Creative people... input please :D



  • esunaesuna Rock Bottom Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15175Members, Constellation
    If you're working with someone who's creative and will also be under the same banner you're trying to get us to name, why not speak to them about it, they may have some input into it.

    Failing that, if you can't even successfully name your own company, quit now, that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as creativity is concerned.
  • JimmehJimmeh Join Date: 2003-08-24 Member: 20173Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1694443:date=Nov 26 2008, 09:44 PM:name=esuna)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(esuna @ Nov 26 2008, 09:44 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694443"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Failing that, if you can't even successfully name your own company, quit now, that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as creativity is concerned.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    While I'd tend to agree with that, people have different strengths. He may be amazingly creative when it comes to website design but be appalling at word play.
  • SentrySteveSentrySteve .txt Join Date: 2002-03-09 Member: 290Members, Constellation
    edited November 2008
    <!--quoteo(post=1694444:date=Nov 26 2008, 04:55 PM:name=Jimmeh)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jimmeh @ Nov 26 2008, 04:55 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694444"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Word Play<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Barring 'Anal Orbital' I think 'Word Play Web Designs' sounds pretty good. Your logo could be a section of a crossword puzzle.
  • CrispyCrispy Jaded GD Join Date: 2004-08-22 Member: 30793Members, Constellation
    'Word Play' doesn't conjure up ideas of webdesign, more of creative writing than graphics. It would be more suited to an advertising company specialised in radio, for example.

    "I say! Webdesign" works better because it plays on what virtually every commercial website owner wants: to be noticed. It's implying that if they do your website, people are going to give a reaction something along the lines of "I say!".
  • remiremi remedy [blu.knight] Join Date: 2003-11-18 Member: 23112Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1694454:date=Nov 26 2008, 07:33 PM:name=Crispy)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Crispy @ Nov 26 2008, 07:33 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694454"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->'Word Play' doesn't conjure up ideas of webdesign, more of creative writing than graphics. It would be more suited to an advertising company specialised in radio, for example.

    "I say! Webdesign" works better because it plays on what virtually every commercial website owner wants: to be noticed. It's implying that if they do your website, people are going to give a reaction something along the lines of "I say!".<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I agree with you.

    "I say! Webdesign" sticks in my head.
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    You should just call it Code Monkey...or something. Because that's what you are. And if your business is a massive success then one day when you're super rich and CEO of the Code Monkey business, you could have a little chimp that knows C++ as your mascot.

    Awww, <i>cute!</i>
  • remiremi remedy [blu.knight] Join Date: 2003-11-18 Member: 23112Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1694509:date=Nov 27 2008, 12:18 PM:name=Haze)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Haze @ Nov 27 2008, 12:18 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694509"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You should just call it Code Monkey...or something. Because that's what you are. And if your business is a massive success then one day when you're super rich and CEO of the Code Monkey business, you could have a little chimp that knows C++ as your mascot.

    Awww, <i>cute!</i><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Terrible idea. It's been done and it is an unoriginal idea- and I don't mean it's unoriginal because it's been done.
    It's just completely lacks any cleverness or creativity.

    On top of that, the term "code monkey" I believe has a negative connotation. I know it does for me.*
    I wouldn't give any business to a place by that name, I would like someone with some ability beyond just writing code. Someone that can engineer the code.

    According to wikipedia, it's also the name of a song and of a show on G4. Searching on google for "Code Monkey" or "Code Munkey" immediately displays what looks like some companies that decided that this was a good idea.


    *It is pretty obvious my distaste for this word. It carries a very negative connotation for me as it is the name of what I don't want to end up being. I might be in that position for a little bit, but I have no intention of just being a code monkey for the rest of my life.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    A web company.

    I may need to church the I up a bit less.
    but it used up my last 30 minutes at work.
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    Eerrrgh... I REALLY hate to piss all over this, but that kind of makes it look like something Apple thought of. It really should be a capital I.
  • remiremi remedy [blu.knight] Join Date: 2003-11-18 Member: 23112Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1694812:date=Dec 1 2008, 05:28 PM:name=lolfighter)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lolfighter @ Dec 1 2008, 05:28 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694812"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Eerrrgh... I REALLY hate to piss all over this, but that kind of makes it look like something Apple thought of. It really should be a capital I.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    That also takes away some of the charm of the name. It's not just "I Say".

    It's: I say! Webdesign

    Totally has a different sound to it, and a lot more character.
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    I'm voting for a capital S in "Say!"
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    Sad to say it is capital.

