Maximum Immersion
Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11426Members

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thats what i call first person immersion.
the way the hud projection slightly moves on the visor, the way the view models interact with different kinds of movement. its just gorgeous what they did there.
the way the player is able to navigate around the maps, even though that video was recorded using a gamepad, it looks very smooth
yeah, enough hype, but these are some very neat elements, just wanted to point that out
thats what i call first person immersion.
the way the hud projection slightly moves on the visor, the way the view models interact with different kinds of movement. its just gorgeous what they did there.
the way the player is able to navigate around the maps, even though that video was recorded using a gamepad, it looks very smooth
yeah, enough hype, but these are some very neat elements, just wanted to point that out
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i'm not big fan of these type of games, but i enjoy seeing the amazing environment. so much details, so much to look at - the city is alive almost.
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yes, interstellar marines is using this aswell, in earlier versions it even had the visor open for a bigger field of view, but you had to run around without hud then :p thats quite neat.
aw man, i cant wait for that one aswell :p
besides of that...i don't think that designing the hud so it looks like an actual projected hud in a helmet can add immersion into a game. Instead it looks kitschy, ... like the developers are just trying too hard. It's almost as awkward as half life 2 with it's so called "scientist" who in fact never said anything and everybody is just talking to him. Valve tried to create immersion by making the player want to answer but this just doesn't work. I don't know about you but i never had any feelings for any hl2 character and even more i never felt that Gordon f. was even a person. It's just 2 hands and a gun to which the npcs are talking... . And this kind of hud has just the same level of awkwardness. It's trying too hard to create (false) immersion and fails.
First time i see crysis2 gameplay videos actually... and it's just awful. Maybe i'm too old or not used to this kind of games but it seems like this game is just about murdering people.... Crysis1 was already bad and this is just the same ###### again. Press WSAD, click, kill people, run, kill people, and while you're at it, why not kill some more people? For no reason, it's just your job. You can use some of your badly thought out upgrades to do the killing even more efficiently. And this is all this game is about. A dumb game done by a dumb dev team, it's like the opposite of ns2 :O . The visuals are pretty good though ... but it gets all spoiled by the actual game. I'd probably buy it if you could just walk around in the jungle or in this case a city and enjoy the movie-like graphics, with no gun no enemies whatsoever. But after watching this videos i'm not even interested in downloading the leak, it's just amazingly bad. No wonder there's no demo; those "AAA" shooters suck more and more every year D:
They're all fur coat no nickers ###### :D
What realy adds to the immersion is the animations of the weapons/hand etc, the ability to see your leggs when you look down, but still it's not a needed feature...
But yeah, good animations means a lot.
Honestly, when I saw that HUD was the final point for me to not buy Crisys2. If they let me change that ###### HUD for a perfect one then I can consider to buy it, but just when it's on sale (less than $30). I think that with the focus on the consoles they screwed a good game.
And thanks to UWE we still have hope to get a perfect AAA game.
How old are you then? This has pretty much been the basis of almost every FPS game ever made (see Doom and Wolfenstein3D).
True, but FPS's in the beginning generally didn't take themselves that seriously (with a lot of tongue-in-cheek), whereas now whole story-lines and SF-technobabble is put in to suggest realism.
This is not a pipe.
I don't care for it. I'm sure it's a nifty graphical feature at first glance, but in terms of effectiveness I would prefer static text at fixed locations on the screen. I'm mostly thinking competitive-play here. Such a 'helmet-HUD' appears to be quite distracting, and it will make you take that much longer to find out what your HP is. Might not be noteworthy in casual play, but in competitive-play if you're downed or lost a conflict because it took you just a split-second longer to read out your H.U.D, it'll quickly go from nifty to griefing.
Of course it doesn't have to be as crazy as this Crysis thing, I especially hate the jump//landing part. But it could be a few pixels of movement and still be very much readable. Heck if we are talking about peripheral vision, it being a bit curved would be better even.
