely. by running away, that marine is being allowed to continue to push forward. Even if you die engaging him, you should have done some damage (assuming you're not just running head first towards him) which either leaves him weakened, or forces him to retreat to reheal and resupply. It all depends on the situation.
at 5-6 minutes into the match, Lerks should be on the field to tip the balance of engagements
If marines are in a threatening location on the map you do not necessarily have to engage them there. If it's an engagement you can win, sure. Otherwise, you may be better hitting them elsewhere, forcing a beacon or doing equal or greater damage to the marine bases...prehaps you just need to slow them down for 30seconds whilst you wait for res to come in so players can evolve into higher lifeforms. There are always options beyond rushing into certain death
I honestly thought that given your join date, you'd have played enough NS2 by this point to know better than to think running head first into shotgunners or running away are your only options. Look at the situation you are in personally and as a team and make a decision as to the best course of action.
There is no way I can tell you what options are available or what you should do in every given situation. What makes this game so great is that every situation is different and there are different options available to deal with them. Ultimately the match is decided by player skill and the decisions made by the players and team to deal with the positions they find themselves in throughout the game.
Assuming a 9v9 match, it's going to take 5 marines as a minimum heading towards the hive for me to decide that a co-ordinated attack on them from the alien team is a poor option (keep in mind, that'd be 100p.res invested you have the chance to eliminate by killing the threat). This would leave 4 marines maximum to defend their base (assuming the comm would leave the chair). If 8 aliens lose to those 4 marines, then too bad, you got outplayed..If not you've successfully forced a beacon (10T.res) or wiped out their defence and can start wrecking the base
p.s. Please revisit my previous post as some edits have been made to expand on what i was saying.
The only thing SG is good for is killing lerks or skulks that attack you or are in the small zone around you. It sucks for killing anything that's at a moderate distance; there's no point in shooting at something mid-distance away because by the time you go for a second shot the skulk or lerk will be too close to get a good shot.
You get 1 or maybe 2 chances to hit something that's in the perfect range to do any damage.
You are not always shooting at things that are trying to kill you, what if you want to shoot the lerk across the other side of the room? or the skulk in the vent? SG is useless, LMG would have done more damage.
If you are able to take fights in the correct areas, wait for the alien to be in the perfect range AND hit every time, it can seem overpowered. The vast majority of situations and players can't do this and most of the time I actually think shotgun isn't that great.