Is any other post ever read in the forum? Is there even a minor attempt to make a casual glancing search for similar statements or is it requirement to make this post as a new thread almost once a da… (View Post)
Honestly, the only reason I would ever use a console command is because of a bug that breaks the game from moving forward. Like a quest not completing or the game not letting you move to many upgrade… (View Post)
Currently you cannot recharge the power on Batteries and power cells. Once they are spent, they are forever more useless. You have to make new power cells and replace the old ones. That will eventual… (View Post)
It's not even in alpha yet, this guy is just being a troll or ignorant beyond belief of what stage the title is in. I mean, Minecraft, Bioshock? When we're either of these games ever in the preview p… (View Post)
Netto, you make it sound as if they are snake oil salesman trying to pass fake cures off on unsuspecting desperate people. Haha. Even if the game fails to make the final cut, just the stuff they have… (View Post)