There's no link to it, but this page shows all post sorted by date (with stickies first). If you want to hide the stickies, just click the gear icon and dismiss (you'll have to do it a few times, as each refresh brings more, older, sticky'd posts). It's a chore at first, but it's the closest we'll get to the "New Posts" page.
On the homepage screen it shows people online (I'm guessing the website) and people playing (logged into the game). On the right side on top of the marine picture. 1 click away from any screen.
I saw that before randomrope, but if you click on "108 people online" nothing happens other than it going to the Forums.
If you select "1210 people playing" nothing happens either.
There's no link to it, but this page shows all post sorted by date (with stickies first). If you want to hide the stickies, just click the gear icon and dismiss (you'll have to do it a few times, as each refresh brings more, older, sticky'd posts). It's a chore at first, but it's the closest we'll get to the "New Posts" page.
I simply cannot comprehend this. Does staff feel "View New Posts" is redundant? Do we all have nothing better to do than to pour though every single forum / thread every time we login here?
I've given up. I select the "Home" tab when I login to see if anything new is in NS2 worth re-posting, and I move on. I've been a member of this community since it's inception and will remain loyal, but regretfully the new website is a step in the wrong direction.
Depot, I saw a 'Who's online' function earlier, but can't for the life of me locate it now.
If you select "1210 people playing" nothing happens either.
We now have all the stickies hidden on this page by default now. Looking into making the page more visible via a link or such.
I've given up. I select the "Home" tab when I login to see if anything new is in NS2 worth re-posting, and I move on. I've been a member of this community since it's inception and will remain loyal, but regretfully the new website is a step in the wrong direction.