yes, shouldent be so hard to make then..
And there is also a lot of the ventilations for the aliens to move aroud in that doesnt show properly as well. for eksample in the map Veil, in cargo bay, there is a ventilation on the right side that dosnt show properly on the map, i just discovere…
To be honest, I think it would be a little unbalanced if only one team should be able to "spot" buildings on the map. NS2 is a mix between FPS and RTS, so I would love to see fog of war. All building discovered should show on the map until they get …
Yeah I guess you are right
Yes Calego, the info in the upper left corner is helpful indeed
but still think the minimap need a little upgrade.
Of … -
I totally agree with you soccerguy! And i feel there is a lot of those dead ends
Ok Hamlet, I agree with you, the more i play the easier it gets to navigate around, but i am still playing "where is Waldo?", And I dont have time to play that much, i will proboably reach 500 hours in a couple of years. but once in a while I love t…
Thank you Farren
So far it looks like it helps a lotin Cant get game to runs smooth Comment by wollof February 2013
Thanks for the reply Eddie, even though it was grave news
But can you explain why its not fast enoug? I paly other … -
I specially like the idea about priority on phase gates, maby the commander could set that when a base is under attack. when you have 4 phase gates on the map and you have to phase through them all to get to the one that is under attack can be very …
i found it, thank you
I dont know
but does it go into a certain folder? and do you know which?
Hey WildChicken. thanks for the reply
1. I guess there is a lot of people that find it obvious, but then again I dont …