New notification system, commander has less to do with mic
Join Date: 2011-02-02 Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow

This is workinprogress, yes I know. But I really want to bring out some thoughts when playing the first games on beta 201.
Notification system are vital in a game like NS2. but having a notification for exacly everything is way to much, it lets a player forget the vital stuffs when tons of things appear in your screen above crossair. Example: When a resources tower goes down or when power goes out in a area is way to much information.
Its the commander role to inform the players when a resources tower is going down and when a power goes out. So commander can coordination by tellling who goes to what and what the rest marines will do, etc etc.
Please reconsider this UWE, let commander have the duty to communicate with the marines. Btw, It's also a bit confusing, when text appears fast and dissapears fast, barly have the change to read the text it at the top of my crossair espacially when im in combat, which is like 99% of my time in-game.
Also the text hub when researching in armslab for example , it's increases in size the further away you are from it making it a big giant text on center of your screen. Would be nice having it the same size when being close to an armslab like when being away from it.
Notification system are vital in a game like NS2. but having a notification for exacly everything is way to much, it lets a player forget the vital stuffs when tons of things appear in your screen above crossair. Example: When a resources tower goes down or when power goes out in a area is way to much information.
Its the commander role to inform the players when a resources tower is going down and when a power goes out. So commander can coordination by tellling who goes to what and what the rest marines will do, etc etc.
Please reconsider this UWE, let commander have the duty to communicate with the marines. Btw, It's also a bit confusing, when text appears fast and dissapears fast, barly have the change to read the text it at the top of my crossair espacially when im in combat, which is like 99% of my time in-game.
Also the text hub when researching in armslab for example , it's increases in size the further away you are from it making it a big giant text on center of your screen. Would be nice having it the same size when being close to an armslab like when being away from it.
I always thought the less talking i have to do as commander the smoother the ride is.
Also i hate playing amongst a team where the commander just doesnt stfu.
Now i feel theres more room for the commander to talk about his master plan and how its going to be done, not this jibba jabba bs "can someone goto flight control pls" "2 skulks in generator someone get it pls"
but no you cant be serious?
If anything, the alien commander is a lot more like a 'cosmic gardener' (lol)
haha !
The less time a leader has to spend on repetitive gameplay information, the more time they can spend inspiring, conversing with, and supporting their troops.
lol i feel the same way. i much prefer my comms to just say "everyone head to x and set up a second base there" and that's it until the job gets done. flight tower controller commanders put me in a bad mood.
The less time a leader has to spend on repetitive gameplay information, the more time they can spend inspiring, conversing with, and supporting their troops.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is very true, and there are still lots of mundane things for players to talk about on their mics. Banners don't tell you where your teammates are so you can work with them.
The less time a leader has to spend on repetitive gameplay information, the more time they can spend inspiring, conversing with, and supporting their troops.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Its no near repetable to inform as commander, so no mather how many notification you have on a specific secuence, the commander will always say " power note down in crevice, please assist " . A commander say this everytime when something is getting destroyed or overruned. So i dissagree of it being to repetable. One thing i do agree on Is notification informing about upgrades so people know the what they have access to. While commander can focus on keeping the marines alive and telling them step by step tarics be because commander has much better view of whats going on.
Also perhaps a banner shouldn't appear if the event happened in the room you're currently in. As you're most likely going to hear and see it and it would be redundant information.
That said, I think I still need to start playing with a mic plugged in.
i hate quiet comms! makes me feel like they are not aware / connected to whats going on.
Comms never share their strat! comms never tell you whats coming down the pipe, so you know to save for X!
A comm that doesn't communicate with his team is sub par, in my opinion. this includes situational things, as not every player is aware there are four skulks in DC etc.
A player should be at least as smart as you are, so why bother doing all their thinking for them when you can let them decide for themselves?
A player should be at least as smart as you are, so why bother doing all their thinking for them when you can let them decide for themselves?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Definitely agree with this. One thing I learned when playing TF2 competitively is I can be <i>really </i>terrible at coming up with strategies on the fly, but I'm good at organizing people if they have the confidence to warn me before I do something stupid. When I comm in this game I'm more concerned with spamming all my assist spells and making each fight cost effective than with giving my team a really specific set of directions.
When I'm not commanding, I play as if my commander has this same mindset - if I think an armory should go somewhere, I'll scold them until it shows up. The problem is that this just leads to perceived power struggling because people are often really defensive..
Why not just give everyone autoaim and one hit kill abilities? Why not make it insanely easy for everyone? The point in playing a game is for the challenge.