    I will give it another go tomorrow at works. see if can make it less apple:(

    also the bubble pipe isn't too much then?
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1694722:date=Nov 30 2008, 06:13 PM:name=Psyke)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Psyke @ Nov 30 2008, 06:13 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694722"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->but I have no intention of just being a code monkey for the rest of my life.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
  • remiremi remedy [blu.knight] Join Date: 2003-11-18 Member: 23112Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester
    edited December 2008
    <!--quoteo(post=1694839:date=Dec 1 2008, 10:07 PM:name=Haze)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Haze @ Dec 1 2008, 10:07 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694839"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->< monkey ><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    That's quite cute. Not sure what your point is, but yeah.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    edited December 2008
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    forgot to resize that sorry:(
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    That doesn't look like Apple. Good. But it's still missing the exclamation mark.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Apparently, I just do what LF tells me to do.
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    Should it be Development or Design though? At any rate, it needs to stretch all the way to under the exclamation mark, or it seems "unbalanced" if you know what I mean.
  • SentrySteveSentrySteve .txt Join Date: 2002-03-09 Member: 290Members, Constellation
    I think that's a really cool looking logo, and lol is some kind of logo-master. His suggestions are spot on, chap.
  • CrispyCrispy Jaded GD Join Date: 2004-08-22 Member: 30793Members, Constellation
    I think the I needs to be in a different colour because at the moment it could be misread as 'Say! Web Development', or even ISay.

    Also I would fatten up the bottom of the I to make it almost as wide as the 'head' and put 'Web Development' under both the I and the Say in a bigger font so it can be read clearly as a smaller-sized image. Give the 'man' better proportions, because at the moment it looks like a head on a stick.

    Also, replacing the eye with a monocle would be cool, because then you could have the face alone as a wordless icon for wherever you needed it.

    Finally I'd probably scrub out the background of the 'face' from the smoke so that it looks thicker; less like bubbles, more like smoke.
  • lolfighterlolfighter Snark, Dire Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15693Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1694946:date=Dec 3 2008, 01:40 AM:name=SentrySteve)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SentrySteve @ Dec 3 2008, 01:40 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694946"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I think that's a really cool looking logo, and lol is some kind of logo-master. His suggestions are spot on, chap.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    You give me too much credit. This has been a group effort.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />


    I went trough and tried the fatter I but it looks morbidly obese if I make it as wide as the head, so i fattened it a few pixels and left it.

    I will try the different color suggestion later.

    The Eye bit was supposed to be a monocle and the bubbles were supposed to look like bubbles

    I may have to do a bit more detail on each one of those maybe little gleam things in the edges or something, but i was trying to keep the whole thing extra simple and 2d.
  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    Wow, I gotta say, that is all really good.

    If you want to make it obviously a monocle the few things would be:
    A frame.
    A chain leading to a pocket?
    A little knobby bit on the frame for the chain to attach to or for it to be held by.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    The knobbly bit with border is a kick ass idea, I had ruled the chain out due to the complex nature of it.

    If i weren't sitting in a meeting waiting for the head of the meeting to show up i would totally do that right now.
  • esunaesuna Rock Bottom Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15175Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1694444:date=Nov 26 2008, 09:55 PM:name=Jimmeh)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jimmeh @ Nov 26 2008, 09:55 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1694444"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->While I'd tend to agree with that, people have different strengths. He may be amazingly creative when it comes to website design but be appalling at word play.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    As far as current suggestions like "Moustache" and "I Say!" go, i'm pretty sure he could conjour up something better fairly easily.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    <img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    ignore the scray black box on teh second one.
  • SvenpaSvenpa Wait, what? Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25012Members, Constellation
    It has too many little things to force the eyes to flicker through (read, ignore) but it doesn't work without it. I suggest making something else.

    Less is more!
  • esunaesuna Rock Bottom Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15175Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1695035:date=Dec 3 2008, 10:09 PM:name=Svenpa)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Svenpa @ Dec 3 2008, 10:09 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1695035"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->It has too many little things to force the eyes to flicker through (read, ignore) but it doesn't work without it. I suggest making something else.

    Less is more!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Not to mention how hideously inappropriate it is for a design company to use a logo created by a third party.
  • GoogleMaleGoogleMale Join Date: 2008-12-03 Member: 65643Members
    Very nice logo. Few suggestions: The S should be at the exact centre of the I. The 'web development' should be moved up a few pixels nearer to the 'Say'. And then the entire 'Say' and 'web development' should be moved to the right a few pixels.

    Symmetry is a very important part of logo design. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/nerd-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::nerdy::" border="0" alt="nerd-fix.gif" />
  • remiremi remedy [blu.knight] Join Date: 2003-11-18 Member: 23112Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1695052:date=Dec 3 2008, 09:00 PM:name=GoogleMale)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(GoogleMale @ Dec 3 2008, 09:00 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1695052"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Very nice logo. Few suggestions: The S should be at the exact centre of the I. The 'web development' should be moved up a few pixels nearer to the 'Say'. And then the entire 'Say' and 'web development' should be moved to the right a few pixels.

    Symmetry is a very important part of logo design. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/nerd-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::nerdy::" border="0" alt="nerd-fix.gif" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    So is balance, which is why I disagree with everything you said except for the last.
    More space between I and Say will help them appear as separate words, but your other suggestions I fear would make it feel off balance.
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