Improve FPS?
hi guys,
Have a simple question. How to improve the FPS in my own maps? Are there some tips in general to improve the FPS especially in open world areas? I know that the engine is build for indoor maps etc.
But Summit and Docking have an outdoor area and it runs quiet smooth. In my Map i have only 13 fps in an outdoor area.
Have a simple question. How to improve the FPS in my own maps? Are there some tips in general to improve the FPS especially in open world areas? I know that the engine is build for indoor maps etc.
But Summit and Docking have an outdoor area and it runs quiet smooth. In my Map i have only 13 fps in an outdoor area.
Of course basic stuff would be that you remove all the detailed props that are far away. Make the doorways so that it renders
less polygons from the inside areas etc.