Why are people going on about "Agile Development"? Hugh never said anything about it, he talked about "rapid iteration".
Ghoul mentioned it but the whole buzz word is so vague, you can't really know what that means in the end. -
(Quote) I doubt that rookies notice the differences between smaller patches.
Having complex software and a fast update cycle are not mutably exclusive, not at all. -
I in favor of moving to a faster development circle.
One approach to the "updates break" problematic would be something like this:
- At all times there are always two version of the game (a and b) on all clients and servers.
… -
(Quote) Can you elaborate on that? I always though cdt and compmod development where pretty close, seeing how much from comp is used in vanilla now.
(Quote) But not as bad as chams communication.
Mendasp, thank you.
I think its important that you made this post. It shines some light on how thinks got handled and will be handled in the future from UWE and the CDT.
I wish you the best!
(Quote) You sure about that?
He is sure as hell no representative of mine.
Zefram is a normal player at that point, a rather inactive one at that.
He talked multiple times about how the game is dead anyway, he and his team don't… -
So can I asked the engine if a sound reaches from a position x to a position y?
Otherwise I not only have to check every sound event that interests me, but also have to guess if the sound reaches e.g. 10 Meters. -
I would recommend joining and active team that plays in the ensl, Division 4 or Division 3 if you are really good.
By all means try out the gather, but don't disappoint if there isn't one on workdays, since the summer is kind of slow.
Fo… -
Yeah, shoot me a message, I think I still have a key or two flying around.
Raza had the idea a long time ago but dropped it. I asked for the network specifications of NS2, to see if it can be easily done (without touching the server), but never heard back from anyone. -
Is it really open source? If so, with what license does it ship?
It was my understanding, that the source is just "accessible" for people that have the game.
in Announcing the Community Development Team - Build 266 and possibly beyond? Comment by simple_ May 2014 -
I like the idea, but its something that has to be tried. Maybe find a few teams that want to use it in a pcw/scrim?
The question is, is using a GL something that people will stick to and only use that for the rest of their time in the game. I don't think so.
In my eyes the GL is more like the noobtube in cod. Good for starters but most peo… -
But expect to read a lot of code. The documentation is not very extensive and comments are rare, too.
Looks great from the screenshot! I usually like to play on servers under 20 slots so this could be real useful.
Are you planning on releasing it on the steam workshop? Much more convenient that wayAt the start of a round you can try to drop a RT at the possible alien locations.
If it works, recycle it. If you get an error -> there is your starting hive. Res cost? Zero.
Thats what I usually do, while my marines build the first R…(Quote) How did you solve your problem?(Quote)
Thats sounds like solid life advise(Quote) Do that! Like the video!
So...where can I get one? Didn't find anything in the shop.(Quote) Its pretty annoying. I started just recently to organize pcws for my team. First you have to wait for every member of your own team to get back to you, which time and day works, tell that to the other team and wait again. If the other tea…(Quote) The players
Yesterday I was comm for a bunch of rookies (most of the time I felt like I talk to my self) but after …One should probably avoid these servers from ZMGaming altogether.
A groge biled through the wall in terminal, and I considered that cheating. But one of the admins there kicked me for saying so.
(Quote) I don't have the shadow gorge. Maybe that are to separate issues?
I get randomly kick from servers with this message since 259.
It happens not on every server but on about half on them and not only to me. Right after the update it happend alot, so half the server got kicked. Now it happens every few hours.I had also again a few problems. Not every match but sometimes.
I will post a log when I have time.Looks goodNo problems after 2 hours playing
Thank you!