Natural Selection 2 Build 245 Released - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

We’ve just released a small maintenance patch which is now live on Steam. This patch is intended to address some issues that cropped up after the release of 244 as well as make some final adjustments in preparation for the NSL Invitational Grand Final on Friday.
Wat. Doesn't this take away from player choice?
I like finding vanilla servers so I do not get dced for not being able to download every single mod that server has and then finding someone took the spot.
I also liked recording test demos on non modded servers because demos cease working if one mod the server was using updates. No way we can tell anymore before joining?
Can we get at least some way to tell this? I like the idea of preventing second class stuff, but i think ideally there'd be a way to blacklist certain mods for your personal filters, or at least tell what mods are running before joining.
A view info button or the like would be awesome.
In game news is baller as well, fills up that empty space nicely on the main menu screen.
to be fair, medpacks received an aimbot upgrade in 244
The demo system needs more work on many different fronts, anyways.
I think this change with mods is golden, personally. Worth whatever downside of not knowing what mods you are downloading beforehand. This game was partially sold on it's modding capability so anything towards making that more of a reality, i support.
Personally, I think it would be awesome if all mods in steam workshop were whitelisted except the bad ones that dont meet a criteria that is listed and managed through a UWE employee or rep. This would allow you to run your hello kitty mods in any server you please ... delivering on that highly modifiable premise
help ths
Yea I guess. It's mostly a good demo system I want. I like how NS2 records and captures everything that went on but man is it fickle when it comes to working across builds and with mod updates.
I like how joining a server lists all the mods. It's better than before but I still wish I knew if it was modded before hitting record demo to do some performance tests. Ah well I sort of know the servers than run them and the one's that do not by name at this point.
Having it simply tell you modded versus not-modded was not consistent with our goals. Ultimately we would like almost every server to be running mods -- like server administration tools -- which the community can do a better job at than we can.
Keep up the awesomeness UW!
I understand the reason for the change, but it really should go back until we have a way to see what mods the servers are running before connecting. If you don't want modded servers to be treated as second class in the meantime, then don't filter them out by default (if they are, I don't remember).
And I should probably start a new thread for this, but the text for some of these new elements can be hard to read. The news, for instance, is hard to read near the bottom, where it says "in-game news section", and I had a bit of trouble where the orange/blue lights are around the times for the battle. The VAC/mod section when loading can also sometimes be near impossible to read.
Max responded while I was typing that out. I understand the change, but it really should have waited until the details window was ready.
Awesome, looking forward to that. one more request (I know, picky picky) is to see the server mods running. just confirmed that it only displays mods that run on the client, but there's no way to tell if the server is running something server-only.
there's one server out there (i'll not name it but i'm sure people have stumbled across it) that runs a 24 slot server but just kicks every player that joins once it's up to 16 players. also does some bizarre stuff with changing player names in the scoreboard. this is partially a gripe to server admins, but it's just as annoying (but a lot more obvious) when there's a single reserved slot. at least then the capacity is an odd number and i can know to avoid it unless i want to spend 2 minutes loading a game just to move on to a different server.
And as Max said above, that part is coming, but really wont impact your experience so negatively in the meantime.. get out there and enjoy trying out some of the cool mods the game has to offer for one patch. There's some great stuff out there.
Minecraft has done this for a couple of versions now by showing a version number (build number in NS2's case) in red alongside incompatible servers. This shows us that we need to update (or the server needs to update).
Probably best to just always filter out incompatible servers not on our favourites as we are less likely to connect to those, but colour incompatible favourite servers red along with the build number in brackets after the name. This would be more ideal than trying to connect to nearly every server available only to be booted for "Incorrect network protocol" each time an update is posted.
Edit: Screen shot of what Minecraft does here:
Hovering over the blacked out ping icon tells you if your client or the server is outdated, though I think you can do better by just colouring the server name red.
I know how you feel, I got some shitty "MONSTER KILL, RAMPAGE, GODLIKE" mod by joining a server today -.-
"Switched scoreboard font back to Arial font."
Best part.
"Removed the distinction between modded and non-modded servers in the server browser (so that modded servers are not treated as “second class”)."
Not sure I like this, how do I find a good old vanilla server now? They kind of ARE second class (unless they have ns2stats which should be exempt from the "modded" filter imo).
"Removed Mezzanine->Server vent."
I like this as it stops the mezz->plat->mezz->plat infinite harrass that takes 2 marines to stop 1 skulk. Sadly this makes the "Detailed and Transparent" map of Tram out of date now and the mod author hasn't been updating it. I was ok with it since Summit/Tram/Veil (the comp maps) were all valid and I need them the most, but with this
I really hope that monsterkill ut sound mod really doesn't exist in this game, that is one of the few things that infuriates me. I'm fine with my custom crosshair/alien vision, and a few custom maps, but things like that I never want on my computer. Ever;; anyway going to stick to servers I already know for public
I left the server almost immediately then proceeded to reformat.
Please allow the filter to filter by mod also. Like tf2 would be nice.
I like vanilla the most.
NS2stats is the source of the UT sounds...
...Always? Or is it specific to certain servers. Why would they ruin such a great mod?!?!?! Fuck, I wanna go kill myself.
It does that every update. Server admins usually get rid of it by disabling the sounds again.