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  • (Quote)
    @Rautapalli, it depends. If I'm going to use metabolize multiple times in a row, especially for healing with advanced, then I will switch to weapon 2 …
  • In Doom, at least the original, sprinting was defaulted to always on with a walk button. You could reconfigure to walk with a sprint button if you wanted to.
  • Just played seven marine stomps in a row this morning, not even close to balanced and very frustrating, even though the teams kept changing and the best players weren't stacking every game. The fact that the previous hitboxes did not cover 100% of …
  • (Quote)
    This is one opinion, that you have repeatedly stated as if it is fact and not merely opinion, and maybe with competitive level play you are right, idk, but I have heard many players in pubs express great affection for these changes…
    in Please listen Comment by sen July 2016
  • (Quote)
    You could have the bots play but remove them from the auto concede calculation. Best of both worlds.
    in Please listen Comment by sen July 2016
  • (Quote)
    That could be a solution where it can only kick in during the first few minutes, but i'd hate to see games where no one else joins and auto balance turns off 5 minutes in giving a sudden player count boost to one team.
    in Please listen Comment by sen July 2016
  • @BeigeAlert I have frequently seen situations where autobalance would help at the beginning of the match when a more skilled player or 2 is shuffled to aliens, the game…
    in Please listen Comment by sen July 2016
  • I wonder if reinstating the logic preventing a player from joining a team when that team has more human players than the other one would improve things.
  • Here's a minor UI bug I don't know if it has been reported anywhere. I have my mouse scroll wheel up bound to select weapon 1 and scroll down bound to select weapon 2 and this makes it impossible for me to zoom in and out in spectator mode.
  • Are we certain that a marine walking makes sound that radiates the same distance as an RT? Could a marine walking possibly be a little louder and thus have a different cut off distance?
  • (Quote)
    Nordic I think you got your hours and minutes mixed up in one of these examples here.

    90 * .25hrs[15 min] is 22.5 hours but 200 * .25 = only 50 hours, or 3000 minutes, nowhere near as bad as what you're claiming. Where…
  • A handful of times in games in the past I have pointed out that stab is far better for structure/armor damage and the response from other players has invariably been "Fades shouldn't be attacking structures anyway."
    in Stab Bug Comment by sen June 2016
  • Sometimes the cyst chain gets screwed up when structures are placed in doorways instead of rooms. This might be what you're experiencing.
    in Fix on cyst bug Comment by sen June 2016
  • Hi Web! To reiterate and add on to what others are saying, LuckyFKers is a heavily modified server that is trying to change the game back to pre 297 or earlier. They do not have focus, vampirism or crush, and they have made many other changes to tr…
  • Today as a fade and some months ago as an onos on Refinery I got stuck on the edge of the vent connecting Falls with Chasm, on the falls side. Unstuck didn't work, I couldn't egg. Both times I had to !kill my higher lifeform. I haven't spent any …
  • Oh, I'm not sure this is quite what you're looking for, but in spectate mode the interface showing the alien stats on the left hand side of the screen frequently covers part of where people's names are displayed for voicecomm, at least at 1080p.
  • Last night our commander was unable to evolve a shift hive. Said he'd had this bug many times before. I have seen this happen before, but it's been many months.
  • Since we're doing wishlists here, the most important part, IMO, is splitting the skill level into two numbers, Alien skill and Marine skill. The two skillsets are different enough that having them under one number is ridiculous and makes balancing …
  • From what I've heard from other people in game this has been tried before but the problem is that someone inevitably jumps into the comm chair and builds large amounts of structures/drifters/etc and the server crashes. Maybe someone is interested i…
  • I'm not sure if this should go here or some bug reporting section. Here are a few issues I've noticed since 275.

    * When shooting a skulk the death sound effect will sometimes play (not always but frequently enough to confuse and frustra…
    in 275 Feedback Comment by sen August 2015