

Las Maliborski
Last Active


  • (Quote) I don't want the game dissolve into rust, ark or whatever, i just wanted to be able to play with my friend in coop.
  • (Quote) I perfectly understand it is not MP game.
    But What? How is that your argument against MP, how can you even say that multiplayer will ruin your gameplay experience, if it will in no way affect your gameplay AT ALL. Its like saying -"…
  • (Quote)
    I don't think they said monday, they said "soon next week" or "early next week".
  • (Quote) I knew you can dig sand but not terraform, my save is still quite big even though i didnt terraform much except making a base. It would be fine for me if they removed it. I've seen post that terraformer is being removed next update is tha…
  • I do not use the console except for changing the FOV to comfortable 90, so maybe add that to the menu before disabling debug console.

    I get what you mean Jamezorg, but those games , one of the reason is that they have badly designed maps…
  • Nice, I will also have some more time next weekend, turned out good timing for me. I don't care if old saves would work, I would star over anyway, the whole point of the game would be lost for me if you have your base and everything. My only questio…
  • ignoring Arctic Zone
  • (Quote) Whats the difference if all the raw materials are in your base, you are stacked either way, I only prepare 2 or 3 fish at a time anyway, and water makes itself. I don't want crafting to become a chore.
  • (Quote)
    Do you serously think that making crafting times longer will significantly affect the game length? Even if so, it would bring the quality of the time down. Exploration is the main idea in this game, why would you want to keep peopl…
  • I think it would be fun to be able to schedule craftings, you supply the materials needed, craft dependencies first then schedule the main item etc, that way you could setup crating for the time you are out exploring. The downside would be to make s…
  • I'm interested in experiencing crafting times, but I would also like to be able to schedule items at the same time, I could then stack 10 min worth of crafting, make sure I will have enough energy, and then go mine or do whatever else than to sit an…