So....any word on the update...?
HAPPY 4TH TO EVERYBOD.....oh.....well crap.
Thank. You. This is really all that needs to be said. People have the right to be angry, but before anger be considerate you must. That is some YODA LEVEL WISDOM there! They are trying. I'm satisfied, and if you arent, that's ok to… -
Guys, chill. We've all waited for weeks for this update. Not to be repetitive, but I've said before that this is a WIP game. By no means should anyone expect their game to be unflawed. Everyone knew this when they bought it. There WILL be issues. Th…
@killerspiller84 yeah, been a lot of people having the same issue with the blueprints. Most likely will be fixed in the upcoming update. Until then, you can use co…
Well guys....I'd say you're stuck between a wall and a hard place.
. But as in stuck in a wall no way out Comment by njohnson1448 June 2016
Well now. Ain't we a happy friggin ray of sunshine?
Guys...I can cheer everyone up. I....have found.....BIGFOOT!
Well, see, there was limited room for beds...and Reginald the Airsack needed a place to stay. So Squeal, out of the goodness of his heart let him share a bed with him. There IS the issue of Reginald being a fish, and the no water thing and all....bu…
And @Squeal_Like_A_Pig totally is stuck sharing the bed with the Airsack....XD....please don't dev smite me now...
Instead of everyone arguing, we should all get together and build an undersea base somewhere with nonexistent government laser beams coming out of our habitat builder/ear cleaner. I call top bunk!
in WHEN IS THE UPDATE! Comment by njohnson1448 June 2016
So...but random...but Australian people really say mate a lot? It's not some stereotypical thing?
I'll give a big hooah on that. Everyone is just excited about the game/update. We ain't all that bad. Most of us anyway. Lol
Relax guys. They're just playing Hide and seek.
I'm assuming you know by now, but just in case you dont, beds will most likely be included in the upcoming update.
You sir have my respect. I agree completely. No need to fight and ask the same questions constantly. I'm surprised they aren't annoyed yet. Although squeal did seem a bit irritated this last time. So lastly guys, it'll be soon. My guess is a week or…
@HYBRID1313 Buuuuutttttt whyyyyyyyyyy??? Lol
Wouldn't be a terrible idea on survival and hardcore. For balancing reasons, it should be damaged too quickly otherwise you'd spend all the materials you find exploring on simply repairing your stuff. There'd be no point to explore and risk damaging…
I actually really like that electrical suit idea. It'd be like the reinforced suit but would drive them away instead. Not bad, good sir. Not bad at all. -
Hate to say it man, but this is their game. If they wanted to give us an update every 6 months or more they could. Or choose to not focus on Xbox version bugs at all right now. We all knew there would most likely issues when we bou… -
Psshhh. Details.. lol -
This is what's wrong with the world...EVERYONES LAZY!!! In all seriousness though, I do see how that'd be helpful. The only thing is that some large items in the future would possibly take more than you could carry.
They are currently testing everything, making quick adjustments for glitches, bugs, etc. However, the devs themselves have said they are very close and it will be soon. Everyone is very excited, but patience is a must. Otherwise, they may grow irrit…
Punctuation would be much appreciated..Anyway, it's unlikely that the exosuit will be in the upcoming Xbox update. Most likely in the next. Second, I'm not for certain if this may be the issue, but some debug commands may not work on the console ver…
Not sure of they're similar, but it's on steam for sure. Xbox one version will be in the Xbox store.
I can now without a doubt confirm this.
A void creature of some kind would be rather neat, but it'd be rather difficult to keep the realism. I mean, the entire surrounding ocean be filled with plant tentacles, but why not the playable area? What kept the tentacles away? Food for thought
ITS LITTLE MICHAEL!!! And to Squeal, Awesome man. So....any chance for a working maid robot thing in said update, cause turns out the player character is a bit of a slob....empty water bottles...old fish bones...and don't even get me STARTED on the …