The problem I find is that these notifications essentially tell you what only the marine commander should be able to see. All you have to do is have some NS experience, and you can basically know exactly what the commander wants based on what just happened. The same is true for the minimap; you see the location of teammates, you see your location, and you see the location of immediate threats. Putting two and two together is incredibly simple, and you can do exactly what the commander would have to ask you to do, did you not have omniscient knowledge of the battlefield.
Though I feel this may be an old way of thinking, apt for oldassgamers. In NS1, the difference was commander mind vs hive mind. Marines were alerted to the situation by the commander, while aliens were alerted by hive mind. If a res tower was under attack on an alien team, they were instantly notified and given its location, marines were told by the comm. Unfortunately this difference in teams no longer exists, with the introduction of an alien commander, so maybe extra marine information is required to balance this change.
Yet any marine can just bring up their map button and see 2 red skulk icons next to the rt?
Since when can only the com see this kind of information o_O?
I cant imagine anyone having a reason to hate these notifications. I mean now instead of the com telling you of stuff thats under attack, even tho it was always possible to look at the map yourself. A Actual notification pops up telling you and its up to you to act on it. I feel the commander can now focus on more important things such as timing his upgrades and assisting his team with medpacks/umbra whatever.
+1 respect to whoever came up with the idea
now we have a all seeing eye informing every person on the battle field that some ninja is hitting a critical objective.
can we please have notification banners which instantly beacon us to the point of the alert..
i think it is not fair that the com has less work now with communicating and advising his marines, but we still have to walk all the way there.
maybe help us with adding a pre jetpack technology like.. kick scooters
Especially new players benefit from them a lot. And with them, the whole team.
Overall, with such notifications, the game can be a lot more complex, without the need to dumb it down for new players.
And there are also commanders without microphones, you know. ;)
Let's all just get alone guys, how about i offer you free vodka and girls, and everyone will slowly understand that having 14093490 notification of everything will ruined the game in longturn. :)
Tell me if im wrong but over the years the decent gamers have sort of moved on and this era of new gamers really just cant seem to hack it, which i think is why developers are changing the style of gaming just to meet their sales.
Lol, the other day i was watching my flatmate play portal and he just couldent figure it out, got stuck on the tutorial, and i mean the first portal. Now he's a smart guy and all, way more educated than me, but he only just discovered this gaming world 6 months ago when he met me.
Now im not just bashing UWE here, im talking about all of them.
Look at what EA did to red alert- Red alert 2 and yuris revenge were absolute boss. I cant even stand the new ones, all the features and big blocky units just make it sound like a bunch of hype.
Mass Effect 1 and 2 can seriously not have been any more of a noob friendly fps game. Possibly the easiest fps ive ever encountered with unimaginative combat control. The story was cool ill give them that, but the difficulty was just yawn.
Bioware made baldurs gate 1 and 2 which was prolly one of the most orgasmic games ive ever played for both story and difficulty.
Then something like dragon age origins comes along.. i dont even know where to begin.
I call it "simplified gaming"
Let's all just get alone guys, how about i offer you free vodka and girls, and everyone will slowly understand that having 14093490 notification of everything will ruined the game in longturn. :)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So if you don't have a good commander the entire team should suffer?
It's fine and dandy saying 'if you aren't as good you shouldn't get the rewards of being good' but it is in no way at all OK to say 'if one player isn't good the entire team should lose'.
Hopefully this notification system takes the "pressure" off new commanders, and saves lives (literally).
What it doesn't do is make the game any easier, combat is still exactly the same, the bulk of the commander role is still exactly the same, the information the player gets is still <b>exactly the same</b>. The only thing that's changed is <b>who</b> is telling you the information.
I think NS2 is not in danger becoming like that, but there's the tendency in today's games, yes.
thats not true, you forgot the "IF" factor.
if the player even gets relayed that information by the commander can make a big difference for the enemy team trying to pull off a ninja move and turn around the game.
now everyone just gets auto informed by the all seeing eye about something some commanders or some other players didnt even bother to notice, ergo removing the necessity of staying alert and being aware of your battlefield, this is aswell known as <b>DUMBING DOWN</b>
I seriously don't see the issue here. The notifications don't provide any information that a commander wouldn't provide anyway, and they're a <b>huge</b> boon to commanders who don't have microphones. I know it's fashionable to complain about games getting dumber (incidentally arguing that you're smarter than "new gamers"), but this is ridiculous.