Edit: And if you want to feel like wearing a helmet; wear a helmet. Personally, I can't imagine wearing a helmet, wether the HUD is moving or not.
It is when people don't fancy your ADD-tendencies, and if we're arguing over H.U.D-movement that amounts to as little as a few pixels, it's probably an idea to not bother the devs with this right now, as it's hardly worth their time given the issues currently pending.
Personally I did prefer NS1's static movement, animation and H.U.D. Kept the activity where it was supposed to be, in the middle of the screen.
It's hard to read stuff when it's shaking around so much. It's like arma 2's view bobbing, if you leave it at the default setting it hurts your eyes and makes it almost impossible to see. In real life your mind compensates for the movment of your head, games often make the mistake of translating head movement to view movement and ignoring the mental compensation.
Stuff like FEAR which plays with the hud a bit but doesn't move it around a lot, or metroid prime which moves the hud a bit but quite smoothly and doesn't get in the way of reading it, those are good effects, but crysis seems to be going a bit mental with it.
It's hard to read stuff when it's shaking around so much. It's like arma 2's view bobbing, if you leave it at the default setting it hurts your eyes and makes it almost impossible to see. In real life your mind compensates for the movment of your head, games often make the mistake of translating head movement to view movement and ignoring the mental compensation.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The only hud effects I would like in NS2 is perhaps some kind of flickering or line texture like Dead Space 2, that kind of HUD is amazing.
UWE with a tiny team is doing better than that.
And no, please, the HUD as it is right now is perfect(ible). I have no problem to add different HUDs, but make the actual one the default. Or even better, the community can make new HUDs that could be added to the game and any player can select one that fit their needs.
UWE with a tiny team is doing better than that.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What's that got to do with the price of eggs?
I can't see the video since my internet is shaped, but it would be pretty cool if the HUD was more holographic (as on the actual third-person player model) - so long as it doesn't move around at all. It would just look more three-dimensional than it currently does.
The same thing that you have to do writing here or even being part of this community.
Second thing on my list would be about everyone on a team having a "role" to play. Take a game (an MMO at that) like Planetside (at least in it's vanilla days) and you got the several dropship/transport pilots on the server which people got to know personally. The need for people to watch each others backs also plays into this as medics, engineers, and other support classes couldn't generally go toe to toe with enemy soldiers, needing the grunts of the squad to do the dirty work. And to contrast this, there are games like bad company who's medics are packing light machine guns.. huge immersion killer there.
since the NS marine visor is a holographics device, using a multi layered hud as viewmodel itself with some depth to it, and some slight shifting, rotation in these hud space to vsiualize depth and spatiality while moving would add quite alot.
and yes, interstellar marines does the same thing, they do not use viewmodels, they just put the viewcam right into the head of the worldmodel, since its already detailed enough, why would you do another one for your body? i think they use a different LOD for the weapon models in the ego perspective though. totaly dig the slight scrathces and dirt on the visor moving around when walking :p
Crysis 2 is an example of having too much of what people want, somepeople may not even want the mini map in that botton corner at all (which ns2 solves perfectly assigning it to a key)
theres more examples, just make sure your fufilling the needs and not the wants.
I loved the Alien films, as with all the technology they had there was always something wrong with it. It didn't matter how shiny it was, or utopian some of the scenes were. Especially at the end of aliens where you arrive back to the safety of this 'pristine white' spacecraft and all the comfort that it brings to the watcher.
Then suddenly some huge alien pops up. 'Hi guys!'.
I am particularly excited about all these visual effects UWE are developing, especially the atmospheric dusty musty fog they have going on. It would be great to have a real division between some of the maps (as is planned, can't wait) as being either alien or marine friendly spaces.
To me, immersion implies getting feedback from the surroundings. For example the ammo gauges and number of clips on the weapons.
I would like to see the models change according to damage. Command centers should have claw and bite marks as they get damaged, harvesters should bleed. I expect these items will be added with the upcoming ability to support decals.