Because it's not enough to just live. You have to have something to live for. Let it be Earth.
60 fps is too much too ask. I believe Forza 6 runs on 60 fps and few other games.
The textures and frames could be better, yes. But the awful rendering of the terrain is what kills the game for me.
I am not really disappointed in buyin… -
'' Fireman to resque'' - Escape an attack from a hostile mediocre or big 'fish' with your fire extinguisher while on less then 20% life. !
'' No puppy lover afterall!'' - Bread some fish, then eat them.!
fun topic. lol … -
Let's not forget the rendering of the terrain that is horrible. , im gonna do a speedrun to see what the game can handle on xbox. in for 3 hours and already makin progress lol
in Things I found as causes for low frame rate Comment by oelikoelie July 2016
Today i installed a new game and did it with the cable connected and nothing else. It does seem to work better now than the first 2 times. In creative mode i have my options back. I did manage to put some 5 hours into the game.
The so… -
I hope they still think about giving us the option to turn them off. -
We cant tell you to stop playing.New install can! work but not guaranteed. I tried. I personally gonna try a…
I already installed it twice and it doesn't work. I don't have chairs and desks and much more in creative build. I have 2 of the 4 building screens blank. and others have things not complete. cc doesnt work. My game is realy … -
Thats not the devs fault but the One's browser. But it's just as, as not easier to do it on pc so that's no issue hereBeing in creative mode now give me even less building options then before?
looking forward to a new update were you can build everytning in creative mode that is in the game.
- inventory menu is gone.
I started a freedom file. When i was in the water i saved and used cc to make it a creative file. So that works.
I just found a sound issue when aproaching a mushroom biome in my seamoth. like a clunky sound of a bulkhead. It keeps o…Yes creative mode has visual problems from the start. My wetsuit textures get all wonky. I wasn't going to play due to the many bugs still in the new update. But today i thought, lets start a creative file. mmm say t again, love the game devs,…Would someone recommend to use console commands for visual improvement on the xbox for now? I just found you can set rendering distance, shadows, bloom. etc. Will this help for now? I haven't tried to touch the visual commands on the console d…(Quote)
I have the oposite. Framerate is a bit better but the rendering, oh my God.. As soon as i go to the mushroom biome(s) th rendering of the terrain is awefull. It;s a real gamebreaker for me at the moment. It takes ages f…Man i'm looking forward to play this game. But the last update didn't improve it for me. The game now has even more trouble with the rendering of the envirement, I also see a lot of you also have the sound/air/bubble issue.
When the …The rendering of the terrain is worse than before. It takes ages for mushroom biomes to render in and that realy makes it not fun to play. For me the new updates doesn't do the job of wanting to dive into the game again.
I love the g…Rendring of biomes is still a bigg mess. Maybe framerates are a bit better but cmon. When i go to a mushrooom biome i have to pause swimming, look around me for a minute, and slowly the big mushrooms come into place. this realy takes away from t…I don't mind starting a new game. If the game comes out and achievements are there we have to start a new game anyway.
But now , i started a new game, then saved. Went back to the menu. And the save is not there. Only my old saves are …Started a new game and have constant sound issue. Some air noice. it makes the game realy unplayable because it keeps on goinn ... and goin..........a...... i hva e to stop it. sorry devs.
Now what?(Quote)
if there is pls tell meThe sound . The air sound.. indeed,,,, make it stop. it makes the game unplayable Realy! I can't even explore after the update because this sound makes you batshi# crazy.
I can't even give you feedback because a new game starts dire…How is the rendering after the updates? Did it improve with the framerate? I didn't had the time for my Xbox one last week so i haven't played yet. But i was wondering though. Especialy in the mushroom biome it was pretty bad.Hi Devs. What is your advise on the update? Is it better to delete my old game and saves? I don't mind if so.
Also, people are talking about better framerates. I also wonder how it is with the rendering of the terrain? that was more…I tried: ''item newpatch 1'' But nothing there.Glad to here we are all exited. lol..
I still say to the Dev…I started the game yesterday and there was no patch? When is it released?(Quote)
If they would make the day/night cycle duration longer then now, i agree. When it keeps getting dark and light every 5 minutes i see no reason for a bed.
But i would like to see the duration cyclus longer and thuss a bed wou…Grand Theft auto San Andreas on the old Xbox. The cheats here added a lot of fun to the game so i say again, just let us keep them. You can choose to use them or don't! Simple as that.(Quote)
Yes... Please!(Quote)
Works evry time(Quote)
Jip same here. Wish i could turn them on and off because they are very annoying when you have more than 10! And also when sightseeing they are very distracting!in How important is the lifepod? Comment by oelikoelie June 2016