A rookie that worries about learning mechanics before playing the game?
Yup, makes a lot of sense, and kind of unavoidable, if u want to keep the same visual effect
Btw I did the same tes… -
My test
1) structures without shade: http://i.imgur.com/Oi0MrLD.jpg 61 fps
2) with shade: http://i.imgur.com/K8aW… -
Does it work like that? Duuh... can't really call that a queue xD
Auto-join sounds more appropriate … -
It's not about informing the player whether he has reserved slots, but using that information for filtering.
Consider a semi-full server (full non-reserved slots, available reserved slots).
If you don't have a res… -
Well, I have no idea about the technical limitations.
I was convinced it was a bug at first, since I had no hints about slots reservation, that's why I made this thread.
Is there a way for the client browser to:(Quote) That's exactly the way Battlefield 1942 handled it
The whole point of filtering is to avoid doing that.
Yea, I get it, the non-reserved slots are all taken, some reserved slots are still available.
Still, this way of displaying data isn't useful for most people out therein Dear Santa, can we please have a proper Server Browser after 1 year from release? Thanks. Comment by wopwop December 2013
Their design must have been bad on purpose then...
I mean, how many players actually have reserved slots? And even then, you probably have a slot on ONE server.
The way servers are filtered now just makes it more annoying for the g…(Quote)
Well, 4,2 ghz is hardly unbelievable... it is actually a piece of cake on such CPUs with unlocked multipliers..
although I agree, this need of power is pretty frustrating, considering the era of multithreading we're in.
…Bye NS2, cya in a few weeks.yea, their offensive capabilities are like... null.
I can't remember the last time I saw a babbler kill
Obviously …Alt Tabbing unlocked Horror mode for me:(Quote)
Ahw gad, I knew about the tree but didn't know it showed progress, amazing!
I'd love to see upgrades progress on my UI as a non-commander.
Obviously that information wouldn't be always on... it would be shown on a key press, maybe when opening the map.Uhm I have no idea about that wild variation. It sure is strange.
The 0ms indicates a CPU bottleneck because, as I understood, well, your CPU is *not* waiting for your GPU to render frames.
That means it's working as much as it can…When things get messy in mid-late game, as your fps goes down,
open console - type r_stats
there should be an information about how much time your CPU spends waiting for your GPU, displayed in milliseconds.
If you get …Are you sure you're not being bottlenecked by your CPU regardless of your GPUs frequency?(Quote)
3 cents?I don't have many problems vs turtles as Alien.
I keep gorging, babbling up and Bilebomb suicide rushing.
Most of the times, I cause more damage than they can fix, and I will eventually take down important structures.
I... just... can't stop staring at your avatar.
Are you a sorcerer?
1800? the highest I know of, for a single monitor, is 2560x1600, which has about twice the pixels as 1920*1080.
Any APU would seriously struggle there... even high-end VGAs have serious troubles maintaining decent frame…Just use 2 bars?
1st showing current fuel tank, 2nd showing total fuel.(Quote)
Very high framerates in Bioshock Infinite?
What resolution does he play at?
I've just checked reviews of 6800K (the apu I assume your friend has) and benchmarks.
In Bioshock Infinite it pulls 25 fps …They changed AV because they wanted people to use it situationally, as a tool, involving decisions. Right?
As of now, I use AV maybe 1% of the time, or less, in those few seconds when lights are completely off.
Before patch:
Res are obtained regardless of alive/dead status.
By the way, kill-related res generation would be problematic to Gorges and unfair for supporting roles, like a Lerk spamming umbra.(Quote)
You have to consider this phenomenon.
The belly is sticky, yes. But also the ground that the Gorge touches, because it makes contact with its belly.
So, we have 2 stick surfaces colliding.
NOW think of MAGNE…